valentine's is done.

Feb 14, 2011 10:18

Who: A Certain Scientific Vampire (tiersdes ) and A Certain Scientific Psychic (soldiershin )
When: The 14th
Where: A place where little girls should not be in---er, Lion's Gate
Summary: A Crusnik and another (yes, another!) Mu cross paths inside a nightclub.
Warnings: mild violence, Seth being Seth.

The curtains flew, then she appeared. )

jomy marquis shin, seth nightroad

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Comments 14

soldiershin February 16 2011, 19:03:08 UTC
Minds don't vanish.

Even when facing death, the mind lingers, hindered from passing on by attachments too strong to be cleanly severed by lifelessness. So perhaps the more accurate term is that minds fade. Slowly. Reluctantly. It's a sensation that Siren's Port is in no ways lacking; the buzzing and the fading and the general noise is always present, and the ensuing headache is something Jomy has long-since accepted as the norm during his stay in this city.

And so amongst the bustling of medium-sized crowd of the night, he doesn't catch the bodies' disappearances. Not immediately. His eyes are open, but are a little glazed, exhaustion crawling up and down his spine as he continues to keep vigil. What does catch his attention is the bright spark of alarm that goes off, flavored by panic and an all-too-telling whatthefuckishappening-thoughts, slamming into his senses with the sensitivity of a freight train ( ... )


tiersdes February 17 2011, 10:41:26 UTC
It's kind of like watching two tv shows simultaneously. One moment, Seth is a hardened vigilante making short work of the SERO goons---as more of them begin vanishing, echoing frantic, disjointed thoughts of whothefuckareYOU and it'sagirl?!, followed by he inevitable bursts of pain and unconsciousness.

That'll be his first clue.

But once Jomy enters the fray, Seth is safely (or so she'd like to think) in disguise, mingling with the crowd and flirting with some of the younger men. Her thoughts are oblique as she makes sure not to arouse any suspicion before vanishing again, but an off-hand thought of I need actual information... may just tip Jomy off.

But only for a moment. She's back to playing up her game, although now she's on the lookout for her next target.


ugh sorry 'bout the tl;dr... soldiershin February 20 2011, 03:30:30 UTC
The noises caused by the thoughts of the guests are slightly louder than normal (which is expected; Valentines seemed to be quite an enjoyable holiday for people of this time), but it's not so loud as to dampen the spikes caused by the mystery intruder. His attention jumps from one panicked thought to another until the peculiar, relaxed (but focused) thought nudges against him.

He doesn't immediately connect the two together - the emotions were too far from each other on the spectrum to click, just like that. Only they do (click, that is), as soon as he blots out the background noise from the rest of the guests, blissfully unaware of his mental chase. And from there? It's just a matter of narrowing down the suspects on a physical level while following the source.

It takes Jomy no more than ten minutes to pinpoint her (a girl one of the thoughts had shared). But a place of the club's size, no matter the number of thoughts, is easy enough to search through if he knows what he's looking for. And a barcode made of thoughts-emotions- ( ... )


don't ever be sorry---it is beautiful. tiersdes February 20 2011, 06:23:44 UTC
Seth only half-notices Jomy at first, glancing at him briefly and making as if she's too busy giggling at one guy's attempts at wooing her (How silly!, she laughs, in her mind---placing perhaps another detour sign to make Jomy back off).

And that's when she feels him prying into her mind. Her Crusnik nanomachines twitch---the feeling is even more uncomfortable than when Shiroe tried to do so weeks earlier---and uncomfortable enough to make her thoughts blurt out, Shiroe? for just a split second before she bolsters her own will to shove Jomy out before he finds out too much.

Damn. And the prying is deliberate, too---has she been caught? He's approaching her now, and the way he's looking at and addressing her---it's much too deliberate.

Although his question does make her laugh, and she treats him just like any of the other guys who've been sniffing her butt all night, grinning mischievously and meeting his inquiry with another inquiry of her own: "I don't know. May you ( ... )


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