Permaprivate, permavoice on Sissel's end1800deadguyMarch 4 2011, 07:20:21 UTC
[Either way, Sissel's got a bad habit of referring to people by such vague titles or things about their appearance... he's stuck as Mr. Death God for the time being anyway.]
[Private/Video] I'm alive I swear. ._.kazumakingMarch 4 2011, 07:08:10 UTC
[He's lying on his stomach on his bed, a math text book visible and another book open in front of him. There's also a kitten crawling around on his back, but he doesn't seem to notice that. Kana wants to play even if he's supposed to be doing his homework.]
Mostly... accidentally scared the crap out of Nadeko-chan a few nights ago, though...
[Private/Video] It helps if the mun of the kid he's checking on doesn't get sick. >_>;kazumakingMarch 4 2011, 07:32:58 UTC
[Kana is just an innocent kitten trying to stick her paw under her owner's shirt at the moment. Luckily Kazuma doesn't notice either the look or the fact that he's got a cat trying to get frisky with him.]
Yeah. [he actually feels comfortable telling Hitsugaya this. That makes him probably one of two people in his life.] She said she was trying to wake me up for fifteen minutes... I didn't even realize I was making noise. Almost hit her, too...
[and he's very glad he missed. He would have been mortified if he'd actually connected.]
[Private/Video]icy_heavensMarch 4 2011, 07:49:26 UTC
[Hitsugaya reminds himself that Kazuma's cat is completely innocent and not the one following him around the city. Which is theoretically innocent, too. He just has no idea why the hell it's happening.]
Just be glad you didn't, then. [He has an unpleasant recollection of having to hit Hinamori intentionally. That still bothers him whenever it comes to mind.]
[A sideways glance toward his little stalker, who still can't be seen on-screen, and a bit of annoyed muttering in that direction.] Quit that.
[Oh, he notes all that. And that makes him suspicious about what's happened. None of the other people who'd disappeared came back in such horrible shape.] You're all right?
Your physical condition is far worse than any of the others who'd been kidnapped. [A little tactless, but meh.]
Comments 47
[He's rather hoping it isn't something completely ridiculous. He doesn't want a headache.] What happened?
I saved a girl's life.
[An eyebrow goes up a bit at that statement.] How did you manage that?
Mostly... accidentally scared the crap out of Nadeko-chan a few nights ago, though...
... Nightmares?
Yeah. [he actually feels comfortable telling Hitsugaya this. That makes him probably one of two people in his life.] She said she was trying to wake me up for fifteen minutes... I didn't even realize I was making noise. Almost hit her, too...
[and he's very glad he missed. He would have been mortified if he'd actually connected.]
Just be glad you didn't, then. [He has an unpleasant recollection of having to hit Hinamori intentionally. That still bothers him whenever it comes to mind.]
[A sideways glance toward his little stalker, who still can't be seen on-screen, and a bit of annoyed muttering in that direction.] Quit that.
Well, I got away from the person who kidnapped me? And finally made it home.
Your physical condition is far worse than any of the others who'd been kidnapped. [A little tactless, but meh.]
Is it? I haven't spoken to most of them. I'm recovering at home, and am not cleared to go out and about for a while.
[Who needs tact?]
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