ive had it with these motherfucking snakes in this motherfucking port

Aug 05, 2010 21:25

Summary: HOT GAY SNAKECEST. lolno BB tranquilized psychopathic!Liquid and now locked him up in his bedroom while he treats his own bulletwounds. Yay!
Warnings: NONE HAHA. Okay maybe some blood.

boss, liquid's done it again! )

liquid snake, big boss

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Comments 15

ysobritish August 5 2010, 19:39:39 UTC
Liquid was not a man who slept deeply or often. He had gotten used to catching brief naps wherever he had the option, usually hiding somewhere in the meantime. The tranquilizer dart had long since faded, but his body had settled into a relatively deep sleep regardless, compensating for the regular lack of it that Liquid had long since ceased to notice. It would not last long. He awoke sharply and suddenly, the only sign of it a sharp intake of breath. His body remained still, his back turned to the other man ( ... )


heavendivided August 8 2010, 01:58:44 UTC
Jack hissed. Treating wounds was never a particularly pleasant process, but he could handle the pain. The bottle of scotch and the cigar between his lips certainly helped when he finally finished cleaning up the wound and could apply the bandage, carefully wrapping it around his left shoulder and upper arm. All things considered, he was lucky it wasn't his dominant arm, though he could be ambidextruous if he really had to. This just made things easier.

The clock inside his head continued to count down, scaringly precise. Liquid didn't even do so much as stir, and his breathing was shallow. "How long are you going to pretend you're asleep?" He said after a while, still busy with the bandage, his back still turned to the bed. It was almost an off-hand comment, entirely nonchalant. He knew those tranqs very well, and his own genes; and he had a very special relationship with time. He knew how long it would put Liquid out of commission, and he'd be surprised if he hadn't regained awareness by now.


ysobritish August 8 2010, 06:11:15 UTC
Liquid resisted the urge to go over there and punch him with a supreme effort. The sheer irritation of the man knowing what he was doing was almost enough to overwhelm his already failing self-control. Instead, he sat up slowly, not looking at the other man.

"Perhaps I was hoping you'd wake me with a kiss," he replied, sarcasm in every word. In truth, all he'd wanted was for a momentary reprieve from the retaliation that he was expecting, long enough for him to clear his senses. It was going to be bad, whatever his Father did. His physical condition was fine. A few shallow cuts from putting his hand through the window, but the gloves had deadened that. Perhaps some bruising from when his father had tackled him, but that was nothing. He passed over that without thinking. Part of him just wanted to go back to sleep and pretend the last night never happened, but that was the cowardly way out. Regardless of consequence, he would face it. He would fight it, if the consequence was bad, but he would face it.


heavendivided August 8 2010, 16:52:42 UTC
Big Boss grinned at that, unseen. He was almost done, too; and despite what he'd said, Liquid sounded like he had calmed down considerably. If not, he might have had to worry about being stabbed in the back, in the most literal sense.

"Like Sleeping Beauty? I don't think we're quite at that point in our relationship yet," he teased, though his smile was a bitter one; it caused him to think back to Snake and what they had done together, and even in hindsight he wasn't sure what he should think. But Snake was gone now, and there was no telling when he'd be back, if he'd be back, so he shook his head to get rid of the memory. It was neither here nor there now, and not something he wanted to bring up, much less with Liquid.

Once he was done with the bandage, he pushed his chair back in order to face Liquid. Looked like he was quite comfortable in that bed.

"Calmed down?"


ysobritish August 8 2010, 17:05:04 UTC
"My, such a pity. I suppose I'll be heartbroken for a while," he replied, his tone lightly teasing. On the bright side, his father didn't sound like he was going to kill him - although if he had, he supposed he would not have woken up at all. It would have been much easier for the man to simply shoot while he was out and unable to fight, and even Liquid Snake could probably not live through that; or if he did, he would have been severely damaged ( ... )


heavendivided August 8 2010, 17:30:56 UTC
"You're not alone with that urge, but you learn to live with it. Killing him doesn't solve anything. If talking to him gets unbearable, just cut the connection or change the topic. Edgeworth can at times be more of a sociopath than most other people I know," he explained, plucking the cigar from his lips, which were still curled into a very humorless smile. Well. If Jack was glad for anything, it was that he wouldn't have to chain Liquid to his bed and lock him up in his room. And shooting a soldier with their guard down definitely wasn't his style, so Liquid didn't have to worry about that, at least.

He contemplated if he should continue that train of thought.

"He had a hard life, too; so his attitude is somewhat..." He gestured with the cigar between his fingers, looking for the right word. He wouldn't say understandable or justifiable, but - "It's not baseless. It's easier to tolerate when you keep that in mind, though he wouldn't want to be treated differently because of something like that." He sighed. "Still, his suicidal ( ... )


ysobritish August 8 2010, 17:39:34 UTC
"Suicidal?" Liquid queried, his tone sharp. The idea was laughable. Since when was anything he did suicidal? He could have handled Edgeworth with ease. What did it matter if people went up against him? He'd just return to his old life. Snake wasn't there to stop him, and he refused to allow someone who wasn't him to kill him. It was as simple as that. He would keep fighting. That was all he had, after all.

A sigh escaped his lips and he tilted his head back further, studying the ceiling as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Edgeworth is nothing. I can control it. I will control it. I realise my actions before were out of control, but I refuse to allow myself to lose control like that again. Edgeworth does not have that right ( ... )


heavendivided August 8 2010, 17:54:53 UTC
"That's the spirit," Big Boss said, making a sweeping gesture. "Edgeworth is a very influential man. The last time he got attacked, there was quite the backlash." And the following was confidential information, but he expected Liquid to recognize it as such, and also recognize that he trusted him to some degree by telling him that - it's the subtle kind of affection, especially the last part. The implications went unspoken, as well as the sentiment behind those words. "I got hired by someone to track down his attackers, in fact. Now imagine what would happen to you if you were to kill him."

He wasn't a fan of burying emotions altogether, but the trick was to know when and where to release them...and who to direct them at. They were wasted on Edgeworth, that's for sure, and he had no right to get that kind of reaction out of Liquid. "Direct your energy elsewhere," Big Boss said, "Where it's needed, and wanted."


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