first ♏ text

Nov 27, 2011 03:04

Now that I'm free from my 8rief, unfortun8 captivity, I can properly grow accustomed to this strange place. What explan8tion I've 8een given only frustr8tes me, and I expect more thorough details immediately from whoever can provide them.

The prominent species here is like nothing I have seen 8efore. Humans. Even the word sounds preposterous, and yet, they managed to detain me 8ecause I would not accept their help without putting up a fight. I cannot 8e 8lamed for my distrust in such odd creatures.

8ut I digress. It appears my journal now has a new a8ility to contact others, and while this is disconcerting as I would rather keep my priv8 thoughts priv8, I will use this to my advantage and demand to know whoever or whatever is 8ehind this. I can only hope that you, whoever you might 8e, will 8e more helpful than that who originally greeted me.

[ Now that I'm free from my brief, unfortunate captivity, I can properly grow accustomed to this strange place. What explanation I've been given only frustrates me, and I expect more thorough details immediately from whoever can provide them.

The prominent species here is like nothing I have seen before. Humans. Even the word sounds preposterous, and yet, they managed to detain me because I would not accept their help without putting up a fight. I cannot be blamed for my distrust in such odd creatures.

But I digress. It appears my journal now has a new ability to contact others, and while this is disconcerting as I would rather keep my private thoughts private, I will use this to my advantage and demand to know whoever or whatever is behind this. I can only hope that you, whoever you might be, will be more helpful than that who originally greeted me. ]

c: chessur, c: nara shikamaru, c: luna lovegood, c: vriska serket, c: khisanth, c: claire bennet, c: karkat vantas, !: marquise spinneret mindfang, c: gamzee makara

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