Saturday; July 23rd, 2011
Weather Mostly sunny and clear. High 25 °C and a low of 16°C (77deg;F/59°F)
Current Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Morning sirens will go off at 5:38 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:00 pm.
[Arriving Newcomers in the Starter Apartments will be recieving another WELCOME PACKAGE of appeasing goodies from AGI and SERO, along with information about upcoming Corporate Job Fairs. AGI will provide a $20 gift certificate towards any affiliated restaurant or counter-service eatery, and SERO will provide a $20 gift card valid at the nearest three Sector 4 locations of their pharmacy chain, Seronex.]
Other News
- Newcomer Mouths Off
Jessica Hamby, a Sanguinarian Newcomer, caused a racket in the Underground Mall in front of the 1-2-3 Bowling Alley just past midnight when approached by a SERO representative about her dragon-like pet. Some witnesses heard her yelling such things at the representative with such phrases like "asking to take away my [omit]-ing dragon in exchange for cash like he's some dog. [Omit] you, " before storming off.
When questioned further by mall security, SERO representative Vasco Penny claimed that he did nothing wrong, and that the incident was merely "A young girl overreacting to what is merely a offer that could be a counteractive protective measure against the Darkness." Apparently Ms. Hamby has enhanced hearing, for as she was heading toward the Millennium Theatre, she yelled out to Mr. Vasco "And [omit] you and the [omiting] ass you rode on! Or was that your mother?"
Mothers Against Newcomers (M.A.N.) has released a statement regarding the incident, saying this vulgar language from newcomers is precisely why they want newcomers banned from the public school system.
- Closing Doors on Sector 9 Housing Projects
Eight residential apartment buildings in Sector 9 have been condemned for failure to meet the standards of new building codes, a recent initiative of Governor Townshed’s administration to improve housing safety. The inspector called conditions ‘abominable’. Five of the eight buildings failed inspection for both darkness proofing and fire codes, as well as severe mold and pest infestations.
As of notice-posting this morning, occupants have been given 48 hours to evict themselves from the health-hazardous property, leaving well over 300 persons homeless. Several motels in the Underground Mall have offered a special week-to-week leasing option for those evicted families with children twelve and under.
Because of the buildings’ close proximity to Browning and Elmer stops, near zoning district dividing lines, Sector Four Homeowners Association has expressed concerns over decreasing property values. Others worry about the anticipated wave of voided slave contracts, as well as the steady stream of foreign and unskilled newcomers lending further to the city’s growing transient problem.
- Calling all Software Engineers! Become part of our team at VOWstream! Design, modify, develop or test software for our netvice search engine company, including an upcoming project that will revolutionize the way Siren’s Port goes virtual. Interested candidates may send a resume, references or a coding sample of work you’re most proud of to our hiring e-mail, then schedule for an interview at our Sector 3 jobsite.
- GRAND OPENING SALE-- Bob's Bacon Bungalow at the Underground Mall is closing shop, but bringing an exciting new business venture to its loyal customers! Starting tomorrow, Bob's Gourmet Espresso will be open for business! Come for a new gourmet coffee blend every day. But hurry! Daily supplies are limited!
News Notification Thread]