stoicloyalty Chane Laforet and you!
When: Backdated a little-- between Monday 26th September and 9th October.
Where: Various sectors around the city.
Summary: As seen in
this post. Her new powers are firing her personal thoughts a little all over the place; people get caught in the crossfire; Chane is mortified.
Warnings: emotions~. Sectors/times of day
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I'm lost. ]
Just as she thinks she sees the angular tint of light on a street-corner, something long and fast whips at her ankle-- the tentacle of an ooze darkness camouflaged in the muck of the streets with a grip that makes her stagger, clutch at the wall of the building on her left covered with slime, and stare at her attacker. The sight of it is-- disturbing, but more than the sight the feel of it knotting around her ankle sends panic ( ... )
A sudden wave of that unease comes on - now uncomfortably strong, like a neon sign coming on a few feet from his head, and unfamiliar - a burst of genuine fear. It's not something he's used to feeling even in dire situations, and if it were it wouldn’t fit the setting, the potential short dash to safety, the absence of monsters with any lethal potential. It doesn’t fit with him. He shakes his head as if to dispel the panic and gets to his feet, unsettled, ( ... )
Feeling the firm hold behind her does not give her the same shock, however; even in her overwhelmed state she can recognise that it is not malicious. With a brief, blundered stagger of her weight against that hand she attempts to right herself, the bare minimum to stamp and crouch again, the knives in each hand finding their targets once more. Her urgency to get rid of this, to escape, allows her only a split-second glance to the person come to her aid, but not more of a reaction to his identity than to face the Darkness and keep fighting. ]
All she does for a few seconds is stare up at him, eyes locked with his. The questions hounding her from moments prior are still at the front of her mind, fighting to win over her senses again. How did he know? Could it be coincidence that he had matched her fighting plans so perfectly, move by move?
No-- even if it is due to some ( ... )
I keep - [ He cuts himself off with a shake of his head. "I keep feeling your feelings" is a bit too reminiscent of that movie he caught the other day with the weird brown spaceman. And he finds himself not wanting to say it - or something trying to dampen that thought. Someone ( ... )
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