closing up shop

Jan 05, 2010 20:05

i'm taking a (permanent?) hiatus from livejournal and defecting to blogger.

*hangs head*

hope you'll visit me there.

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Comments 8

yaytime January 6 2010, 03:12:20 UTC
I plan to be the last person on Livejournal! It will always live on in my heart!!! :)


siobhan_says_so January 7 2010, 18:49:33 UTC
please! i feel guilty enough as it is!!!


writter1211 January 7 2010, 01:44:45 UTC
sadness :(

but i'll go to that i guess


siobhan_says_so January 7 2010, 18:49:46 UTC
oh, i really hope you will.


_hallow_ January 7 2010, 23:15:34 UTC
Will you share the syndication link for your new blogspot so we can add your feed to our LJ Friends lists?


thanks for reminding me!!! siobhan_says_so January 8 2010, 02:04:52 UTC


Re: thanks for reminding me!!! _hallow_ January 8 2010, 07:47:18 UTC
I added that link to the syndication section on LJ so now if you're LJ friends want to follow your blog on their LJ friends list, they can just add siobhan_vivian as a friend.


taylormorris January 8 2010, 21:10:42 UTC
I've been thinking about going over to Blogger too, but what a hassle...

You know, you could cross-post from your Blogger to LJ automatically. That way you're still really here, but you don't have to actually come here and repost.


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