consultation 001 // [video post]

Feb 11, 2011 16:56

[The man that appears on screen has the look of someone desperately attempting to look fresh and ready for action whilst actually being in desperate need of a coffee, relaxing whale songs and an extra twelve hours or so of sleep. He's sitting perfectly straight at the table, eyes fixed straight on the camera and wearing a prize smirk, but anyone ( Read more... )

†: malik a-sayf, †: the corinthian, !: tonegawa yukio, c: black mask, c: heiwajima shizuo

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Comments 172

[voice] eyesmiles February 11 2011, 18:04:02 UTC
I don't believe the Core has a family.

...Or a bank account.


[video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 18:13:58 UTC
[... hmm. Tonegawa's not exactly thrilled to get a disembodied voice in return- it's off-putting to not have a face to read- but he'll bite.]

I see we have an expert here. What's the 'Core'?


[voice] eyesmiles February 11 2011, 18:35:55 UTC
A machine. The one that brought us all here. Or so goes the story.


[video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 18:46:41 UTC
A machine...?

[... come to think of it, the person who showed him to his apartment might have mentioned something similar, but it had sounded so ridiculous that he hadn't particularly been in the mood to listen. Fresh burns tend to do that to a man's attention span.]

Even if that's at all true, someone must be controlling it.


[video] goesberserk February 11 2011, 18:22:46 UTC
[Shizuo's smoking too, but that's about the only thing they have in common. Still, the Japanese name and the company title were enough to make him curious.]


Anyway, it's not a misunderstanding. You're stuck here. [He's curious about the injuries, but Shizuo knows who he would have responded if someone had asked him.]


Re: [video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 18:41:26 UTC
[Tonegawa only needs to take one glance to know that he's probably looking at a NEET punk, with that scruffy look, but he's unfortunately not in a position to be picky about who he gets his information from.]

The top financial consultancy firm in Japan- though I wouldn't have expected someone like you to know that.

[The screen fills with smoke as he exhales.]

You might be stuck here, but they won't hold me for much longer if they have any common sense.


[video] goesberserk February 11 2011, 19:47:04 UTC
[It's true, that isn't something he would have known, but that doesn't make the insult any less annoying. This guy clearly thinks he's better than everyone else, which bothers Shizuo.]

I'm telling you, it doesn't matter. You won't be able to contact anyone back home either. [His voice is a little harder than it was before. One thing he can't stand is when people take the help he offers and toss it in his face.]


[video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 19:56:31 UTC
[Ah. Struck a nerve, did he? The man didn't lose his temper right away though, as those types are wont to do, so that just barely counts in his favour.]

We'll see about that. The same rules don't apply to everyone, after all. I'm sure I could find a way to change the mind of whoever is in charge here.


[voice] atrumcanis February 11 2011, 18:54:03 UTC
[In a Deep and Reassuring and Very Convincing sort of voice:] Sir, you are indeed correct. There has been a mistake, but unfortunately, it is not a mistake that is correctable at this time, nor within the span of time that you outlined.


[video] l-lol, ilu 12second_orz February 11 2011, 19:26:36 UTC
[Finally. It took them long enough. The voice sounds kind of young and, again, he doesn't have a face to speak to, but he's probably dealing with some sort of low-level lackey here.]

I don't think you fully understand- unless you'd actually like to lose everything, that is. I would have thought you would be more attached to your job security.


[voice] SOMEONE HAD TO B) atrumcanis February 11 2011, 19:47:26 UTC
Sir, I understand your frustration, but I'm afraid that my hands are tied in this matter. Please know that everything will be done to ensure that your stay with us is as comfortable as possible--but you are unfortunately our guest for the time being.

It may be possible that some sort of agreement could be arranged at a later date. But that can be discussed in detail after we have settled other matters.


[video] ♥ 12second_orz February 11 2011, 20:04:34 UTC
Comfortable? [He gives a harsh, flat laugh.] Please. Spare me the bullshit. I've seen public restrooms more 'comfortable' than this.

And I'm sure that we could reach an agreement right now. The current situation is completely unacceptable, yes, but I could be very accommodating for the right deal.

[Well. He could. He'd find a way to worm out of it when push came to shove, of course, but he could.]


text. exarticulated February 11 2011, 21:41:20 UTC
Regardless of who you are or what power you wield, your actions are rather poorly thought out if you spring straight to threats before procuring any relevant information.


[video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 21:49:14 UTC
I want results- and threats are, after all, a language that is universally understood. Still, there may also be a carrot to accompany the stick, if that's what this is about.


text forever. exarticulated February 11 2011, 21:52:02 UTC
Your so-called stick is worthless, if you are not aware of who your foe is and what they wield. You speak like a tyrant, yet you have clearly spared this plan of yours little thought.


[video] 12second_orz February 11 2011, 22:04:08 UTC
[The worst part is, he knows that whoever this person is, they're right. Perhaps a small part of him knew that before he started talking; even if he did manage to get through to whoever was in charge, there was no way in hell that Teiai would actually back him up. Not anymore.

But admitting that in so many words would mean admitting that he'd lost- and that would be unthinkable.]

... fine. If you're such a bastion of knowledge then tell me- who is my foe?


video ebony_mask February 11 2011, 22:59:02 UTC
[Here's a very well dressed, albeit skullfaced businessman sitting at a desk. Roman knows a shrewd and ruthless business type when he sees one, and he'll wager a hefty sum that this guy? Is one of them.]

Save your breath for a company that actually exists, brother.


[video] 12second_orz February 12 2011, 15:22:45 UTC
[What the hell. Is that a mask? But it looks so real, even through the video.

... it has to be a mask. Of course it is.

Once the initial shock wears off, Tonegawa is quick to settle into his usual business mode; he's seen things just as strange, if not stranger, in Hyodo's office over the years, and that suit looks expensive.]

So I keep being told. There must be someone in charge of the city, though; a politician or party at the very least.


[video] ebony_mask February 12 2011, 16:31:49 UTC
Well, in theory, that'd be the absolutely sterling government. In practice...the two companies, AGI and SERO.

But whether anyone at all is responsible for the Core, damned if I know.


[video] 12second_orz February 12 2011, 16:55:39 UTC
[The jaw on the skull is moving. Obviously this just means that it's a surprisingly good mask. Obviously.]

AGI and SERO, hmm?

[That rings a bell as well- probably something else he heard from his Greeter. As patronising as it had felt at the time, maybe he shouldn't have sent the man away so quickly.]

I take those are the organisations attempting to take control of this 'Core'?


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