Title: i will show no mercy for you (you have no mercy for me)
SionnainFandom: Durham County
Pairing: Mike Sweeney/Ray Prager (set pre-series, Mike and Ray are about 19 years old)
Rating: MA
Warnings: knifeplay, bondage, bloodplay (cutting), breathplay, rough sex.
Summary: Ray Prager comes home to Durham, and he burns like the summer sun.
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Comments 16
Ray is so creepy - wow! And you capture his his obsession with Mike perfectly.
I love the ambivalence and that you make Mike's approach and avoidance tendencies (if that makes sense) equally believable. It's so fucked up. Yet you create a scenario that explains it in its fucked-upness. That was a great read! :)
Tonight through a search I came across your story from 2008 "Demeter's Daughter" about Rachel Gray & Sinister. Basically I read through it all in one sitting, I enjoyed it so much. The writing was vivid, very descriptive, so much so I could almost see it like watching TV. And you wrote Sinister incredibly well - he's not a character most people pull off. Absolutely wonderful story!
My question is, was Chapter 6 parts 1 & 2 the end of the story? I thought it was but it seemed to end sorta abruptly. I'm desperate to find out, so I apologize for the OT post. ^__^
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