I won't let you turn around, put me down

Jan 05, 2011 17:07

Who: Aizen and YOU.
When: Throughout the 5th Jan. A DAY WITH AIZEN YAY.
Where: All sorts of places.
Summary: Aizen's out today! If you want your character to run into him, please specify which time/place you've selected. NB: This isn't so good guys can track him throughout the day, because that would prove pretty damn difficult with the way he ( Read more... )

minato namikaze, aizen sousuko, black mask, *open log

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22:01pm, S1; Hope this is okay? |D; turntodarkness January 6 2011, 01:28:52 UTC
[It's dark, the sirens have gone off, and Ansem is out on the prowl. Despite warnings of monsters, he is a curious one--and the prospect of a good meal is something he's not about to give up. However, his lurking in the shadows and snatching the hearts of any creature daring to come too close comes to an abrupt end as he notices something else. There is someone, with quite a strong presence. When he moves closer to investigate... My, he recognizes that face from a certain video conversation. Oh, this is excellent timing indeed. With a simple twist of darkness, he opens a corridor and arrives where he can be more easily noticed--but still outside of that barrier.]

So you are Aizen, then. How ironic we meet so soon, in the Darkness.


ofc 83c alapimp January 6 2011, 01:33:21 UTC
[ His attention slides sideways as he senses a significantly stronger presence, halting in the middle of the rural backstreet, gravel under his feet and hedges netted high on either side. Watching as Ansem departs the Darkness (Garganta? What is that?) he offers him a greeting smile. ]

Ansem-san. Do you often walk this way of an evening?


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 01:52:14 UTC
[That smile is returned, Ansem allowing his Guardian to protect him from any zealous monsters that come too close. One shouldn't eat and talk at the same time, after all. It's quite rude.]

I am still exploring and learning what I can. Evenings, however, I seek out the best hunting grounds. What of you?


alapimp January 6 2011, 01:59:28 UTC
[ A pleasant stroll it is! Pulling in his reiatsu, he walks alongside Ansem with a curious glance at the creature behind. ]

I've just finished a tour of the mall, if you haven't been. It's quite large and offers a variety of interesting finds, if one knows where to look, but then again I'd rather be asleep before heading back to the university tomorrow so I decided to come home.

Is that your bodyguard?


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 02:26:10 UTC
I shall be sure to investigate, then.

[He glances back to his Guardian when it is brought up, though. Ah, yes, he almost forgets that it exists sometimes. It takes so little to exert control over it, after all.]

It is my Guardian, an extension of myself, in its own way. But you... You teach? A noble effort.


alapimp January 6 2011, 02:49:03 UTC
A creature of the same kind of Darkness as this? A cousin, perhaps.

[ Jesting, he offers a nod as he answers another query. ]

Japanese Calligraphy at Hawthorne University. It seemed prudent to acquire a job to pass the days here, they do get rather monotonous.


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 03:19:57 UTC
In truth, perhaps we Heartless are cousins to this Darkness.

[Something to ponder.]

Perhaps I, too, should acquire one of these jobs, though I would prefer a position in a scientific field.


alapimp January 6 2011, 03:22:52 UTC
Hollows are similar to the Darkness, too, back where I come from. They don't have hearts, each hole on every arrancar in this city signifies that.

I'm also a scientist, but I preferred something casual to pass the time, away from my real work.


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 03:48:03 UTC
Hollows. They have been mentioned to me by another. they seem distinctly similar to Heartless. I'll have to learn more about them eventually.

This world seems to provide the rare opportunity for me to continue my research on the mysteries of the heart unhindered. I must take advantage of this opportunity while it is available.


alapimp January 6 2011, 04:23:30 UTC
I've a feeling you might find my Cuarta Espada as intrigued over the heart as you are. Ulquiorra is carrying out much the same investigation, though on a more subconcious note.


turntodarkness January 6 2011, 04:33:55 UTC
I shall have to meet this Ulquiorra sometime, then. Anyone willing to explore the vast unknown that is the heart is one worthy of praise.


alapimp January 6 2011, 05:09:24 UTC
Indeed, he's very industrious in all aspects.


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