consultation 001 // [video post]

Feb 11, 2011 16:56

[The man that appears on screen has the look of someone desperately attempting to look fresh and ready for action whilst actually being in desperate need of a coffee, relaxing whale songs and an extra twelve hours or so of sleep. He's sitting perfectly straight at the table, eyes fixed straight on the camera and wearing a prize smirk, but anyone ( Read more... )

†: malik a-sayf, †: the corinthian, !: tonegawa yukio, c: black mask, c: heiwajima shizuo

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video ebony_mask February 11 2011, 22:59:02 UTC
[Here's a very well dressed, albeit skullfaced businessman sitting at a desk. Roman knows a shrewd and ruthless business type when he sees one, and he'll wager a hefty sum that this guy? Is one of them.]

Save your breath for a company that actually exists, brother.


[video] 12second_orz February 12 2011, 15:22:45 UTC
[What the hell. Is that a mask? But it looks so real, even through the video.

... it has to be a mask. Of course it is.

Once the initial shock wears off, Tonegawa is quick to settle into his usual business mode; he's seen things just as strange, if not stranger, in Hyodo's office over the years, and that suit looks expensive.]

So I keep being told. There must be someone in charge of the city, though; a politician or party at the very least.


[video] ebony_mask February 12 2011, 16:31:49 UTC
Well, in theory, that'd be the absolutely sterling government. In practice...the two companies, AGI and SERO.

But whether anyone at all is responsible for the Core, damned if I know.


[video] 12second_orz February 12 2011, 16:55:39 UTC
[The jaw on the skull is moving. Obviously this just means that it's a surprisingly good mask. Obviously.]

AGI and SERO, hmm?

[That rings a bell as well- probably something else he heard from his Greeter. As patronising as it had felt at the time, maybe he shouldn't have sent the man away so quickly.]

I take those are the organisations attempting to take control of this 'Core'?


[video forever and ever] ebony_mask February 12 2011, 17:02:33 UTC
Yep, whether to fix it and send us home, or find a different solution to getting us back. Either way? We're still stuck in limbo.


[dittooo] 12second_orz February 12 2011, 17:20:53 UTC
I see.

[Hngh. In other words, they really are stuck until some distant body manages to turn the gears. Or, perhaps, not so distant if he could find some way to... but he's getting ahead of himself. Instead, he gives a little smile.]

There must be something productive to do in the interim, surely- something more interesting than sitting around and waiting. I refuse to spend the rest of my time here. [He gestures lazily to his surroundings- right on cue, a piece of wallpaper just behind him curls mournfully away from the wall.]


ebony_mask February 13 2011, 03:33:27 UTC
Getting a job is highly encouraged, if not a necessity.

What line of business were you in prior to your arrival?


12second_orz February 13 2011, 15:23:29 UTC
That goes without saying- I don't suppose anything worth having is free here, either.

Financial consultation. [There's a touch (more) pride to that one- though last time he saw Hyodo his employment prospects were hardly encouraging.] You might have heard of the firm- Teiai.


ebony_mask February 13 2011, 18:10:22 UTC
You get one month free at the Newcomer apartments, but it's a shithole compared to what I assume you're used to.

[His smile seems to spread even more.]

I regret to say I haven't heard of Teiai, but it's entirely possible it didn't even exist in my world. Does it operate on an international scale?


12second_orz February 13 2011, 18:58:45 UTC
[dryly] Oh, really? I hadn't noticed.

[The mask is smiling now. How strange. Don't think about it.]

In... your world? [He frowns, looking slightly thrown] ... it's international, yes. You should have heard of it.


ebony_mask February 13 2011, 21:13:52 UTC
[He laces his fingers together.]

If Teiai existed in my world, I would have heard of it.


12second_orz February 14 2011, 18:47:31 UTC
... [Hello, selective hearing. Of course he didn't say 'world'.

He shakes his head dismissively.]

That aside, what about you? I take it you're in business as well.


ebony_mask February 14 2011, 18:51:08 UTC
I'm a business investor here in the Port.

Roman Sionis.


12second_orz February 14 2011, 20:35:48 UTC
A business investor?

[With that mask? That's so likely. Or maybe he's an investor here and something else at home, and just couldn't let old habits die. Whatever the case, he's obviously some sort of big shot. Worth knowing.]

It's a pleasure to meet you- and encouraging, too. Starting at the bottom doesn't mean staying there, even here.


ebony_mask February 14 2011, 21:12:24 UTC
A business investor.

[There's a hint of amusement in his voice.]


For the ambitious set such as yourself? There's a lot you can do here.


12second_orz February 16 2011, 08:45:30 UTC
[Oho? So is that business investor or "business investor"? He'll just have to see, won't he? Asking up front so soon won't get him very far, as much as he'd like to.]

I can imagine, in a city this size. [There's always someone to step on wherever you are, yes, but cities tend to collect them like stamps. Losers, failures, basket cases, all of them together under one sky, ripe for the picking.] Stocks, accountancy, consultation... whatever the work, it's all about making yourself useful to the right people.


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