
Nov 22, 2011 09:09

[ when the sound comes on, joker seems to be in the middle of a conversation, tense and clearly uncomfortable, and both voices are a little muffled. one of them is quickly rising, though, frustrated, wheedling. ]

"--Joker, don't--"

--yer 'ands offa' me!

[ rustling, the sounds of a brief scuffle, and a startled hiss. ]

"--orry, I don't-- I'm sorry, okay, just don't d--"

Get. Out.

[ it goes quiet, and finally, joker's fingers close over the nv, pulling it out and setting it down on a small vanity. he's in what appears to be a colourful tent, and as he settles on the stool at the vanity, he's clearly ruffled, his collar undone and small bruises already beginning to form along his jaw. ]

Blinkin' ridiculous, [ he decides with an irritated glance from the mirror into the nv. ] Some people jus' fink they're God's own gift. [ he glances back up into the mirror, then, lifting a few hairpins to start putting the long strands up in his usual style. ] Any'ow, sorry fer th' show there, I just fought it were bes' ter 'ave witnesses in case 'e got violent're somefin'.

[ he swipes a little powder over the bruises, then paints in the small diamond-and-teardrop over his eye. once he's finished, he offers the nv a bright smile. ]

There! 'At's better. I 'ope this sort've fing en't turned yer offa' seein' th' Carnival sometime. I promise I'm a lotta' fun ter watch.

[ a wink, and he reaches up to turn the nv off. ]

c: luppi antenor, c: the joker, c: khisanth, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: sephiroth, c: clover, !: joker, c: naoya, c: akira inugami, c: gamzee makara

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