news feed; Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Jul 26, 2011 03:05

Tuesday; July 26th, 2011

Weather Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. High 19 °C and a low of 14°C (66deg;F/57°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Morning sirens will go off at 5:41 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:56 pm.

Courts Swamped with Thousands of Cases Filed for Slavery Hearings

Since last week’s rulings on AGI’s Contract Labor Industry, casefiles challenging slave contracts have been pouring into the District Attorney's office at an astounding rate. No trial dates have been set for any these requests as of yet, as several naysayers of the court expect that the judge’s ruling will yet be overturned in an upcoming appeal. The hearing date for the Wilkes’ Mass Murder case has been set, with Newcomer Attourney Diego Armando set to lead the prosecution. Will this verdict set another precedent for the future of the industry?

Some legal experts have suggested that the city will require a special court, solely for hearing cases of contested contracted labor. However, when asked about this, the city’s budgeting comptroller assured the press that there are no funds to begin such an endeavor right now. An insider’s word insinuates that AGI has threatens to withdraw financial support from vital city infrastructures like transportation, road construction, and contributions to public broadcasting if such a court were established.

Meanwhile, AGI continues to shape up its act, instating mandatory health checkups and regulatory evaluation of living conditions for all slaves within their clubs. Over 120 slaves have been signed into various rehabilitation programs over the weekend

Think Tanks for Tots?

Supplementing the meager city Education and Childcare budgets, SERO has announced plans to sponsor cooperative learning programs at the pre-school level. This news report tells of how an an affiliated Educator and Developmental Psychologist caught corporate attention and saved a Sector 9 daycare from closing its doors due to lost government grants.

SERO has stepped in to remodel the early education program entirely, gearing towards synergistic teaching which focuses on group work and collective contribution. Hand-selected from the slums, 30 lucky youngsters will be a part of a late summer day camp, and 15 of the most successful young students will go on to participate in the fall learning program. SERO plans to demonstrate that even the lower-class children deemed ‘nearly ineducable’ by the public school systems can improve by leaps and bounds with early intervention.

[The report ends with a video clip of 30 4-5 year olds, wearing white and blue t-shirts and SERO logo baseball caps, enthusiastically shouting rhymes that include the company name.]


- Sidewalk Chalk Art Show & Fundraiser to raise money for the Sector 5 School District’s extracurricular art programs. For $15 a sidewalk square and unlimited chalk, create your own masterpiece to surround Orchard Street Primary School with color and hope. Fruit Basket prizes graciously donated by Graysons Orchards will be awarded to the Top 3 most creative entries.

-Peachicks for Sale! Our pair of rare white peafowl have bred, and their chicks are finally ready for adoption! Birds available for $200 each at our Sector 6 estate.

-Time for a Dramatic Change to your Tired Hair Color? Make a statement! Punkilocks Salon is offering a custom color, cut and styling in any bright shade of the rainbow for just $40. Walk-ins Wildly Welcomed!

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