Have I been on your mind?

Aug 19, 2010 00:10

Who: Xerxes Break & Liam Lunettes
When: Thursday, August 12, shortly after the sirens
Where: The Nightrays' house
Summary: Liam and Break have a ~happy reunion~! ...Or as close as you can get with one of them somewhat traumatized and the other freshly undead.
Warnings: Backdated enough to kill a man. (But hopefully neither of these.)

By the time that Liam had arrived at the Nightray's house, he was exhausted. The adrenaline of his encounter with the Baskervilles had worn off and the massive flood of information about his new home had died down but not really sunken in yet. He was left with a surreal sort of serenity; he was aware that this was happening to him and aware that he probably ought to be upset about it, but he was just too tired and too overwhelmed to summon up a real reaction. A poor excuse for peace, maybe, but it was better than panic or despair.

It's just as well; he had no idea what to expect from this visit. Everyone had been terribly vague about the whole thing. On any other day that would make him crazy, imagining one improbable disaster after another another. But today he was content to know that Break, whatever condition he might be in, was alive. He knocked softly; Gilbert had said he would probably be sleeping, and Liam would hate to wake him.

xerxes break, liam lunettes

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