001 ⚜ Video ⚜ Francis' arrival

Feb 08, 2011 21:07

[Francis arrived late in the evening, during the start of the Darkness. The greeter directed him to the baseball dugout; still dazed and confused, Francis had followed her kind words and stayed there, just as the sirens had gone off. He really didn't pay the sirens any mind, as he sat down to study the strange computer he'd been holding when he ( Read more... )

c: solid snake, c: pino, c: grell sutcliff, c: sunny gurlukovich-emmerich, †: north italy, c: magneto, †: idui, †: seven of nine, c: rochelle, †: germany, c: liquid snake, c: franz d'epinay, !: france, c: nicholas d. wolfwood, †: japan

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[Video] patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 04:07:24 UTC
[ooc: Italic for her French~]

[Sunny knows a little french, she's been studying it in school. So she turns on the video function of her Hello Kitty NV and smiles.]

Yes sir, t-there are plenty of p-people out here.

[She figures that maybe a familiar language will comfort him. But she doesn't know enough yet. She has a lot of other work for school to study after all.]

Maybe not Matthieu, but there are a l-lot of us here. My n-name is Sunny. Did you g-get in the dugouts o-okay? Those m-monsters can be r-really bad.


Permavideo OMFG SUNNY <333 /flail paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:21:29 UTC
[The little girl that appears on his screen comforts him quite a lot. He has always had a Papa Complex with children.]

Il ya des gens à l'extérieur, avec ces choses qui se déchaînent? [That doesn't seem like a very smart idea to him.] ... Matthieu is not here? [That makes him wilt a little. He had hoped Matthew could explain what was going on.]

[But he smiles a little when she introduces herself.] Sunny. What a beautiful name, mon petite mademoiselle. Oui, I'm in the dugouts right now, but I'm all alone.

(( ooc: "There are people outside with those things running amok?", "my little lady" ))


<3 Aww, I'm so glad she makes someone happy! patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 04:39:23 UTC
[She understands most of that, enough to get the message at least.]

Some people g-go outside to f-fight them or s-some people go to w-work at night. [Sunny pauses, noticing the wilt.] I h-haven't heard anyone n-named Matthieu mentioned over the network. If he is here, h-he'll find you or he might c-come to Siren's Port s-still.

[Sunny's face turns a little pink.] Think s-so? G-good! The m-monsters can't g-get to you while you're there. In there m-morning, you can get to the Tower A-Apartments. You get a m-month free there.


I play an Emma who survived to 2014. She and Sunny are total bros paysdelamour February 9 2011, 04:50:21 UTC
[... aww she's adorable <3 Francis almost forgets the scary monsters outside. Almost.]

Outside to fight them? Mon dieu... they're still very frightening. [He ponders over her next statement.] Siren's... Port? What is that, ma cherie?

[He seems VERY relieved to hear this bit of news.] Then I'll stay here. The door's locked-- [He double-checks visually to make sure.] --so I'll be safe, if what you say is true. Mais... apartments? What do you mean?

(( ooc: "My god"; "my dear" ))


Omg, I adore Emma! patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 05:02:09 UTC
[Which is great, she's not trying to be adorable but at least it's helping him. Somehow!]

They r-really are. My uncle g-got killed by one o-once, while he was still here.

Siren's Port is an island, o-off shore from British Columbia, southern C-Canada. The Core can pull us f-from anywhere in any w-world or t-time.

[She smiles, glad that he's sure he's safe. It would be terrible if anyone's first night was spent as monster chow.] When N-Newcomers arrive, we get a m-month in the Tower Apartments, f-free of rent. That gives y-you a month to find a job to keep paying rent a-after or it g-gives you time to f-find s-somewhere else to s-stay.


Oh yay :3 paysdelamour February 9 2011, 05:21:58 UTC
K-killed-?! [He doesn't know why she used "once". Interesting word choice there. :|a]

Canada...? So Matthieu might know something if he's here.

[He's suddenly very intrigued by the Core.] Pulled from anywhere in any world-- does that mean you were like me, and you were in your house, and then all of a sudden you were here, ma chèrie?

[He doesn't like the idea of leaving his house behind.] An apartment... for a month? Finding a job...? [Thankfully he's managed to hold down human jobs before, so that should be a piece of cake. Hopefully.]


She'd be awesome to see here XD patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 05:36:28 UTC
[Even more interesting is-] Uh-huh. H-he came back about a w-week later though.

D-does he live in C-Cananda? I'm n-not sure if he w-would, Siren's P-Port can be really weird.

[Sunny nods.] Y-yeah, I was on the Nomad with Uncle H-Hal, Snake a-and Naomi.

[It'll be there when he gets back though. Not even a single extra speck of dust.] Uh-huh, there's l-lots of places that will hire Newcomers. And you can s-start one, if you get m-money from the Newcomer F-Fund. My friend Minako r-runs a flower shop.


Maybe in May :3 paysdelamour February 9 2011, 05:53:33 UTC
... pardonnez moi, did you say, "a week later"? [Wtf-]

What exactly is a "Nomad", ma petite? [He nods a bit.] Oui, it does sound like a very weird place.

[Still frowning a bit.] Just how many people appear randomly like we did, anyway? I barely just got here, and now I have to live here? Mon dieu...

I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions, just... this is so much to take in at once.


I would adore you forever if I didn't already for bringing France patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 06:06:37 UTC
Uh-huh, n-not many people stay d-dead here. Except the Locals I think.

The Nomad is the n-name of the aircraft we live in. [Sunny nods too.] It is... Some people end up getting powers from the Core. It m-makes it even more w-weird but I'm r-researching what I can.

I couldn't say how many, there's a l-lot though. I'm sorry you have to s-stay here, if any of us could l-leave we would. But the Pull keeps up in Siren's Port.

It's a-alright. Nobody w-would be expected not to ask questions.


Aww yay paysdelamour February 9 2011, 06:31:11 UTC
[... so everyone's an immortal like him now. OK, he can live with this.]

Ah, you live on a plane? [Smiles, trying to bring the subject to her and forget the monsters outside.] C'est magnifique.

[But this mention of the "core" and the "pull" confuses him.] What is it? And... the pull, what is that?

Merci, for being so patient with me, ma petite.


<3 patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 06:48:16 UTC
[Pretty much, ain't it great?]

Uh-huh, the work we d-do requires that we stay airborne. [So they don't get arrested.] It's r-really neat.

The Core is underneath the b-baseball diamond, it's what brings us here with the Pull. It's malfunctioning I think. And the Pull is what brings us h-here. It c-can reach into all different r-realities, I'm not sure how that works yet though.

You d-don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I c-can help, I w-wouldn't want to l-leave anyone without everything they n-need to know.


<3 I'll definitely think about it then~ paysdelamour February 9 2011, 14:29:49 UTC
Ah la la... it must be rather lonely. But you have your family, oui? [Although he wonders who would ever name their child "Snake".]

So, the Core is some sort of... trans-dimension machine? And the Pull is the act of being transported? [He pauses for a while.] So you're not from my reality, are you?...

Regardless, I'd like to thank you anyway, ma belle, you've been most helpful.

(( ooc: ma belle = my beauty ))


Yay! patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 16:30:02 UTC
Not too l-lonely. I w-work with them and Snake is here s-so I'm not l-lonely here either. [Snake probably wouldn't be happy if Sunny mentioned his real name.]

Yeah, that's r-right. [After a moment, Sunny nods.] Probably n-not. Unless you h-have nanomachines technology and have nanos in soldiers.

I'm g-glad! You're very welcome~


I know the Liquid aaand the Solid here. So. x3 paysdelamour February 9 2011, 17:05:28 UTC
Ah, je vois. Well, it's good that you're not lonely. [And that she's safe. He would be heartbroken if she was all alone to fend off these scary monsters all by herself.]

Nanomachines? Non, nothing like that. [He shakes his head softly.] It's a shame you're not in my world, petite amie.

[He's calmed down mostly now. Yaaaaay Sunny!]


Awesome~ X3 patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 17:18:44 UTC
Yeah, and Minako is l-letting me live with her. She's really nice. [She's got the Mark III to stun them to death.]

How c-come? [And now, grinning.] What's your world like?

[Yay! Oh the talents of little girls.]


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 20:52:04 UTC
Minako? What a lovely name. And you two are inside, oui, away from these creatures? [Francis may want to hang around with Sunny then]

Ah, because you've been a very good friend to me in this frightening time. If only I had a friend like you in my world! [He tries to smile; that... though is kind of sad, actually :< He has Spain sometimes. And Prussia when he's not drunk off his ass.]

What is my world like...? [That's a very interesting thought. How would he sum up his world? He doesn't even know about Sunny's, except for these nanomachines.] Well, we don't have nanomachines yet, but we're getting very close. Et... we've been trying to keep piece, mais, in my "world" Amerique is still at war with Iraq in a number of ways, though officially they "won" the war in 2010. [He hopes that's a good answer?]

And what about yours, er... pardonnez-moi, I never asked for your name. I'm Francis. Francis Bonnefoy. And you are?


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