Voice ✞ 003 ✞

Dec 07, 2011 17:51

I have some questions I'd like to put to the people. [There's a reason this isn't voice and that's because he's standing over the dead body of a Darkness monster.]

If you were going to affiliate with one of the companies which one would it be and why? Or what are your reasons for wanting to remain neutral? Feel free to make your answers private. [ ( Read more... )

c: gabriel/the trickster, c: magneto, c: serrure | loki, c: emma frost, c: chuck shurley, c: elena, c: iroh, c: lucifer, c: elaine belloc, c: helen magnus, c: claire bennet, c: akira inugami, !: saint michael, c: yosuke hanamura

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Comments 175

SAME FILTER abrotherlikeyou December 8 2011, 00:56:49 UTC
Join you where?

[Which means 'yes'. He's just been especially contrary lately.]


SAME FILTER servingfather December 8 2011, 01:07:23 UTC
Out on the town. [It's not as if a lot of places are off-limits to them.] I thought we could get to know the city's nighttime residents better.


SAME FILTER --> Action abrotherlikeyou December 8 2011, 01:17:37 UTC
I got acquainted with a few the other night.

[And then Lucifer appears beside him, NV abruptly shutting off.]

But what company would you work for?


Action servingfather December 8 2011, 01:27:05 UTC
[He simply waits the few seconds it takes for Lucifer to arrive. The corpse of a Darkness monster lays burned beyond recognition at his feet.] There are always plenty more.

[Shrugging.] It hardly matters to me which one I'd work for. Both have their corruptions. AGI would be easier for me to get into. [Considering he took on a job at the docks just for the busy work.]


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Permavoice servingfather December 8 2011, 01:09:32 UTC
What are the reasons you say that?


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servingfather December 8 2011, 01:19:52 UTC
That they are. I certainly agree with you on that. However, remaining neutral can only get you so far.


Voice | Pirvate | Unhackable makes_asteroids December 8 2011, 01:17:40 UTC
[Soft. It's been a rough few days.]

I affiliated with SERO under a different name. Partly it was about survival for my patients - I need to make sure they can get their medicine, which is what I tell to anyone who finds out.

[But it's not the truth.]

However, it's. I need to be able to gain access to SERO. I need to have an idea of what they are up to. They can't be trusted. And flying blind is unforgivably stupid. I need the intelligence, so I can be prepared.

[A sigh.]

I have to return home. I cannot abandon my family or my people.

[But if he could bring his family here, once things were better? He would want to.]

But here. Very few know who I am. Knows my past. It's easier to change. And I don't want to lose that.

[And that's what he's afraid of.]

What would I change? So much. The companies, from the ground up. The gross abuse of the people here. The poverty. Children going hungry.

[A shaky laugh.]

The fact we can't leave.


Voice | Private | Unhackable servingfather December 8 2011, 01:36:38 UTC
Infiltration of the companies would be the best way to take them down - to find out what they may have in store for people. However, one must harden themselves for what they must do in order to keep their cover. Such a task could corrupt even a person with the best intentions.

[Michael knows all about that. It's what he did after God left.]

Change is never easy, there's always something lurking - a doubt, a rumor, a whisper in the wind. Simply moving to another world doesn't change everything like a miracle or the change isn't worth having.

How would you go about bringing that type of world, Michael?


Re: Voice | Private | Unhackable makes_asteroids December 8 2011, 02:18:14 UTC
It is, yes.

[Exhales slowly. Measured.]

I'm aware. This isn't my first go around in intelligence, and there are...quite a lot of people, who knew me when I was young, who curse me for being able to harden myself that much. It's a lesson I've never really unlearned. I'm not sure I would, at this point.

[A PNNNNK off in the distance - a BB tossed against brink. His voice is soft, almost inaudible.]

A few million dead bodies reminding you of your past.

[A pause, then a steadying breath. His tone is different, all Magneto, President of Genosha. He has done this before.I'd try what worked in Genosha, only try to prevent civil war from breaking out. I don't know how to handle the top tiers of society, the social elite. I'd have Kuchiki-taichou and Emma work with integrating them into changing, show them it's possible to have power without abusing others. I'd...rework SERO to actually help people, instead of abuse them. Set up trials for those in charge. I don't believe Siren's Port's laws are set up to handle the charges ( ... )


Voice | Private | Unhackable servingfather December 8 2011, 02:51:35 UTC
Playing the role of hardened leader is guaranteed to make some people think of you as the bad guy, Michael.

[He's quiet as he listens to Magneto's quiet confession.]

A few million souls who could have everlasting peace if they were faithful. [And he thinks they were.] I've seen humanity live and die since they were first Created and each and every one of them have a place in Heaven waiting from the moment they're brought into existence.

[Taking in everything because while Michael can rule Heaven with an iron fist he would not do well in a human government.]

The perfect time to demolish AGI will come. [There's a hint of amusement in his voice when he says that.]

I do hope that you will teach me some things. Doing anything in a human way is very new to me.


Video | Private | Moderately difficult to hack frosty_mind December 8 2011, 01:55:21 UTC
I'm afraid which company I'd work for would depend on my reasons for deciding to affiliate. My skill set is better suited to AGI, and I suspect I'd find the environment there easier to deal with.

[Unspoken: AGI's environment being congenial is actually a problem for her when contemplating affiliation. Emma's dark side would fit in very well at AGI, and she doesn't want to deal up close with that much temptation.]

However, on the whole I'm inclined to believe that SERO ... does as much evil, but accomplishes more good along the way, if that makes any sense.

Life here or life home? [She shrugs.] Honestly, my desire to be able to make that choice is stronger than my preference as to which one.

What I'd change about this place? Too much to quickly summarize, but it's the sheer waste of it all which bothers me the most.


Voice | Private | Unhackable servingfather December 8 2011, 02:09:41 UTC
What sort of good have you seen SERO do?

[Her reasons are excellent ones and while he could ask more about her choices Michael's more curious about what could possibly be redeeming about either companies.]

Would you rather have those you cared for brought to this world when it's been changed for the better?



Re: Voice | Private | Unhackable frosty_mind December 8 2011, 02:38:24 UTC
Medical research. Pharmaceutical formulation. Darkness proofing research. [She sighs slightly.] I understand the company's overall medical ethics are terrible, but at least they sometimes accomplish something worthwhile in the process.

[A small grim smile.] Those I most recently cared for were murdered immediately before I arrived here, so I'd bring them to this world now if I could.

As to waste - children who aren't educated and whose potential is never seen. People who die from insufficient Darkness proofing. Adults willing and able to work who can't find a job or can't find one that won't require them to commute in Darkness. Land - Sector 10. [Unspoken: and it's a small island.]


Voice | Private | Unhackable servingfather December 8 2011, 03:33:16 UTC
If SERO didn't strike such fear then other smaller and possibly less corrupt companies could provide those types of service.

[Michael wants to offer his sympathies but he's not good at it - plus he doesn't see how it would do any good. So he says nothing.]

All of those things aren't very different from what you can find in several worlds. Children in third-world countries, families dying in their homes due to intruders, the general economy, half of the world.


permavideo doeswhathewants December 8 2011, 02:18:32 UTC
You sure ask a lot of controversial questions for someone who hasn't answered any of them himself.


permavoice servingfather December 8 2011, 02:27:49 UTC
Why should I when I know the answers to my questions. [Yep he knows exactly what the other meant but tralala - Michael's a dick.]


Re: permavoice doeswhathewants December 8 2011, 02:30:46 UTC
Funny man. [A roll of eyes, because oh em gee.]

Because you're getting information without giving any in return. This sort of thing ought to be an even exchange lest people start to think you're- mining data- for either of the companies.


servingfather December 8 2011, 03:06:55 UTC
I don't see any point to give away any information freely to the masses. And I never stated that I wouldn't answer questions put to me.


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