Title: i will show no mercy for you (you have no mercy for me)
SionnainFandom: Durham County
Pairing: Mike Sweeney/Ray Prager (set pre-series, Mike and Ray are about 19 years old)
Rating: MA
Warnings: knifeplay, bondage, bloodplay (cutting), breathplay, rough sex.
Summary: Ray Prager comes home to Durham, and he burns like the summer sun.
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Comments 16
Thank you for reading and cheerleading me along! Make sure to grab the song omg.
- Ray's father erasing the word 'lose' from his vocabulary, and the subtle hints of backstory throughout. (Ray's mother! Mike working construction! Hockey!)
- Ray's voice = perfect. I can just hear him.
- Mike Sweeney doesn't end up on his back for anyone without a goddamn fight. Damn straight.
- …there is some darkness inside him that lies dormant around everyone else but Ray Oh, Mike.
- Ray consumes things, like fire swallowing kindling and leaving nothing left but ash in his wake (…) Mike is getting tired of being the only thing Ray Prager can't destroy, the only thing in Ray's life that doesn't burn. How much do I love this image? SO MUCH! Ray as the almost preternatural all-consuming fire, and Mike not burning in the heat, but being tempered into something harder and colder.
- He opens his mouth wider, ( ... )
"dark mirrors reflecting each other endlessly" omg YES. THAT. That's so them in a nutshell.
I am so glaaaaaaaaaaaaaad this worked out, yay! I really liked writing it and really happy that you picked up on things that I was trying to put in there, lol. Yay!
I'm glad you liked the last line! I'M REALLY JUST GLAD YOU LIKED THE WHOLE THING OKAY. *beams*
*is on stimulants so no worries*
*twirls you*
*beams at comment*
You are going to get a bonus!fanmix to go with your other story, fyi. I have a playlist now.
I'm just sad that probably five people will read this because the fandom is so teeny. Then again, I shan't underestimate the pull of Sionn's writing. :D
(OMG playlist! I loooove the Bravery song!)
LOL I think five may be pushing it. *laughs* But that is okay! You liked it! Although I do want more people in our fandom, but not necessarily just to read my stuff--I want OTHER fans to have more fanworks of all kinds as I am GREEDY. *grabbyhands at fans*
You said "shan't" LOL. Brit! *giggles*
(The playlist has a lot of "I want to fuck you but I hate you" songs. I have a lot of those, it seems? *dies*)
I'm sure you found C6D_universe, which is a good place for DC fic. I'm so happy to meet other fans, this show is SO AMAZING OMG and I love it insanely a lot!!!
And thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! I have a loooooong fic about the two of them in the works and it's nice to know there are others out there that like this delightfully fucked up pairing!!
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