V. [Video] Lighting, What Is That.

Jun 03, 2011 18:04

[Hello. Siren's Port is receiving a feed that hasn't been used of late. And once it turns on, a silver-haired Nobody is shown sitting behind a desk. The room's subtle lighting creates a contrast of shadows among the First's features, enough to dramatize the setting and its subject without fully obscuring the shot ( Read more... )

c: asano rin, c: roxas, c: riku, !: xemnas, c: sora, c: master xehanort, c: xigbar, c: huey laforet, c: aqua

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reaction; 1/2 madannoshashu June 4 2011, 03:38:51 UTC
[ ...So. The line has been drawn.

He expected that this moment would come -- a time that he would have to choose between the past and the present.

Good thing he's already given the matter a great deal of thought. ]


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 03:40:19 UTC
You know what they say, Superior!

No rest for the wicked.


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 03:43:37 UTC
[There's a pause, a sort of acknowledgment prior to speaking.]

Indeed. That summarizes all that has been happening very nicely.


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 03:47:23 UTC
Gonna sit this one out?

[ He expects not, but it doesn't hurt to ask. ]


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 03:57:07 UTC
As readily available as the option is...I'm afraid I can't go with this choice.

[His tone remains even, faltering slightly before it dives back into its heavy stoic-ness.]

The matter is complicated. I am a part of it, just as much as anyone else is.


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 04:11:31 UTC
[ Why so serious, bossu? But no, really, he gets it. Better than most, really. He's been debating himself, though probably for different reasons. ]

It's like that, huh?

[ A beat. ]

Whatcha wanna do?


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 04:20:30 UTC
[But he's always so srs, it can't be helped.

Another measure of silence passes.]

I will talk to the renewed man. Given his tendencies, I doubt talking will last long.


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 05:12:29 UTC
[ Yes, but this is even MOAR srs. You're not getting altruistic, are you, Xemnas? ]


[ Waiting for the punchline, here. ]


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 05:28:05 UTC
[Psh. Altruism, what is that.]

And if this does not go as it should...then I will deal with it.

[...It's not as funny as it should be.]


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 07:54:05 UTC
[ idk, something edible? ]

Any orders you want passed on?

[ Because he has a distinct sense that you're writing him out of this Xemnas. It doesn't offend him (how can he be offended?), but it makes him want to stick his nose in this even more. He may do so, too, regardless of given orders. It depends on what happens. ]


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 08:14:33 UTC
Nothing of late. Keeping everything in order within our company is all we need to do at the moment.

[But he senses this. They've been around each other for ages - how can he not notice? He falls silent for a good minute or so, the feed ambiance maintaining its filler space.

That ends here.]



voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 08:17:31 UTC
Can do!

[ A pause of his own. ]



voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 4 2011, 08:20:01 UTC
What are your thoughts.

Concerning the most recent of events...?


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 4 2011, 08:30:01 UTC
[ Oho. He thinks a moment before answering. ]

This? I'd say it was a foregone conclusion.

[ Because Terra is just that dumb. As to the rest -- ]

All roads lead to the exact same place.

[ Kingdom Hearts. ]


voice; encrypted not_obsess3d June 5 2011, 01:07:20 UTC
[Just as he expected. It makes sense in this regard. And with the plans, the goals that were once unachievable...

...The possibilities...]

Is this all? We are practically watching history repeat itself.

[Another beat.]

I know you have more to say.


voice; encrypted madannoshashu June 5 2011, 02:37:40 UTC
Pretty much.

[ He's been getting déjà vu a lot, lately. ]

Like what?


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