Who: The Port's Latest Shadow Televisions Stars! And Thousands of Home Viewers!
When: Midnight, Thursday December 14th
Where: In front of your Television Sets or Streaming NV TV. (Digital Cable? You'll still get the analog effect.)
Full Plot Details HereWarnings: Please Put 'em In the Subject Lines As Necessary, Kids?
Loading loading loading, quickly reaching maximum capacity/ Warning warning warning, gonna short-circuit my identity )
Comments 266
Camera feed transitions inside the house (or the television set made to look like the inside of a house), and who's that coming through the door? It's Pickles the Drummer, from Dethklok. Though there are some discrepancies in his appearance that make the entire picture seem...off. It's not just the glowing yellow eyes: his piercings are missing and his dreads are pulled up. He's wearing khakis. He's walking over to the closet by the front door, taking off his coat and replacing it with a fuzzy, forest green cardigan sweater. Gently singing as he does so:] When your world, it starts to fall apart, look deep within, within your lonely heart. Do your best, my friend, try and ( ... )
[Nathan the Puppet grunts.] Why the fuck do people do that?
There's nothin' pathetic or shameful 'bout yer feelings. In fact, sharin' yer feelings makes you feel good, and brings you closer to the people that really care about you. 'Cause the people that care 'bout you don't want you to ( ... )
...was he wearing a cardigan?!]
"You know what really pisses me off?" he asks after a moment. His face moves to the side, as if he’s maintaining himself from punching the camera. "Every single one of you." Each word is punctuated by the cold fury in his voice.
"I mean it. You are all a bunch of cowards. And people have the balls to call me a faggot? You're the idiots who spend all your days here trying to make an actual life. You're the morons playing house and pretending that what we do here actually mattersHe spits to the side, showing his disgust over the idea. "Do you know ( ... )
He'd dozed off against Blaine, though, and when he stirred awake he'd wanted to call Rachel and check up on her. The television catches his eye, however, and as he watches his expression goes from confused to horrified to deeply hurt.]
The line about Kurt makes him stop feeling stunned as his emotions shift to anger. Someone must be playing some kind of horrible trick on them. The emotional reaction he has lashes out before he can stop it. All the warning signs that his powers are about to react to something get ignored as the tv cracks, the sound loud and horrible. The glass screen shatters and spills over the entertainment center.
Blaine jumps up at the sound, disgusted and annoyed. He can't even say anything to Kurt. It seems obvious to him that Kurt should know that that wasn't him so he doesn't even bother to try to say it, at least not yet.]
What the hell is wrong with you?
He told me to burn it, but I chose not to. A plan was a plan...but I am done now.
[He drops the book. It lands with a solid thud that reverberates in the room. The displaced dust swirls and swims. The gray peels like burnt paper, shriveling to reveal swirling color beneath. A pulsating swarming mass of words, colors, and shapes. It was a realm that was not his, but maybe...maybe he would travel there because he wanted to, not because it was deemed that he must or must not.]
I shall make a path for myself because I am free. She offered me the key and I gladly accept. I reject my burden. It is not mine to bear any longer.
Someone else may have it.
But then there's the view from the abandoned son: the one who watched God walk away from His job, the one who took on the duties that were never meant to be his - the duties that made him so very weary. And Michael resents Destiny for it.
And there's always the good son perspective. The one that wishes to take on the job, that wants to make his Father proud and carry the burden so the plan can be followed by someone who wants to save humanity. For that he feels respect.
Yet from the Commander's position it's a sign of desertion. The plan can't just be tossed aside for just anyone to have at it. That's dangerous in the wrong hands and not even Destiny should be able to just discard something that important. And that ( ... )
Seeing that book fall to the ground makes Him smile. This is how it should be.
Chuck doesn't know where to go to find Destiny. He doesn't know where Destiny spends his time, but he figures a library is a decent place to start.]
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