MORE HALLOWEEN - of the involuntary costuming variety!

Oct 24, 2011 16:45

Hey guys! One small addition to the Halloween plot post so lovingly and wonderfully laid out for us here by our mods! Thleen and I were discussing costumes and general hyjinks just the other night... and we heard the plight of the city, and we answered it.

Does your character refuse to celebrate such a silly and ridiculous holiday? Do they refuse to stuff themselves into some tiny costume and go wild? Do they refuse to make a fool of themselves? The NERVE! And really, it is such a shame that so many characters are such sticks in the mud when it comes to costuming themselves, right? Such a pity! It leaves the mun out of the fun of selecting a costume for them, be it dignified or superbly embarrassing, subsequently subjecting their character to being a sexy Toblerone bar for 24 hours.

WELL FRET NO LONGER. In the spirit of Halloween mischief, Sirius Black and Jack Kelly have devised a plan to costume the whole of the city. They're sending out anonymous costume bombs to random addresses, to arrive the late evening of October 30th, so your character can participate in the fun!

These bombs will look like those good ol' fashioned panty-hose eggs that your mom used to shop for. The difference here is that they're on a timer! When your character recieves the egg in the mail, they will EXPLODE in a shower of Halloween-themed confetti, and suddenly your character will find themselves in full costume. This costume cannot be removed for at least 24 hours, which means that on October 31st, the day itself, your character can become their costume along with all those more cheerful, seasonably-minded souls!

Sirius and Jack are doing this at random, so even if your character has never interacted with either of the little pranksters, you can still feel free to have your character suffer the effects of their mischievous wrath! HOORAY. There's no sign-ups involved, although if you want to use the below space for brainstorming or idea-gathering for just what your character will become, have at. Any questions, let me know! C:

*event, *plotting

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