[Breaking News!] 5:00 pm

Feb 28, 2011 20:00

[At 5pm sharp, all AGI broadcasting feeds- that means most of your TV channels and radio stations in the city are suddenly interrupted with a burst of noisy static which lasts for a duration twelve seconds.

All goes quiet, and then a soft and charismatic, ominous voice breaks the silence.]

48 hours and counting, till the rising of this island's terrible heart. We are making final preparations as the time of awakening approaches, Siren's Port.

[On the television broadcast, a row of candles and circle of cloaked figures in bright blue robes can be seen, their faces shadowed above the nose.

One, with long deep blue hair, appears to be leading the others through slow series of gestures, movements, a ritual chant. 'It's coming, it's coming, the hour is coming.' ]

This is your final chance to turn your energies to the center, worship that which anchors us, and prepare to behold the power which is about to be unleashed, when the darkness is lifted, the dead revived.

Worry not, for we will strengthen your faith, you doubting, skeptical people. We will prove the gifts of this new blood have spilled over into all of us.  When we break all suspended mortality in the city hospitals, all will know: your false machines cannot feed life like our beacon, like our great source of power!

With the lifeblood of its chosen spilled out, the marked our core has spat out from its deep womb fed back into the earth, that slumbering spirit will be released at long last! It will devour the faithless in a tide of scalding fire, raise the proud companies to the ground, and give rebirth to a new era of vitality and-

[An abrupt shrill of a high-pitched signal tone interrupts the broadcast, and the screens show a test pattern for another half a minute before very disturbed anchormen and radio announcers awkwardly return to their regularly scheduled programming,  with embarrassed promises for developing updates on the nightly news at 11.]


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