[ Voice ]

Jun 03, 2011 23:44

[Filtered AWAY from Grell Sutcliff ]

[ William's voice comes over the NV. It sounds slightly hesitant at first, and he actually considers changing his mind, closing his NV, and going back to think on his own. But, that has gotten him nowhere for nearly a week.

Truth is, the recent events between him and Grell have been on his mind constantly (and it doesn't help that Grell has been calling him non-stop every night.) He hates having to ask for advice on the subject, but the whole thing has been preventing him from sleeping and distracting him from doing his job efficiently. He can't have either of those things. So he finally decides to suck up his pride and ask. ]

Does anyone-

[ There's that hesitant, almost reconsidering pause. ]

How do you get something off your mind, if it has been keeping you awake at night?

c: claude faustus, !: william t. spears, c: reim lunettes, c: tyrell, c: echo, c: ramona flowers, c: beatrice, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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