
Nov 22, 2011 09:09

[ when the sound comes on, joker seems to be in the middle of a conversation, tense and clearly uncomfortable, and both voices are a little muffled. one of them is quickly rising, though, frustrated, wheedling. ]

"--Joker, don't--"

--yer 'ands offa' me!

[ rustling, the sounds of a brief scuffle, and a startled hiss. ]

"--orry, I don't-- I'm ( Read more... )

c: luppi antenor, c: the joker, c: khisanth, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: sephiroth, c: clover, !: joker, c: naoya, c: akira inugami, c: gamzee makara

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Comments 144

[video] he_is_wild November 22 2011, 21:10:44 UTC


[video] highest_trump November 22 2011, 21:13:55 UTC
Don' wear it out, Mate, it's th' only one I've got.


[video] he_is_wild November 22 2011, 21:16:30 UTC

[He snarls and points dramatically into the camera]

Oh no you don't! Only enough room for one in this deck, and I'm it!


[video] highest_trump November 22 2011, 21:24:24 UTC
[ oh, hey, this must be the one the.. talking pony mentioned. ]

There's usually two Jokers in a deck. .. I fink I'm prob'ly th' red one. [ a tug to his hair in illustration. ]


video fantasycliche November 22 2011, 21:58:09 UTC
Oh, surely you could do more than just film it. That's a poor defense.


video highest_trump November 22 2011, 22:03:21 UTC
Was sort've th' only fing I could fink of at th' time. 'E took me a bit by surprise.


fantasycliche November 22 2011, 22:04:20 UTC
A poor defense and a poor excuse. You're on a roll.


highest_trump November 22 2011, 22:06:06 UTC
Poor excuse fer what, 'xac'ly?


voice; kingofrooks November 23 2011, 02:49:38 UTC
[ a little dryly: ]

I see you've received the friendly neighbourhood warning.


video. highest_trump November 23 2011, 11:47:46 UTC
Looks 'at way. Never met a bloke so p'ssessive 'bout a name.


voice forever; kingofrooks November 23 2011, 12:20:02 UTC
Unlike most normal people, he doesn't have a proper one.


video forever! highest_trump November 23 2011, 12:25:09 UTC
Neiver do I, if 'proper name' means somefing like 'Steve' an' a fam'ly name.

[ he rests his chin in his palms, blowing a few strands of hair out of his face with a huff. ]

We all picked names fer one anovver when we formed th' Circus.


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video; highest_trump November 23 2011, 11:50:19 UTC
Sure 'nuff!

[ a pause, then, colouring faintly under the stare, before he laughs a little. ]

What's wiv th' look, Guv?


(The comment has been removed)

video; highest_trump November 27 2011, 06:18:20 UTC
[ the usual smile fades slightly, turning a little rueful as he lifts fingers to touch the curve of his jaw where the bruises are hidden. ]

They're not usually th' bad sort. [ a lie, but he does it so well it's almost impossible to tell, and follows it up with a wicked grin. ] 'Aven't you ever 'ad a roll what got a little rough?


[text] goldilocked November 24 2011, 02:42:57 UTC
What happened?


video. highest_trump November 24 2011, 02:49:23 UTC
Yer guess is as good as mine, Mate. Normally, 'e's 'armless. At leas', 'at's what I fought.


permatext goldilocked November 24 2011, 02:54:20 UTC
Seems like you're well...received, there.


highest_trump November 24 2011, 03:06:24 UTC
They've been welcomin'. I've been lucky so far. Yer comin' ter see me sometime, yeah?


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