So July 7th is
the Tanabata Festival (though strictly speaking, going by the lunar calendar, it ought to be sometime in August)!
In honor of the occasion, and because it's the sort of cheesy thing she goes for, Yako's going to put up a large board outside the Newcomer Community Center (just a block away from the baseball diamond, so it'll be hard to miss!) where people can post their 'wishes'-- a tree is more traditional, of course, but a board is just easier to put away during the Darkness. She's going to be putting out that board at least from the 6th to the 9th (unless anyone particularly wants it to be longer?), and
there's an open log post for people to mingle/post their wishes to.
With that in mind, if people are up for it, I'd like to bring up the potential for ~shenanigans~!
I know there are a few characters out there with the power to grant wishes (or with an interest, alternatively, in never seeing some wishes come true, or people who would do their best to grant someone else's wishes and... utterly fail). There are also characters who would happily put up 'prank' wishes on the behalf of other people.
So you could have sincere wishes like "I wish someone would treat me to a week's worth of all-you-can-eat buffets!" or "I wish someone would get Kimihiko Ooe a hooker!" or "I want a better room-mate! Call me!" Characters can obviously choose to sign their names or not. What happens after that is all up to you! Have a wish from the board accidentally fall off and end up with your character, have your character try to grant a wish for the wrong person, develop new CR!
If you're looking to plot out anything, or want your character to get involved but can't think of how, feel free to use this post to figure things out. \o/