seven; voice

Oct 10, 2011 00:43

[ Ostensibly a complete failure of a private message to Clark Kent ( Read more... )

c: tim drake, c: clark kent, c: dick grayson, !: bruce wayne | batman, c: damian wayne

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text; untraceable 99% under_thehood October 9 2011, 18:33:07 UTC
You're both morons.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 18:35:39 UTC
Thanks for that warm diagnosis.


under_thehood October 9 2011, 18:38:42 UTC
Gosh, you're so welcome.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 18:40:27 UTC
You're not very subtle, Jason.


under_thehood October 9 2011, 18:45:17 UTC
Subtle wasn't the goal, mocking you was.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 18:46:35 UTC
Do you think it was easy for me, hearing his voice?


Retroactively encrypted the whole thread. under_thehood October 9 2011, 18:48:49 UTC
We're not having this talk.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 18:52:44 UTC
Why? Why not, Jason? Because I don't need to hear what you've got to say?


under_thehood October 9 2011, 18:57:51 UTC
Make up whatever reason you want, I don't care.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 19:15:15 UTC
I still want to talk to you.


under_thehood October 9 2011, 19:23:39 UTC
I still don't give a crap.

I'll keep out of the Cave without you having to change anything if you just leave me the hell alone. Deal?


isitablurred October 9 2011, 19:33:03 UTC
No deal. Without him here to bark his orders it's your home as much as anyone else's. How about this deal--you promise not to blow it up, and I'll let you continue to have access to it. To the resources and to the shelter.

Come up with a better deal if you want me off your back about feelings and responsibility.


under_thehood October 9 2011, 20:07:07 UTC
That's the only deal I'm interested in.

How about I don't blow up the Cave or anything else in Port (except in self-defense) and I don't shoot you unless you're in the way in exchange for you getting off my back.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 22:25:51 UTC
I'm not scared of you Jason.

But I'll keep out of your way, if you bare one thing in mind. I know how it feels to lose my father. I know that it consumes you.

That's it.


under_thehood October 9 2011, 23:12:20 UTC
You think that makes us similar in any way? You're deluding yourself.


isitablurred October 9 2011, 23:19:20 UTC
We were both outcasts. We both felt pressed by the violence of our pasts; felt that our destiny was carved into who and what we were. We were both adopted by great men who did everything they could to change that. We are both of us fatherless--I lost mine twice.

And we've both killed.


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