Take calculated risks.

Dec 31, 2010 01:34

Who: Hitsugaya and Neji
When: December 30, after sirens
Where: Sector 6, the grounds where Neji works as a bodyguard.
Summary: It's business as usual for both of these guys. Neji is guarding what he needs to be guarding, and Hitsugaya is doing his own job. You know, complete with the sudden appearance of Darkness monsters, and all.
Warnings: ( Read more... )

hitsugaya toushirou, hyuuga neji

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Comments 16

heavenly_earth December 31 2010, 07:02:15 UTC
The flash of bright blue against the dark sky just outside the eastern wall had Neji's Byakugan flaring and his feet already moving him in that direction. Too close to the wall for comfort, although large disturbances were rare, he shouldn't have taken his time walking the perimeter.

His vision zeroed in on a figure crouched atop the wall, energy twisting through his body in a pattern that resembled chakra networks and were yet dissimilar that was enough to distinguish him as foreign to the locals. But his focus wasn't on the estate, and rather the beasts below- three of them, ugly and snarling like any Darkness creature but more wild, unstable, and apparently rather single-minded as he landed in their midst in a flash of rotating chakra.

Fast, he noted grimly, attention diverting back to the figure on the wall for a second. The beasts were scattered, staggering briefly, focus riveted on him now and approaching more cautiously now that he adopted his stance, waiting and watching as they snapped their teeth and attempted to close in ( ... )


icy_heavens December 31 2010, 07:24:01 UTC
He took notice at the sudden other presence in front of him, assessing risk. Hm. The new arrival seemed far more focused on the Darkness monsters than on him. A helping hand? Normally, he might have been a little insulted by that, but he really had to watch what he was doing right now. A little aid couldn't be a bad thing.

One of the beasts was braced for attack, and Hitsugaya muttered Hyourinmaru's release command. He swung the blade in a small arc, sending a torrent of ice barreling into the attacking creature. Though ice crystallized on its back and legs, it was mostly just knocked off balance. Clearly, he'd need to put a bit more power into it the next time. Most of what he'd managed to do was get the beast's attention back on him. Not that this was a problem.

He might be accepting help, but he'd allow no one to completely fight his battles for him.


heavenly_earth December 31 2010, 07:50:45 UTC
He saw the attack coming, assessed it's path and didn't flinch as it swept by him. The foreign energy different from the stranger's own had him searching for another source however.

Nothing, just the blade that had seemed to control the ice, and the hounds closed in, assuming his distraction to the staggering one. Neji huffed shortly, intercepting the first and weaving around it to the second, avoiding snapping jaws full of sharp teeth and sent both flying backward with a concentrated blast of chakra.

It wasn't enough, though he'd hardly expected it to be, just aiming to divide the three a little further. This time he took the initiative, driving forward to engage them with kunai in hand.


icy_heavens December 31 2010, 08:11:02 UTC
So his impromptu aid was taking two of them off his hands, was he? Fair enough. He could just take his own problem out and then provide backup if it was necessary.

A paw swiped out at him, and he angled his sword into a hasty block, needing all of his bearings to ensure that he didn't stumble. That wouldn't have been an issue if he could fight two-handed, but at the moment, that was a luxury. As it was, he scarcely managed to avoid dropping the package balanced in his left hand.

With a snarl of irritation, he jerked his blade upward, dodging to the side in the same motion. This time, the sickle blade dug into one of the beast's front legs, prompting a howl of agony as flesh tore. And then another one as ice encased the limb. A firm tug, and the leg snapped off and shattered when it hit the ground, made brittle by the cold.

Hobbled, the creature nonetheless continued to thrash aggressively in his direction. But there was no way that it would be able to get to him now, with its movement sufficiently impeded.


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