The days get shorter and the nights get cold.

May 20, 2011 02:10

Who: Batman & Robin
When: Tonight!
Summary: Robin's got some intense homework assignments, and Batman's living three lives. Neither one is getting much sleep lately. Sleep deprived patrol ahoy!
Warnings: none?

[ Maybe she should have stocked up on coffee before they'd left the safehouse for patrol. Maybe she should have... coffee stashes, around the Port. Little cups of coffee, one in a gargoyle's mouth, one under a skyscraper's ledge. But they'd get cold. Maybe someone should invent a gadget that goes in a utility belt that makes coffee.

But Robin has to keep her mind on the monsters. These ones are fine, just wandering around and burbling, but if they catch sight or sound of the two of them, or blunder to anyone's poorly-Proofed house, or run into someone out for a (really poorly thought-out) nighttime stroll... well, then Batman and Robin will have a job to do.

Until then it's a rare respite, crouched at the edge of a roof and bathed in shadows. Robin's all tucked into herself, bright colors neatly folded away for the moment, but she might be staring a little blankly. It's hard to be as sharp as you have to be when all you can think about is coffee (and warm beds, if she lets her mind get that far--but Robin doesn't wish she could go to bed in the middle of a patrol, so she doesn't). ]

bruce wayne | batman, carrie kelley

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