[OPEN HOLIDAY LOG] The craziest night you’ve ever seen, this hairy scary creepy crawly Halloween!

Oct 31, 2011 14:51

When: October 31st, Halloween.
Where: Everywhere!
Summary: It's Halloween, and whether you're trick-or-treat'ing or out spooking people, today's a day for celebrating. There are enchanted costumes and crazy candy to use to your discretion. Anything's fair game!
Warnings: Possible language. Any other warnings should be put on thread

the joker, keigo asano, dick grayson, kotetsu kaburagi / wild tiger, asano rin, *open log, caster, hannibal lecter, raul creed, nara shikamaru, jessica hamby, larry butz, luppi antenor, carrie kelley

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JASON TODD - All day? - B&R!Jason under_thehood October 31 2011, 21:14:26 UTC
[This redheaded, super tall, comics!chimera freak is enjoying his newfound freedom any way he can in his prison uniform. He'll be looking for a certain other redhead, but is open to be approached by just about anyone. ]


After dark in_starvation November 1 2011, 01:14:23 UTC
[ If the cold bothers Jessica while wearing her costume, it doesn't show. Going around in her red bustier and black garter and stockings and a red caped hood, she takes her time. This is a time of celebrating Halloween, and she is not gonna waste a single minute.

She notices the guy dressed as a prisoner and arches an eyebrow. ]


Re: After dark under_thehood November 1 2011, 02:57:51 UTC
[Jason knows better than to just let a woman walk around after dark. He's been fighting the monsters to the best of his abilities, but he needs his uniform and his pistols to do some serious damage against them. When he comes across her, he's not about to slow down when there's a creature not too far off.]

Come on.


in_starvation November 1 2011, 06:15:55 UTC
[ Jessica has been using her superior speed to avoid the monsters. Sometimes, her strength when avoiding them was not an option. But she follows anyway, a thrill coursing through her as well as curiosity. ]


under_thehood November 2 2011, 15:59:11 UTC
[Jason's more than a little glad that she's following. No matter how far he's dropped off the reservation or how far he's fallen in so many areas, he's not about to let another dead woman ride his conscience. However, they don't get too far when a Night Mare stomps out into street after them.]

Hope you can run in that.


in_starvation November 3 2011, 01:02:30 UTC
[ She hears the strange clattering, scratching noise the Night Mare is making as it starts to chase after them. ]

Oh, gross.

[ She doesn't know if this guy can match her speed, but she doesn't wasn't going to leave him behind either. ]

I'll be fine. Come on.


under_thehood November 6 2011, 00:36:01 UTC
[Jason keeps right on running, not taking the time to look behind them as the Night Mare starts to pick up speed. Crap, this thing is way faster than he expected.]

To the apartment building there.

[He points to the tall, brick building less than a block away.]


in_starvation November 6 2011, 03:11:04 UTC
[ Jessica cannot believe that huge horse-crab-bug-thing can run so quickly. If she goes along running like a normal human with this guy, they'll both be run down. Or eaten. Something like that.

So when the thing reaches out with its neck to take a bite, Jessica hit it with an open palm slap. She hit it with all of her strength, and it staggers from the blow, but not enough to die from a crushed skull. Damn. She guess she has to wait a few more years for that can be possible. ]


pretend these are b&r icons >> under_thehood November 6 2011, 17:56:08 UTC
[Jason can hear the creature approaching and thinks that they'll get run down before they reach the apartment building, but he sees her turn and hit the Night Mare. That takes some serious guts. He's not about to wait for it to regain its senses, though, and he's reaching for her wrist to try and pull both of them into the apartment building.]


/slides on in <_< unmantled November 2 2011, 04:24:39 UTC
[ Now that's an outfit you just don't see walking around by itself on days that aren't Halloween. Still, his eyes brush right on by him twice before that faint little ping in the back of his mind surfaces enough to register. There's something about that guy.

He drops off his perch, aiming for a close enough landing not to be missed. Just in case. ]

Neat digs, pal.


<33333333333 under_thehood November 2 2011, 16:30:12 UTC
[Jason, for a moment, is hit hard with deja vu and as he turns around, he's actively trying to place where he's heard the voice before. The colors immediately alert the vigilante to the fact that it's a Robin and at first his mind goes to Damian, but those shortpants. He knows those shortpants.

It's... Dick? Oh. No way.]

Dickie. Lost a few years. [Way to sound like a creep, Jason.]


unmantled November 6 2011, 02:33:52 UTC
[ Dickie. Not Robin. His head spins a little, because wow somewhere, somehow he'd made a mistake. He's almost sure he's never seen this guy before, but he had to picked it up from somewhere. ]


Don't call me that.


pretend these are b&r icons. >> under_thehood November 6 2011, 17:06:13 UTC
Dickie? [A grin stretches across his face at the much, much younger Robin's face. It's nice to know he still has the touch after prison.]


after sirens birdthright November 6 2011, 18:09:46 UTC
[ Damian had to double-take when he saw that redheaded man moving across the dark street below. He was a familiar sight, and in Port circumstances, it made no sense. ]

Jason Todd. [ He's perturbed, but doing his best to hide it. ]


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