Jan 03, 2009 22:31
The 3rd Doctor and Sarah Jane accidently end up in South Korea 1951 and end up at the 4077th. Apologies for my terible attempt at a crossover.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing not even my brain.
The Memorable Doctor And The Forgotten War
Chapter 1: Martinis and My Blue Heaven
While you’re up in your beds, dreams of killing in your heads…
In the silence a lonely American corporal was keeping watch for enemy soldiers.
Nothing but despair lies in wait for to change your minds of hate…
“Who’s there?”
Underneath the blood red skies this is where you shall be trailed…
“Who’s….Oh my God.. Back up! Lieutenant!”
For nothing is as it should you will be changed from evil to good…
So in your barbaric fright, our armies walk this night!
A small innocent pool of blood trickles down into a trench at the frontlines in South Korea.
The weary surgical staff of the 4077th stepped out in the piercing sunlight from the soft gloom of the operating room rubbing their heavy eyes full of relief and some sorrow after losing three patients amongst the two hundred and fifty that were sent to them all of whom were operated on by Major Frank Burns who as usual blamed his nurses. Captains Pierce and McIntyre were the first to trudge away yawning painfully sensing the still and their beds in the Swamp (their tent).
“Seventy five hours of meatball surgery. Gotta be a record. Trapper I’m sleepin’ for a week. Then wake me up put a drip full of your finest martini and connect it to my veins and let me sleep for another week and have a nurse wake me up every few hours to prevent me from shortin’ out and top up my drip,” proposed the aching Captain Pierce.
“Sorry Hawkeye I was hopin’ you’d wake me up after two weeks of sleep and do the same,” apologised Captain McIntyre to his best friend as they edged closer to their rest spot.
“Move!” growled Major Burns pushing Hawkeye and Trapper aside and headed into the Swamp ahead of his two colleagues.
Hawkeye managed to catch the door as it was about to slam into his face “Oh now come on Frank you know they would have died before you started..” began Hawkeye shoving the door out of his face .
“Yeah coz they ended up havin’ you as their surgeon,” grinned Trapper as he took his place on his bunk.
Frank chose not to answer. He grabbed his Bible , took a glance at his mother’s photograph near his bed which was autographed by Pierce and McIntyre…Dear son, Dad is not your real father, Love Mom…and crashed his way through the doorway which Hawkeye was still holding open walking in the direction of the camp priest’s tent (Father Mulcahy) but then changed his mind and headed for the Officer’s Club still wearing his operating dress and white coat thrusting his cap down further on to his face.
Hawkeye let the door go and it surprisingly slammed shut straight away.
“Come on today was bad even for Frank. Three dead and all his patients,” Trapper said consoling himself after what he said trying not to feel guilty pouring himself a drink and then passing the jug full of the clear liquid to Hawkeye.
From outside a petite blonde headed nurse passed the window and waved at Trapper. He waved dreamily back to her, got up and turned to Hawkeye “You bringin’ a girl to the movie tonight?” he questioned glancing back out of the tent material every few seconds.
“What movie is it?” Hawkeye sensed there was a nurse out there.
“King Kong I think and probably a Bonzo movie too,” Trapper edged impatiently towards the door taking the last swig of his martini.
“Nah I’m ok I gotta send Dad another letter anyways. You go ahead.” Trapper did not need to be told twice. He jumped out of the door and followed the nurse like a dog.
Hawkeye smiled to himself, took a sip from his martini, brought out his notepad and began to write….“Dear Dad. Isn’t it funny how life knows just where to get you sometimes. Frank Burns was once again a shambles in the OR but this time his stupidity cost three lives which I, Trapper or Henry could have easily saved….”
This time he had was crucial to enjoy now before the Brigadier would call him back to Earth to help. Turning the dials on the ship’s console and moving to the other side to view flight data from the data bank , moving back to the other side to change the dials and repeated this process several times. He began to whistle a song that had been on his mind for a while not quite being able fathom what it was exactly. Suddenly it clicked with him and he danced around the console as he continued his routine. Then he brushed some dust of his velvet smoking jacket and neatened up his laced shirt.
“Ah yes. My Blue Heaven a charming song. I know America 1951 that shall be grand,” the man said cheerily changing the dials once more. “ Sarah we’re going to America, 1951,” called the man in the direction of a white door at the side of the console.
“Wasn’t there a war on at the time?” queered a female voice from the next room.
“Don’t worry we’re going somewhere away from the talk of war,” reassured the man with a tone of seriousness in his voice.
“How long will it take the TARDIS to get there?” questioned Sarah again.
“Oh about ten maybe fifteen minutes maximum,” answered the man in his friendly manner.
Turning the dials once more he checked flight data of the TARDIS one last time before being absolutely certain that she (he affectionately called the TARDIS female) would land in the correct place.
Ten minutes had passed and the man was certain the ship was ready to land. He called out to Sarah to alert her but as he attempted to land the TARDIS a gushing sound was heard and she jumped a time stream then landed with a slight thud. The man and Sarah were knocked off balance and had fallen onto the console.
“What happened Doctor?”
“I’m not sure. Let’s take a look,”
The Doctor steadied himself and walked to the TARDIS door and opened it with Sarah just behind him.
“Oh dear,” sighed the Doctor
“What’s wrong? This is 1951 isn’t it?” asked Sarah to her friend.
“Yes..,” the Doctor began and rushed to the console to check the data “…it is 1951 but this is not America…It’s South Korea!”
hawkeye pierce,
3rd doctor,
sarah jane smith