first ♏ text

Nov 27, 2011 03:04

Now that I'm free from my 8rief, unfortun8 captivity, I can properly grow accustomed to this strange place. What explan8tion I've 8een given only frustr8tes me, and I expect more thorough details immediately from whoever can provide them ( Read more... )

c: chessur, c: nara shikamaru, c: luna lovegood, c: vriska serket, c: khisanth, c: claire bennet, c: karkat vantas, !: marquise spinneret mindfang, c: gamzee makara

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Comments 78

text; manipuleights November 27 2011, 08:12:27 UTC
[ Okay, seriously. WTF is this. ]

Is this supposed to 8e some kind of joke?
8ecause it was funny may8e 8 minutes ago.


text; redromgames November 29 2011, 02:40:57 UTC
Given that jokes are meant to have some entertainment value and my request lacked anything remotely resem8ling humorous, I'll explain the o8vious to you. No, this is not a joke.


text; manipuleights December 1 2011, 01:35:13 UTC
Look, I get it, okay? I am pretty amazing, and I've heard the whole saying a8out "imitat8ion 8eing the sincerest form of flattery", 8ut there can only 8e ONE Vriska Serket.
So you might as well quit while you're ahead!


text; redromgames December 1 2011, 16:36:18 UTC
You have me mistaken with some8ody else. I'm neither claiming to be nor am I imitat8ting a 'Vriska Serket', much less flattering her.

What a disappointment that I'm not recognized here, 8ut I suppose that's to 8e expected in a strange place such as this. My name is Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, and I assure you, I care not for pretending to 8e someone else.


text 1/2 regeneratesalot November 27 2011, 08:14:14 UTC
Nobody knows who's behind this place. All we know is that the core here controls pretty much everything.


2/2 regeneratesalot November 27 2011, 08:16:11 UTC
why are you typing with 8s instead of just putting a b there? [ because clearly that is srs bsns ]


text redromgames November 29 2011, 02:45:21 UTC
[ She's just going to ignore that question, because it's preposterous. ]

The core? That gives me little inform8tion to go 8y.


text regeneratesalot November 29 2011, 03:29:38 UTC
[ Oh come on, there's not even a b in information. ]

Didn't your greeter tell you about it?


[ voice ] underachieves November 27 2011, 08:19:17 UTC
[He can barely handle how obnoxious that text is. What the hell.]

The Core brought you here, but we're told that no one is actually in control of it. It's been malfunctioning for decades.


[ voice ] redromgames November 29 2011, 02:49:26 UTC
[ Oh, this thing talks? ]

I've been informed of this 'core' twice, and I still have no idea what's being referred to, so unless you can provide more specific information, you might as well not speak at all.


[ voice ] underachieves November 29 2011, 03:01:59 UTC
It's a machine and no one's allowed near it because tampering with it might kill everything on the island.


[ voice ] redromgames December 1 2011, 16:41:16 UTC
[ She lets sarcasm creep into her voice. ] And wouldn't that be a shame.

I take it there's no way to return home then?


text; sealbait November 27 2011, 08:25:21 UTC
[Christ, what's with all the weird alien texts on the network lately? Well he can do annoyingly colored text too.]

the core dragged you here. it's been fucked up for a long time. don't try to mess with it ever.

welcome to fucking canada


text; redromgames November 29 2011, 03:02:27 UTC
Given I have no idea as to the loc8tion to this core, I can safely say that I will not 8e attempting to tamper with it any time soon.

What or where is Canada? Elabor8.


voice; believesbeyond November 27 2011, 11:09:05 UTC
You don't talk to humans often?


voice; redromgames November 29 2011, 03:09:13 UTC
Prior to just recently, I'd never had an encounter with one.


voice; believesbeyond December 1 2011, 21:16:17 UTC
I don't suppose they didn't exist where you came from?


voice; redromgames December 22 2011, 16:13:21 UTC
None that I have ever seen, no.


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