consultation 001 // [video post]

Feb 11, 2011 16:56

[The man that appears on screen has the look of someone desperately attempting to look fresh and ready for action whilst actually being in desperate need of a coffee, relaxing whale songs and an extra twelve hours or so of sleep. He's sitting perfectly straight at the table, eyes fixed straight on the camera and wearing a prize smirk, but anyone ( Read more... )

†: malik a-sayf, †: the corinthian, !: tonegawa yukio, c: black mask, c: heiwajima shizuo

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video ebony_mask February 11 2011, 22:59:02 UTC
[Here's a very well dressed, albeit skullfaced businessman sitting at a desk. Roman knows a shrewd and ruthless business type when he sees one, and he'll wager a hefty sum that this guy? Is one of them.]

Save your breath for a company that actually exists, brother.


ebony_mask February 16 2011, 15:47:27 UTC
That it is.

Did anyone give you the low-down on the companies, yet?


12second_orz February 16 2011, 16:57:35 UTC
In a rough sense of the word. I wouldn't have called it particularly enlightening. What can you tell me?


private ebony_mask February 16 2011, 17:01:48 UTC
[As blase as if he were discussing the weather:]

SERO caters to the scientific set and does experiments on people.

AGI caters to the business and entertainment folk and encourages slavery.


private 12second_orz February 16 2011, 17:16:53 UTC
[He only got half of that from the blond punk, so that certainly helped. 'AGI' sounds like the company to keep in mind if he's going to consider making nice to either of them.

More interesting, though, is Sionis' reaction. There's not a trace of anything there- no disgust, no condemnation, nothing. How very interesting. He'd thought something wasn't quite right about the job description before, but now...]

I don't have any interest in science, but AGI seem like they would be more to my tastes in a pinch. [A pause. Well. Why not lay down a couple of his own cards?] My expertise lies more in the business than the slavery, but it was a company specialty.


let's get some encryptions up in this mother; difficult to hack ebony_mask February 16 2011, 17:27:51 UTC
[There's a hint of admiration in his voice.]

AGI is run like the Mafia, as a word to the wise.

[He continues on, not skipping a beat.]

Human trafficking?


tonegawa has no idea what this encryption thing is, so just private. 12second_orz February 16 2011, 17:41:48 UTC
[Ahah. The mafia. He had a feeling it was going to be something like that. Sionis hasn't said as much, of course, but it's a fair leap to make.]

Not exactly. Teiai has a rather strict policy on overdue repayments- and a very efficient series of mines to back it up.


don't worry, tonegawa, roman's got you covered- difficult to hack from now on ebony_mask February 16 2011, 17:49:47 UTC
[A sharkish look creeps into his eyes.]

Then I imagine you'll feel right at home with AGI. Just exchange mines with sex clubs.


awesome work, bro o7 12second_orz February 17 2011, 19:21:40 UTC
The sex industry? Hmm. That's not a part of the company that I had much to do with [far too messy; he got his in with the company through their legit dealings to begin with, not the yakuza side, so when he had the choice of areas to work in it wasn't his first choice] That makes sense. It's a big money-spinner, in the right place. So this is a city of sin, then?


video; encrypted; difficult to hack forever ebony_mask February 18 2011, 01:13:45 UTC
To put it lightly, yes. There's also a rather visible Black Market, if that's your thing.

[A beat.]

Both the government and police force are utterly inept and corrupt.


video; encrypted; difficult to hack forever 12second_orz February 18 2011, 16:55:30 UTC
[Tonegawa tilts his head slightly at the mention of the black market; now that's more up his street than the sex trade.]

Nothing unusual there, then.


ebony_mask February 18 2011, 20:19:48 UTC
[He chuckles.]

Siren's Port isn't so bad, once you get the proper intel.


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