♑ video.

Aug 12, 2011 23:40

[ hey, network! on the screen is . . . well, you see right. it's a large pile of horns. bicycle horns. to make a pile like that, that's a lot of fucking horns. who the fuck keeps so many horns . . .  anyway, at the moment it's just chilling there, silent as ever on a hardwood apartment floor, until there's speeding footsteps getting louder, closer ( Read more... )

c: shoshanna dreyfus, c: soul eater evans, c: kenzo tenma, !: gamzee makara, c: laughing beauty, c: raven, c: jade harley, c: pickles the drummer

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action (bah) frogst August 13 2011, 04:57:29 UTC
[ Gamzee what

what are you doing to her apartment.

Is that slime.

It is. ]




narcotizes August 15 2011, 02:54:23 UTC
[ and then he just can't even handle this anymore this is the magiclest magical thing ever

and kind of gross when after a moment of silence he curiously scoops up the goob he just spat up

and considers eating it ]

My pan is blown, sister. Motherfuckin' blown.


frogst August 15 2011, 07:58:34 UTC
[ Oh no you don't.

Jade reaches to grab his wrist, and is just going to sort of...hold it. She doesn't trust this sopor slime nonsense, and she definitely doesn't want him throwing it up or whatever that was again. ]

I think mine is too a little! [ She laughs, still clutching his wrist so he can just forget trying to eat it (while she's around). ] And after all this pan blowing I think the best idea is to stop eating this stuff and get cleaned up!


narcotizes August 15 2011, 14:55:57 UTC
[ well, friends knew best and have the what's best for you in mind. if she said it was time to stop eating and get cleaned up-- it was time to stop eating and get cleaned up. strangely, without any objection at all: ]

Sure thing, friend. [ he was still kind of hungry, though . . . ]


frogst August 15 2011, 18:34:11 UTC

[ Oh, he agreed right away. She doesn't think it should surprise her given his demeanor, and the momentary shock passes quickly. ]

Oh, good.

[ And she drapes the towel over his slime covered hand in hopes of saving herself the horror that would be touching it, tugging him to his feet. She leads the way to the bathroom, as that is the proper place for cleaning gross things.

She wants to ask about the sopor slime, but worries that talking about it might encourage more spitting and/or attempted eating, so for now, she refrains. Instead she busies herself with collecting more towels, turning back to him with her arms full of them.

Jade that is far too many towels. ]


narcotizes August 15 2011, 22:41:58 UTC
[ all gamzee does is watch and wait, sitting down on the bathroom floor in the mean time. sometimes he forgets this place even exists-- when was the last time he took a shower? best leave that . . . unanswered . . .

those are a lot of fucking towels. we sure are in desperate needs of towels.

oh . . . god he's kind of leaking again . . . ]


frogst August 16 2011, 06:09:28 UTC
[ She's not sure if all the towels in the world could solve this problem.

w e l p.

Guess who is getting a bath.

Did you guess Gamzee?!

Jade drops one of the towels into his lap hoping he'll figure out what to do with it on his own, setting down the rest as she fusses with the taps, filling the tub with water. Is this going to be awkward? Probably. It sort of already is.

Such is the life of a mom-lusus. ]


narcotizes August 16 2011, 15:53:37 UTC
[ well . . .

he's figuring that he could smudge the towels all over his slimed shirt to try and clean up. in the process, some drips from his mouth to his lap. licking his lips, he tries to wipe it off with his hand. it kind of . . . makes things look a bit more messy.

towel, or tongue . . . ]


frogst August 16 2011, 17:18:11 UTC
[ Don't you dare use your tongue.

Don't you dare.

The bath is full and she stares down at herself, reflecting on her life and the choices she's made that have brought her to this point. Oh god is she going to see a troll naked. Is she?

Deep breaths, Jade. Everything's going to be alright. ]

Okay, uh. [ Her face is already buried in her hands, possibly permanently, as she stands up and steps away from the tub. ] I need you to take off your clothes and get in the water.

[ And just to prevent any misunderstandings. ]

All of your clothes, everything you're wearing.

[ ohgodohgodohgod face in hands face in hands.

Do trolls even wear underwear. ]


( 1/3 ) narcotizes August 16 2011, 23:55:02 UTC
[ uhhh . . . ]


narcotizes August 16 2011, 23:57:56 UTC
[ -- uhh . . . . . . . . . ]


narcotizes August 16 2011, 23:58:38 UTC
Like, uh . . . Right now?

[ they most likely do, jade. they most likely do. but gamzee being gamzee, he probably forgets a quarter of the time to put them on. ]


frogst August 17 2011, 00:49:13 UTC
Yes right now!!

[ Please don't make this more awkward than it already is. ]


narcotizes August 18 2011, 00:52:20 UTC
Uh . . . [ w e l l ! ]

Alight, sis. [ starting with his shirt, that-- while in the process of taking it off, gets stuck on his horns. pulling and tugging, but . . . ]


frogst August 20 2011, 00:56:31 UTC
[ Okay Jade. Deep breaths. This is no big deal.

But why is this taking so long?

Jade peeks through her fingers oh god he's stuck. ]

Um- [ sigh. okay whatever!! Just think of him like a puppy. There's nothing weird about giving a puppy a bath. ] Here, let me help you.


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