001 ⚜ Video ⚜ Francis' arrival

Feb 08, 2011 21:07

[Francis arrived late in the evening, during the start of the Darkness. The greeter directed him to the baseball dugout; still dazed and confused, Francis had followed her kind words and stayed there, just as the sirens had gone off. He really didn't pay the sirens any mind, as he sat down to study the strange computer he'd been holding when he ( Read more... )

c: solid snake, c: pino, c: grell sutcliff, c: sunny gurlukovich-emmerich, †: north italy, c: magneto, †: idui, †: seven of nine, c: rochelle, †: germany, c: liquid snake, c: franz d'epinay, !: france, c: nicholas d. wolfwood, †: japan

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Comments 553

[video] axemeaquestion February 9 2011, 03:20:09 UTC
[Well, shit. If this guy could get the shit scared out of him so easily (not like she could blame him when she thought about it), Rochelle wondered if she'd be able to get his attention again.]

Hey? Hey, there!


Permavideo <3 hiiiii Rochelle paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:08:51 UTC
[Thankfully Francis is very sensitive to sounds in his frightened, adrenaline-rush state. He looks down and sees a woman.]

Oh, merci dieu... h-hello! [He's very thankful for a person to talk to, any person at all.]

(( ooc: merci dieu means thank god, if you need the translation :3 ))


Permavideo hayyy axemeaquestion February 9 2011, 04:17:20 UTC
Hi there.

Need you to talk a deep breath, alright? It might help you feel better. Probably not by much but... it's a start.


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:26:07 UTC
O-oui, mademoiselle, I will try... [He takes a slightly unsteady breath, but as she said, it's a start.] Mais, it's a little difficult to calm down with those--

[The Darkness outside won't let him relax, and pounds on the window extra-loudly to make him yelp.]

-- c-creatures outside.


Voice: makes_asteroids February 9 2011, 03:21:19 UTC
[In perfect continental French.]

Hello. I'm going to hope you are in a dugout and if not, get there now. Is Matthieu your son? I've not hear a child of that name here.


Permavideo. Omfg this convo will be epic paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:14:08 UTC
[Trying to remain calm, but he hears the voice and quickly sits back up, drawing his attention solely to the computer screen.]

Oui, je suis là. Je suis le seul ici. La porte est verrouillée, merci dieu.

[At this mysterious voice's other question, he takes a deep, but shaky breath, and tries to respond calmly.]

Matthieu est mon fils, oui. Mais Matthieu n'est pas un enfant.

[Just remain calm, he keeps telling himself.]

(( ooc: "Yes, I'm here. I'm the only one here. The door is locked, thank god."

"Matthew is my son, yes. But Matthew is not a child." ))


Re: Permavideo. It will! Doesn't compare to Magneto and Germany though! makes_asteroids February 9 2011, 04:26:50 UTC
[Erik forces his voice to be calm, even soothing. A tone he would use in the ER for someone very frightened.]

Bon, bon. Restez là jusqu'à l'aube, il sera sécuritaire alors. À moins que vous trouverez votre fils ou un autre ami des tours appartement aura un appartement pour vous.

Ah, je vois, je vois. Je n'ai pas entendu parler de lui, je suis désolé, monsieur. Je comprends ce que c'est, d'être dans un lieu étrange et sans ses enfants.

((OOC: GAH French was over ten years ago. Anyway:
Good, good. Stay there until dawn, it will be safe then. Unless you find your son or another friend the apartment towers will have an apartment for you.

Ah, I see, I see. I haven't heard of him, I'm sorry sir. I understand what it is, to be in a strange place and without one's children.))


Pff that must have been amazing. "hi I'm your country of birth" "... :|" paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:39:44 UTC
[He senses the calm in his voice and his body stops reacting as strongly to the fight-or-flight adrenaline rush. He responds as calmly as he can, but his voice is still a little bit unsteady.]

Oui, monsieur. Merci beaucoup-- [He suddenly starts at hearing the word "apartment". What, is he expected to live here?] Appartement? Mais qu'en est-il ma maison?!

[Not many people remember Canada. :|] Peu de gens se souviennent de lui, il a l'habitude de glisser de la mémoire de quelqu'un ... peut-être vous souvenez Kumajiro, son ours?

[Then, he mutters as a little aside to himself:]

Canada ... Seychelles ... please be safe...

(( ooc: Yeah I'm just using Google Translator, I'm learning German. c: ANYWAY!

"Yes, sir. Thank you very much-- Apartment? What about my house?!"; "Few people remember him, he has a habit of slipping from the memory of someone... perhaps you remember Kumajiro, his bear?" ))


[ Video ] /can't resist deathknellgrell February 9 2011, 03:24:23 UTC
Oooh la la~!

Bon soir, Monsieur.

[ Spoken with a purr - and an accent horrible! ]


Permavideo. Pfffft <3 paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:17:09 UTC
[He will forgive Grell's horrific butchering of his blessed French language. He's kind of scared out of his mind, right now.]

Bonsoir, mon ami. [He hopes calling this person a "friend" isn't too forward.] Do you know where I am, where... we are? All I remember is I was at my home relaxing, and all of a sudden...


Re: Permavideo. Pfffft <3 deathknellgrell February 9 2011, 04:31:48 UTC
Oui, je sais.

[ This "French" is spoken with the most English of English accents. Grell's been London-based for a very long time! ]

Nous sommes en Siren's Port. La "Core"...

[ Have some vague I-don't-speak-your-language hand gestures! ]

er... pullez vous!


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:46:03 UTC
[... you speak English, Francis knows you do. :| SPEAK ENGLISH GDIT]

Siren's Port? I'm not quite sure I know where that is...

[Blinks a bit.] ... pardon me, did you say, "The core pulls me"?


[Video] patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 04:07:24 UTC
[ooc: Italic for her French~]

[Sunny knows a little french, she's been studying it in school. So she turns on the video function of her Hello Kitty NV and smiles.]

Yes sir, t-there are plenty of p-people out here.

[She figures that maybe a familiar language will comfort him. But she doesn't know enough yet. She has a lot of other work for school to study after all.]

Maybe not Matthieu, but there are a l-lot of us here. My n-name is Sunny. Did you g-get in the dugouts o-okay? Those m-monsters can be r-really bad.


Permavideo OMFG SUNNY <333 /flail paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:21:29 UTC
[The little girl that appears on his screen comforts him quite a lot. He has always had a Papa Complex with children.]

Il ya des gens à l'extérieur, avec ces choses qui se déchaînent? [That doesn't seem like a very smart idea to him.] ... Matthieu is not here? [That makes him wilt a little. He had hoped Matthew could explain what was going on.]

[But he smiles a little when she introduces herself.] Sunny. What a beautiful name, mon petite mademoiselle. Oui, I'm in the dugouts right now, but I'm all alone.

(( ooc: "There are people outside with those things running amok?", "my little lady" ))


<3 Aww, I'm so glad she makes someone happy! patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 04:39:23 UTC
[She understands most of that, enough to get the message at least.]

Some people g-go outside to f-fight them or s-some people go to w-work at night. [Sunny pauses, noticing the wilt.] I h-haven't heard anyone n-named Matthieu mentioned over the network. If he is here, h-he'll find you or he might c-come to Siren's Port s-still.

[Sunny's face turns a little pink.] Think s-so? G-good! The m-monsters can't g-get to you while you're there. In there m-morning, you can get to the Tower A-Apartments. You get a m-month free there.


I play an Emma who survived to 2014. She and Sunny are total bros paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:50:21 UTC
[... aww she's adorable <3 Francis almost forgets the scary monsters outside. Almost.]

Outside to fight them? Mon dieu... they're still very frightening. [He ponders over her next statement.] Siren's... Port? What is that, ma cherie?

[He seems VERY relieved to hear this bit of news.] Then I'll stay here. The door's locked-- [He double-checks visually to make sure.] --so I'll be safe, if what you say is true. Mais... apartments? What do you mean?

(( ooc: "My god"; "my dear" ))


video. dacnomanic February 9 2011, 04:33:19 UTC
[ peers at curiously. ]

Mishter'sh very eashily shcared. Being panicked ishn't good!


Re: video. paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:51:32 UTC
[This kid is sorta cute. This calms France down just a little.]

... w-well there are many scary creatures outside.


dacnomanic February 9 2011, 04:55:14 UTC
It'sh the monshtersh.

[ pause. and then, mischievously: ]

It will be okay if Mishter shtaysh in there until morning. But if Mishter goesh out before morning, the monshtersh are going to eat Mishter up.


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:59:50 UTC

[This child is kind of morbid. Reminds him of Russia, actually.]

I-I will not go to the door! I'm staying inside.


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