I won't let you turn around, put me down

Jan 05, 2011 17:07

Who: Aizen and YOU.
When: Throughout the 5th Jan. A DAY WITH AIZEN YAY.
Where: All sorts of places.
Summary: Aizen's out today! If you want your character to run into him, please specify which time/place you've selected. NB: This isn't so good guys can track him throughout the day, because that would prove pretty damn difficult with the way he ( Read more... )

minato namikaze, aizen sousuko, black mask, *open log

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alapimp January 5 2011, 20:21:51 UTC
"Evidently," he nodded, turning a page of his newspaper and replacing his latte closer to his half of the table. To be courteous (he could read and feign interest for the sake of manners) Sousuke asked, "On your way to class?"


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alapimp January 5 2011, 23:08:13 UTC
Neglecting to ask what was so amusing, he offered a polite smile.

"Where do you work?"


19:40pm, Black Market ebony_mask January 5 2011, 20:13:47 UTC
[Black Mask has forgone disguising his skull with putty and makeup; appearances go a long way when dealing with people in the black market, and a guy with a skull for a face isn't as likely to be fucked around with as much as Joe Blow with a nose. Typically he sticks to the more practical, weapons related stalls, but the diverse and strange things here are so different from home that he can't help but browse. He's stopped at a stall specializing in trapped soul pendants and eying one such item skeptically. The vendor, of course, would insist upon its authenticity, but a second opinion never hurts. Roman turns to the man in the black overcoat next to him, jerking his thumb at the pendant the vendor is holding up.]

Is this shit for real?


alapimp January 5 2011, 20:20:07 UTC
[ Brown eyes that could host a range of emotions flicker sideways to the - skeleton? - man at his side. Sending a pulse of reiatsu through the necklaces, they each shatter save one, an obsidian stone that doesn't appear to be imbued with any of the smokey effects of the others. With a sharp glance at the (now apologetic) vendor, he gives the stranger a mild smile. ]

That one is. As to the worth of the soul, however, I can't attest.


ebony_mask January 5 2011, 22:50:35 UTC
[Roman gives the stranger an impressed look.]

That's one way of answering.

[He picks up the obsidian pendant with a gloved hand, gingerly holding it by the chain. His eyes narrow as he inspects the stone for...what? Hell if he knows.]

I meant what the hell do you do with a trapped soul? I ain't ever seen one of these before.


alapimp January 5 2011, 23:24:29 UTC
Use it in a spell, add it much in the style of any other ingredient. [ A shrug. ] Collect enough souls and anything is possible, their power can be a potent force to be reckoned with; you've seen what the Darkness can do, have you not? There's your answer.


22:01pm, S1; Hope this is okay? |D; turntodarkness January 6 2011, 01:28:52 UTC
[It's dark, the sirens have gone off, and Ansem is out on the prowl. Despite warnings of monsters, he is a curious one--and the prospect of a good meal is something he's not about to give up. However, his lurking in the shadows and snatching the hearts of any creature daring to come too close comes to an abrupt end as he notices something else. There is someone, with quite a strong presence. When he moves closer to investigate... My, he recognizes that face from a certain video conversation. Oh, this is excellent timing indeed. With a simple twist of darkness, he opens a corridor and arrives where he can be more easily noticed--but still outside of that barrier.]

So you are Aizen, then. How ironic we meet so soon, in the Darkness.


ofc 83c alapimp January 6 2011, 01:33:21 UTC
[ His attention slides sideways as he senses a significantly stronger presence, halting in the middle of the rural backstreet, gravel under his feet and hedges netted high on either side. Watching as Ansem departs the Darkness (Garganta? What is that?) he offers him a greeting smile. ]

Ansem-san. Do you often walk this way of an evening?


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 01:52:14 UTC
[That smile is returned, Ansem allowing his Guardian to protect him from any zealous monsters that come too close. One shouldn't eat and talk at the same time, after all. It's quite rude.]

I am still exploring and learning what I can. Evenings, however, I seek out the best hunting grounds. What of you?


alapimp January 6 2011, 01:59:28 UTC
[ A pleasant stroll it is! Pulling in his reiatsu, he walks alongside Ansem with a curious glance at the creature behind. ]

I've just finished a tour of the mall, if you haven't been. It's quite large and offers a variety of interesting finds, if one knows where to look, but then again I'd rather be asleep before heading back to the university tomorrow so I decided to come home.

Is that your bodyguard?


22:01pm, S1 fireintwilight January 6 2011, 03:39:05 UTC
[Standing beneath a streetlight, he's listening to the things that seethe outside the yellow circle of light, and the crackling of flames dying down. He drew a wall of fire between himself and the last creature that attacked him; there's nothing left of it now, except for the tears in the leather of glove and sleeve, where its claws raked him. Skin was torn too, but he doesn't bleed. A wisp of darkness, maybe, but nothing more than that. He doesn't mind. He's smiling as he examines the tears, the dying firelight flickering over him, and waits for something else to come.]

[There's a wide radiance of light, further along down the street, and an unfamiliar kind of pressure; he glances up, letting his hand fall again. This isn't any Darkness monster, is it?]


alapimp January 6 2011, 03:46:01 UTC
[ What appears to be a shield is rather the expulsion of tightly controlled spiritual pressure, held to the same circumference as it burns and eviscerates anything that touches it. Sousuke's attention is already on Axel, drawn from the flare of flames earlier down the street.

His pace slowly halts with his approach, offering a mild smile as he wryly comments; ]

I must have mistaken this for an ice rink.


fireintwilight January 6 2011, 04:08:02 UTC
[Ah, him. Aizen, isn't it? He recognizes the voice, and the face too when he draws closer to the streetlight and the firelight, though he's only seen it once before over the NV. Axel lifts his head, angling to face him; that power he feels, that must be what the man called spiritual pressure. His smile widens.]

I told you I managed not to melt it.


alapimp January 6 2011, 04:12:28 UTC
For which I'm sure many other patrons were thankful. Loitering doesn't seem like a very industrious past-time, are you on your way home?

[ He can sense the other man's potency, reiatsu rippling out like a tingling wave, seeking to weigh the depths of that power. ]


22:01~ s1 tl;dr \o\ aflashoffaith January 7 2011, 21:11:17 UTC
[Minato had yet to truly reveal his presence within the city, preferring to keep quiet as he adjusted to new surroundings. Gathering information and gaining first hand knowledge of potential threats, different world or not shinobi instincts died hard.

The 'monsters' he had encountered so far had been neatly dealt with, nothing that gained his immediate concern. More a nuisance really, a distraction to those who moved in the night.

That wasn't to say his guard was down, he wasn't foolish enough to believe it was always this simple. But in the event something appeared that he couldn't handle, he had made sure to leave one of his space-time kunai back at the apartment, a quick escape.

Keeping mostly to the rooftops, the blond was on his way back to said apartment after a quick sweep of the area when something caught his attention. Someone was showing off, it seemed, and it was probably more to gain the attention of others than it was to fend off the Darkness.

Interesting.He followed after, quietly, still not moving down to the street ( ... )


get out I love you alapimp January 7 2011, 21:31:49 UTC
[ There were several people in the immediate district that could have caught his attention, but it was the presence at his back that followed and let itself be known that gained a glance over a shoulder. Attention-seeking? If the depths of spiritual pressure were any indication, it could have been cloaked with ease, but the conscious effort in not doing so presented something of a show-off.

For once, Sousuke wasn't masking his reiatsu, letting it carve a pathway through the Darkness. Anyone who decided to flitter about in his way was surely looking for an audience with the owner. ]

It'll be safer for both of us to have this conversation at the same level.


no u aflashoffaith January 7 2011, 21:49:02 UTC

[Birds of a feather...

He wasn't the least bit perturbed at the showing of power, maybe even being a little cheeky as he stood and walked vertically down the side of the building to meet with the other man, simple enough with chakra focused on the soles of his feet.

Minato offered a grin, a wave even, after he jumped down to the sidewalk.]

It's hard to tell what you might attract, if you insist on letting your power leak out so obviously.


I can't take comebacks like that alapimp January 7 2011, 21:55:37 UTC
[ Very amusing. This man wasn't a shinigami, it seemed, but something else entirely. ]

I might say the same of you. Please keep a weather eye in the future, if only for your own safety.


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