three excuses

Oct 04, 2009 20:20

alright, friends. clearly i've been slacking on my LJ duties. but i have good excuses! three of them!

1. i moved to pittsburgh!!!

this move happened right at the end of summer, between a trip to san francisco and a trip to the beach. and it nearly killed me. but my fabulous new apartment completely makes up for all the troubles. i can't tell you how ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

courtneywrites October 5 2009, 01:38:49 UTC
Siobhan, my writer-friend Christine is moving to Pittsburgh with her husband and I want to fix you guys up as friends! Christine writes adult stuff, but she's still nice and fun. Can I give her your email? xoox


siobhan_says_so October 5 2009, 13:22:32 UTC
yes! please do! i am in desperate need of friends out here.


goraina October 5 2009, 02:01:15 UTC
Man, you just write and write and write and I envy you so!! Writing is the hardest thing for me. If you ever want to try your hand and scripting a graphic novel and need a collaborator, gimme a call! ;)


siobhan_says_so October 5 2009, 13:23:24 UTC
holy shit, raina. that would seriously be a dream come true!


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siobhan_says_so October 5 2009, 20:07:39 UTC
i wish i was the kind of girl to get asked on these sorts of dates. maybe this coming fall, with my new book, i'll get the conference tap on the shoulder. if you want/need any philly restaurant recommendations, let me know!


daphnegrab October 5 2009, 14:13:37 UTC
congrats on finishing!! can't wait to read it!


siobhan_says_so October 5 2009, 20:07:58 UTC
dude! thank you so much! did you finish your thing?


ex_zeisgeis October 5 2009, 14:34:38 UTC
Congratulations on EVERYTHING. That's so awesome! I'm assuming you're teaching creative writing? How's that going?


siobhan_says_so October 5 2009, 20:10:42 UTC
oh, thanks so much, friend!

yes. creative writing: youth literature. i really like it, i think because i miss wearing that editor hat from the alloy days. it's so much fun to workshop.

how are you? basking in all the sweet life goodness? i can't wait to read it.

i feel like it is a little ridiculous that we've never met in person : (


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