so 'bout that one time.

Nov 19, 2010 01:27

Who: whipfist and soldiershin
When: Today (Nov. 19th), sometime during the daylight hours
Where: Around the edges of Sector 6 (near Jomy's shiny new apartment)
Summary: Jomy gets pinged by a random rage-fit (spoilers: it's Alex) and goes to investigate.
Warnings: Probably nothing?

we're onto something )

jomy marquis shin, †: alex mercer

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soldiershin November 19 2010, 20:01:35 UTC
An angry note against the backdrop of silence; in catching his attention, it was as effective as any disaster ( ... )


soldiershin November 22 2010, 04:20:57 UTC
He answered the glare with a quiet look of his own. A bit of a habit, that, almost a reflex. Just a neutral look, one that he gave people when he was curious enough to want to ask, yet held back by his rusty perception of social rules. He shifted his own gaze away eventually, however, staring at nothing as he tried to make sense of the silent cues that rolled off Alex in waves.

Discomfort, fear. A strange sense of attachment. They disappeared too fast for him to properly make sense of them, but-

Jomy jerked, startled, when a waitress appeared, her voice breaking into his scrutiny. Looking up at her with a sheepish smile, he quickly relayed their order (just two hot chocolates, please.). It was only when she departed that he shook his head, deciding to dive right into it.

"Is that from your world?" The wound, he meant. Alex already knew that he'd noticed it; there was no point in beating around the bush.


whipfist November 22 2010, 04:45:54 UTC
Completely ignored the waitress when she came by. And then his companion for the time being spoke. Immediately he fixed his stare on Jomy, a sudden flash of that rage again. Who the fuck is he to ask me that--? And Alex almost wanted to reach across the table and grab him by the throat in that instant. But he paused. He had no reason to be angry at Jomy, right... ? The kid (who didn't seem like a kid at all) hadn't done anything wrong, really, just reminded him of his own fear of being discovered by the military - which was a moot point here. The only thing he had to watch out for was SERO, it seemed.

Alex balled his free hand into a fist, tensing up before trying to relax. Had to control himself. He couldn't just smash everything up and kill people at will in this city. There was order. Besides, Jomy didn't deserve any of that from him.

"... Yeah." He'd only told a few people of his affliction so far, and that number seemed like it would grow. Slowly.


soldiershin November 22 2010, 05:25:11 UTC
He didn't have to be physically hit. Jomy felt himself mentally recoil at the sudden surge of rageparanoia(a sudden)calmfear, and the force of it was enough to break through his usual calm to make it manifest as a small, bodily twitch when his senses were struck. As short as the moment had been, it'd been enough to plant the beginnings of a headache - a consequence, perhaps, for going in too quick. He accepted it for what it was, eyes closing briefly as he warded it off to the best of his ability while Alex seemed to stabilize himself ( ... )


whipfist November 23 2010, 00:00:19 UTC
Alex settled down. They were off the subject. But some part of him felt like he had to tell Jomy... something. Perhaps not that he was a virus who'd caused an outbreak of a deadly infection and single-handedly killed hundreds or thousands of people back home, but. Something.

He tilted his head at Jomy's next sentence. Was about to ask him why, when the next part struck him. He shrugged, his glance moving back down to the table and his own hands.

"I paid rent." He said it awkwardly, not used to talking about these things. Human things. "Never home anyway, I don't need a new place."

Alex was aware of how rough his voice sounded, which he didn't intend completely. There was a long pause before he breathed out a "Thanks anyway," more of a mumble than anything else. For some reason, he felt embarrassed to even say that, like it somehow made him weak.


soldiershin November 23 2010, 19:22:54 UTC
He nearly missed the last two words, and probably would have, if he hadn't been paying attention. But thankfully, Jomy had been, and he felt his expression brighten as he smiled, nodded. "You're welcome."

Perhaps he was still a bit weary, entirely unaccustomed to how Alex seemed to fluctuate between the extremes in the span of seconds. Jomy was used to strong emotions (detecting them, being the source of them, etcetera), but when it came at him on a roller coaster course? Not so much. Distantly, he knew this was how he used to be, too young to know better, but at least Alex seemed to have a constant on-off switch for it.

Avoiding it should be relatively easy. (Probably.) And, well. Nothing avoided awkward questions than did silence.

. . . Only his curiosity wouldn't allow such a thing. Not for long, anyway. So belatedly, the question: "Have you never had a chance to try coffee, or tea, before?"


whipfist November 23 2010, 20:23:14 UTC
Alex eyed Jomy at the response, a bit taken aback, a bit embarrassed still but he shrugged it off. Once there was that calm silence again he resumed scanning the cafe, a constant routine of watching others that he was far too used to. Eventually his hand would move away from trying to cover up those fading marks, never to be a scar with his healing rate, and come to rest back on the table.

He blinked at the next question, focusing on the two of them instead of everyone else again. Another pause. It was hard to answer - he had memories of it, sure, but had he ever physically taken a drink of any of those things? No.

"Not really." He was setting himself up for more questions probably, but it didn't matter. He felt more comfortable around Jomy now.

"Is it... good?"


soldiershin November 23 2010, 22:43:53 UTC
It was a like a mirror, in a strange sense. When Alex tensed, so did Jomy. Likewise with the comfort, Jomy was settling into his own sense of calm in response to Alex's, the tension draining from his own shoulders bit-by-bit. The headache seemed unfortunately persistent, but it was easier to ignore it when there was a conversation afoot.

Jomy tilted his head upward a touch, eyes locking themselves on the ceiling briefly in thought. His own experience was limited, but he wasn't lacking them, as Alex seemed to be.

"For me, coffee tends to be too bitter, even with milk and sugar," he began, eyes coming back down. He kept his attention from straying to the marks, concentrating on easing into the conversation instead. "Tea is alright, though. There seem to be a lot of flavors, so it's. . . a matter of finding one that suits you, I think."

Another twitch of a sheepish smile. "However, it's probably best to try them yourself. Your preferences will likely be different from mine."


whipfist November 23 2010, 23:00:23 UTC
Seeming to accept this but having nothing else to say without pushing it - at least to him, the novice at small talk - Alex just stared at him a for a few more seconds before breaking the contact again, deciding to look at the decor of the cafe instead of the people this time. He rarely bothered looking at the inanimate, too busy watching his back. Watching people and non-people.

Whatever was around on the walls didn't seem to interest him for long, as he soon spoke up again with a new subject.

"Where'd you come from?" with genuine curiosity. To the Port, he meant. Jomy was so damned level-headed, or so it seemed, and everyone he knew back home was just tense or stressed or serious, not really pleasant like Jomy was. Alex wondered how he could afford it.


soldiershin November 23 2010, 23:59:49 UTC
The question caught him off-guard, causing him no small amount of confusion such that he blurted out the extent of his thoughts at present: "Er."

Not so graceful, but it was something of a start. A pause as he considered the question, about the many ways that he could answer it. Slowly, "I wasn't born on this planet, so any location I could give you will be foreign." Propping an arm back on the table, Jomy tilted forward in thought again. "I think my world is at least a thousand years into the future from this city's current year, where humanity has colonized-" Had been forced to colonize, but that was just semantics, really, "-other planets. I was born and raised on one of them."

A crude summary, but it hit the main points well enough for now.

And Alex was probably expecting this follow-up question, but Jomy asked it without hesitation anyway, "And yourself?"


whipfist November 24 2010, 00:30:00 UTC
And Alex just stared. Another planet. The idea immediately intrigued him, the thought of a place to get the hell off of this one if the entire world was as terrible as he'd experienced so far. But he kept his mouth shut. Pretty sure Jomy couldn't magically transport out of here or he'd be gone already. Then again... if humans were colonizing all the planets? Maybe not. Maybe life was just supposed to be difficult.

There was maybe a minute or two of silence from him after that next question, as Alex gathered up his words and tried to think about how to explain his "world". There was so much to say, but he had to summarize as well.

"Manhattan. Ever seen it? It's a lot like this city. I was born into the middle of a war."

Another pause.

"Human versus virus. A virus Alex Mercer unleashed on society." His eyes darkened into a familiar glare. "He was selfish. And that mistake is a part of me."

Alex was far from done, but he figured he should keep it short like Jomy had.


soldiershin November 24 2010, 04:58:46 UTC
A short moment of stiffening, followed shortly by a slow straightening of the spine in alarm. A war, he was familiar with. A war against a virus, however- that was new, as well as confusing. But, more importantly. . .

"Alex Mercer," Jomy echoed, frowning at the sort-of distinction made between the name and the person sitting across from him. There were several ways to take that collection of statements, but it felt wrong to guess at the truth behind them when the information was as heavy as it was. "Are you speaking about yourself, or a man who shares your name?"

The question was carefully spoken, his tone kept neutral, as he prepared himself for another outburst of emotion. It was inevitable that it would happen, but perhaps it'd be more controlled this time around; Alex probably would not have spoken of this topic (Manhattan. A lot like this city was enough of an answer to his original question), if he hadn't been prepared for further questions.


whipfist November 24 2010, 05:28:15 UTC
Another long pause as Alex figured how to word everything. There were so many facets and he didn't like talking about them, feeling like he was reliving those experiences back home each time. He wouldn't ever forget them, but maybe he could move on. That's what he was aiming for, at least. But it wouldn't happen anytime soon.

"This is his body. I'm him. And everyone else..."

He trailed off on that, but it wasn't long before attaching another piece to that sentence: "I am the virus." His eyes didn't stray from Jomy then, watching his reaction or lack of with intense scrutiny. Trying to gauge how he felt, if he'd be judged or hated now, by this person he was slowly becoming more comfortable around. Alex was expecting it, really.


soldiershin November 25 2010, 03:14:27 UTC
A long stare, followed by a frown. That was the initial extent of his reaction to Alex's words before the pieces fell into place and clicked together to give him a (somewhat) complete comprehension.

. . . Ah. So that was the reason for the scrutiny he was currently under.

Jomy leaned back in his seat, his expression a little weary, and tired. In contrast, his answer was a simple one, just two syllables. "Alright."

Giving that answer sink in for a moment, he returned the other's stare as he voiced the rest of his thoughts. "Whether you are entirely human biologically or not, I still consider you a person, Alex." Being a Mu gave him an advantage in being able to make such statements with comfort borne of confidence; it was a detail he had a feeling he would need to share shortly enough. But before then, he had an additional question, spoken quietly after a beat: "Is your war over?"


whipfist November 25 2010, 04:20:49 UTC
Alex was surprised, but it didn't show on his face. He just relaxed. Moving his eyes back down to his hands still laying on the small table, motionless. A strange feeling of... what was it? Gratefulness. It would overcome him in a wave and then disappear just as quickly, something he hadn't felt since his sister had been helping him back home. A nice change from the irritability and stress he'd been feeling the majority of his time here.

The next question almost caught him off guard, but he answered quickly: "I don't know. They were-- the military was planning to drop a bomb on the city. And I was trying to stop that from happening."

Implying that this little trip to Siren's Port had interrupted that. But he was quiet again, still keeping his gaze downward.


soldiershin November 25 2010, 20:12:56 UTC
Immediately, more questions leapt to the forefront of his mind: Why would they-? What about the innocent people of the city?

But he could find the answers to those questions if he took the time to pause, and think. He wasn't new to wide-scale destruction being employed as a method of warfare, and even if he could not understand how anyone could feel justified (or human) in carrying out a mass murder, he was still capable of understanding the strategics behind it. With a quiet grimace, he nodded.

"I see."

Alex didn't seem as distressed as one might typically feel when such interruptions occurred, but just to be on the safe side- "I've heard that being in this city does not affect the flow of time in our worlds. So you haven't failed." Not yet. Hopefully not ever.


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