so 'bout that one time.

Nov 19, 2010 01:27

Who: whipfist and soldiershin
When: Today (Nov. 19th), sometime during the daylight hours
Where: Around the edges of Sector 6 (near Jomy's shiny new apartment)
Summary: Jomy gets pinged by a random rage-fit (spoilers: it's Alex) and goes to investigate.
Warnings: Probably nothing?

we're onto something )

jomy marquis shin, †: alex mercer

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soldiershin November 19 2010, 20:01:35 UTC
An angry note against the backdrop of silence; in catching his attention, it was as effective as any disaster.

He'd been in mid-step when he'd felt the spike, making him twitch and jerk back as his head turned toward the direction of the source. He paid the few numbers of people passing him by no heed, standing very still as his senses stretched and strained to pinpoint exactly where this stranger was. Not very difficult of an exercise, really, especially since the rage only seemed to grow.

He drew back. Thought: he could very well ignore this, as he forced himself to ignore the rest of the city's cacophony. Or, he could go see what the situation was, get involved, and try to be of help (hopefully). Put like that, it really wasn't a choice at all. (And the person that was giving off the waves of irritation-slash-anger felt familiar, in a way; a mind that he'd already touched in the past. It made it even more difficult to ignore.)

Shaking off the cold some, he turned directions. His pace was unhurried, but definitely not leisurely as he swept down the streets until he was close enough to physically see-

Oh. Was that-?

A blink, a short pause. His steps slowed, the hesitant recognition becoming more confident as he drew closer, his voice carrying itself quite clearly in the quiet: "Alex?"


whipfist November 19 2010, 20:16:40 UTC
Right in the middle of thinking about Manhattan again, about his sister, about the military back there... and he heard someone calling his name. Alex froze where he stood, hearing that voice which somehow rang a bell but he couldn't match a face to it in that moment. He turned slowly, glancing over his shoulder in a manner that made him look as though he was suspicious of whoever it was.

Jomy... ?

Alex relaxed a bit, straightening himself up and turning fully toward. He didn't completely trust him but he'd gotten a sense of genuineness, at least, that he didn't have any ulterior motives.


It was a bit awkward-sounding, like he wasn't expecting this at all - which he wasn't, but there it was. The sense of anger was still there, but slowly dissipated as he stood there, trying to greet Jomy like a normal person.


soldiershin November 19 2010, 21:00:57 UTC
The effort was appreciated, at the very least. Bypassing the awkwardness was easy enough, but it still took some degree of effort for Jomy to completely blink past the thoughts-feelings-images. It was somewhat of an accomplishment that he managed it without the physical shaking of the head, dragging his focus away from the wordless cues to the physical ones.

He continued his approach forward until he stopped at an arm's length away, keeping that polite, but not unfriendly, distance between them. Jomy smiled in silent greeting, his head tilting a fraction to give away his curiosity prematurely.

"Hello," he returned. What he really wanted to know: what happened? Are you alright? Things he couldn't quite say, not without feeling a need to explain why he started off the conversation in such a manner. Perhaps it was even just a transient thing, as the anger was already beginning to ease away. Nothing he had to ask after (yet).

(It was also pleasing to be able to note that the level of Alex's suspicion wasn't as severe as it could be.)

It was for those reasons, and his own sense of surprise in running into Alex in this manner that he found himself going with the standard follow-up: "How are you?"


whipfist November 19 2010, 21:55:49 UTC
How was he? Nobody had asked him that - not as he was, as a virus. Maybe someone he'd eaten. But never him personally. Alex paused for a minute, trying to gather his words. He wasn't used to the social norm of lying about your state, pretending everything was fine when it wasn't. At least not with someone that wasn't on his current shit list.

"I hate this city."

Alex replied bluntly, with some venom but otherwise it was rather casual, like he was used to hating things. His eyes had shifted to glance behind Jomy, at the streets, before focusing back on him. An icy stare.

"What are you doing here?"

Because he was still under the impression that Jomy lived in the same apartments as him.


soldiershin November 19 2010, 22:44:25 UTC
Well. That certainly was an unexpected response. It was one that he wasn't entirely sure how to answer either, especially not when he was half-distracted by giving silent appreciation to the offered, point-blank honesty. It was a rare enough of a phenomena that he found it rather refreshing, even despite the slight venom.

With a soft 'hm' (neither agreement nor disagreement), Jomy shifted his attention to answering the question instead, carefully lifting the hand holding onto the small plastic bag into Alex's line of sight.

"I was buying some fruit," he said mildly, "Food is probably sold cheaper elsewhere, but-" A short pause, followed by his smile turning a bit sheepish. "I don't enjoy the cold very much."

Probably not what Alex was really asking after, but it was as true of an answer as any other. What was left implied was the fact that he now lived nearby - a little further out than their current location, at the near-boundary of the sector. But that was just extra detail, likely not very interesting. Though while they were on this line of questioning...

"And you?"


whipfist November 20 2010, 00:39:21 UTC
Food. Right. Other people had to buy food to eat from stores. Actual people.

"... Nothing."

Which was half-true, he wasn't doing anything in particular out here apart from familiarizing himself with this piece of the city. But mostly he didn't feel like discussing his plans. Didn't like that they weren't solid, and maybe he wouldn't be able to hold his word to it.

And for the second time so far in the city, he would suggest a solution for the cold.

"Maybe you need a jacket."


soldiershin November 20 2010, 01:21:49 UTC
A bit of a long look (a worried look) at that 'nothing' because of what he picked up in passing. He couldn't identify any solid thoughts, not without forcing himself to read them. And Alex's business was Alex's alone. It wasn't as though the answer to his question had been a lie anyway. Not exactly.

So looking down briefly at his attire: "A thicker one, yes. I bought a couple of sweaters before, but the city only seems to get colder."

Ah, the cold. He was quickly discovering that it was one of those things that made him as irritable as any other person of his projected age, as well as making him whine about it even when he didn't mean to. A shake of the head; this was no good.

He eyed Alex's own choice of clothes, gave a small shrug-like motion as he gathered limbs into himself a little more. "Do you like coffee, or tea?" A beat. "Hot chocolate?"


whipfist November 20 2010, 01:37:44 UTC
Another question he had trouble answering. Alex had memories of drinking those things, sure, but he had no opinion on them. Whether he liked or disliked them, that preference belonged to whomever he'd consumed. Not himself.

"I don't know. Why?"

Because the idea of someone offering him food or a drink was still odd, he treated it more like some sort of survey question than something for him to answer based on his own liking.


soldiershin November 20 2010, 04:20:38 UTC
"It's a little-" Awkward, standing around in the open like this. A few hand gestures. "Talking out here. So I was wondering if you wanted to get something to drink."

I don't know? That was another interesting response; was it because he'd never tried any of it? Not that Jomy had any right in pointing fingers; there was a lot of things in this city that he'd never tried (or seen, or heard) before. With a slight shift, he half-turned to glance over at a place about half a block away. He'd never been there, but not many places could do too badly with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, he'd found.

Eyes back on Alex, a questioning expression crossed Jomy's face. "If you have the time, of course. I don't mind buying."


whipfist November 20 2010, 05:27:50 UTC
"... Okay."

That pause was heavy, it was almost tangible and it came with an answer that sounded almost hesitant. Alex had flung himself at tanks and gun turrets and helicopters, but the idea of interacting one-on-one with someone he didn't know too well while trying to act normal and socially-acceptable? That made him a little unsure.

But part of him liked Jomy's presence. He seemed ridiculously calm, level-headed, and of course nice to him. Few people were. That put him on a good side, at least.


soldiershin November 20 2010, 06:24:50 UTC
It was a point of surprise for him when Alex agreed, and that surprise registered as a transient twist of features. But it didn't last for very long, quickly replaced by an expression that brightened by an almost tangible amount. He hadn't really expected his offer to be taken up (he'd had his hopes, of course, but he hadn't expected-), but Jomy wasn't one to doubt his luck. Or question such moments when they happened, for that matter.

With a small nod and the barest of shivers, Jomy gathered himself up and turned away completely to quickly walk toward the cafe. He didn't look back on his trek there, trusting Alex to keep his word. Or, more accurately, he was too busy keeping his pace at a controlled speed. What he wanted to do was run into the building, but that would likely be considered rude, wouldn't it?

Still, he couldn't help the soft sigh of relief when he came within touching distance of the door of the place. It was only then that he turned, looking over his shoulder at Alex as if to double-check Alex's answer before he pushed himself indoors.

It was a bit of a small place, but well-kept. Well-furnished. A little expensive-looking, but that was unsurprising, considering the sector they were in. Another glance back at his companion: "Where would you like to sit?"


whipfist November 20 2010, 07:34:55 UTC
Alex followed in silence. It was not an uncomfortable silence despite his nerves, in fact he was grateful that Jomy wasn't trying to start some meaningless conversation. Small talk irritated him, he didn't understand the point of it and it always seemed to go around in circles.

Still not cold himself but noticing that shiver in the other, he thought about speaking up but decided not to. And suddenly they were there. A cafe. Not terribly crowded, but there were people, and the fact that the place was small put him on edge. A little claustrophobia, sure.

"... There."

Alex pointed to a spot in the corner, one place a lacking some life and less out in the open.


soldiershin November 20 2010, 18:53:36 UTC
The discomfort got to him even before he settled down at the chosen table, already feeling the stirrings of not-guilt. Just a short while, then. Just long enough to order drinks, finish them, and talk - though about what, he wasn't too certain. Jomy was about as skilled in smalltalk as Alex was, having never had any opportunity (or a need, really) to practice the skill. Not since Artemisia, but even then, he'd been young, and he'd been talking to his friends.

. . . Well. He could still (try to) enjoy this, in any case. Alex felt- odd (weird? But that wasn't an unusual thing to feel in Siren's Port), to say the least, but he was also honest, and friendly toward him in an awkward way - the fact that he spoke so publicly about going against SERO (and even tried to, later on) also earned him some trust. While Jomy definitely wouldn't mind feeling a decreased level of bottled anger and paranoia (among other things), those weren't that difficult to push aside.

Shaking that off, he slid the menu over to Alex's side of the table when it was brought over. "Order anything you'd like." And, as a means of hoping to diffuse some of the tension, he added quietly, "Don't worry. This place is safe."

No one seemed to be bent on hurting anyone, anyway. Just a normal place. It was probably they that stood out more than anything.


whipfist November 21 2010, 01:18:25 UTC
As they sat down his eyes never left the surrounding room, the people around them. Warily. It was warm inside here. Too warm, so he pulled off his hood, letting his blackish-brown hair fall out. It was disheveld from the sudden movement, but he seemed not to notice or care. The infection marks on his jawline were nearly faded by now, no longer ugly red masses on his skin. He looked normal, if not extremely pale and a bit paranoid-looking.

Alex grabbed the menu and stared at it, eyes drifting over the words. Slowly, like some recalled memory he was placing images to the names - some of them - from other's memories, but he had no idea what to get. He didn't eat, didn't drink. The last time he'd drank something it'd been at that Halloween party, or whatever that thing had been... couldn't understand people's preoccupation with the stuff. Then again, it was required for them to live.

Safe? That was doubtful, but Jomy seemed to have some sort of intuition that he didn't have, so Alex tried to relax. A little.

There was some beats before he spoke - "I don't know what to get." Glancing back up at Jomy, like in question.


soldiershin November 22 2010, 01:55:32 UTC
Propping an elbow on the table, he tilted forward a touch, trying to look over at the menu. An awkward attempt, and largely unsuccessful. Still, the menu of a cafe shouldn't be too different from one another; at least, not in terms of beverages. Drinks were drinks, even if the flavor of tea seemed to be more vast than the flavors of a lot of things. In any case.

Leaning back again, he offered, "If you don't mind sweet beverages, hot chocolate isn't too bad."

His eyes flickered belatedly to the faint marks on Alex's face, curiosity almost getting the better of him before he managed to rein in the kneejerk questions. It was with some effort that he switched out those words to instead say: "Er. I'm probably going to get that myself."


whipfist November 22 2010, 02:46:58 UTC
At this point he really had no preference for taste. Sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, none of it was familiar to him except in memories that weren't his. Alex shrugged it off internally, he couldn't pick something on his own unless he wanted to give a shot in the dark, so he nodded.


He instantly noticed Jomy's eyes on his face, where the marks were being replaced by new skin - or were they? And self-consciously put a hand up, glaring, making it look as if he were simply leaning onto the table with his own elbow as he covered where the marks had been. The virus being him, it, whatever, any signs of it made him uncomfortable. Because he was still used to how he'd been living in Manhattan, a constant fear of being discovered and constantly trying to disguise himself among the uninfected public.

But it just as quickly passed and he pushed the little menu away, going back to gazing around the cafe itself.


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