V. [Video] Lighting, What Is That.

Jun 03, 2011 18:04

[Hello. Siren's Port is receiving a feed that hasn't been used of late. And once it turns on, a silver-haired Nobody is shown sitting behind a desk. The room's subtle lighting creates a contrast of shadows among the First's features, enough to dramatize the setting and its subject without fully obscuring the shot.

Gloved hands are folded casually in front of him as gold eyes stay focused upon the NV screen, ever so serious.]

This may be stating the obvious, but I believe things have been rather...busy, of late.

And why not? City-wide developments have been made. Other matters have occurred. It is impossible to ignore it - not when it all has the potential to create even more reactions upon a grand scale.

[He then muses to himself as he looks away at another point within the room, bringing clasped hands up to the lower half of his face.]

Watching the events unfold may not be enough.

[A pause. His tone somehow softens, losing some of its characteristic edge.]

It will be...interesting.


[Here, his golden gaze drops for a moment, narrowing slightly before looking back up again, giving a silent command toward the NV to send a private message. After some quipped beeps, Xemnas remains as he is, overlooking his hands in a Gendo-like pose as he speaks.]


You have acquired enough time. There is still much we need to discuss.

c: asano rin, c: roxas, c: riku, !: xemnas, c: sora, c: master xehanort, c: xigbar, c: huey laforet, c: aqua

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