weekend plans, Booklist <3s SAME DIFFERENCE

Apr 17, 2009 12:29

this weekend, i'm doing a lot of domestic things. i am suzy homemaker!

nick and i are having friends over for dinner tomorrow night, and i'm making soft tacos with honey-lime chicken and cilantro-grilled shrimp. also black bean and corn salad, and home-made guacamole. yummmm. it's supposed to be beautiful here on saturday, so we can all hang out ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

Philly taylormorris April 17 2009, 17:22:13 UTC
I'm going to Philadelphia this weekend to see some kid get christned and I keep thinking about Same Difference. Not because of the christening part; the Philly part.

HUGE congrats on the review!!


Re: Philly siobhan_says_so April 17 2009, 23:43:26 UTC
oooh, i am beyond jealous! i love philly. have a great time...and eat a soft pretzel in my honor, okay?


courtneywrites April 17 2009, 18:51:41 UTC
Congrats Siobhan -- you deserve it!!!


siobhan_says_so April 17 2009, 23:43:50 UTC
thanks so much, courtney!


shveta_thakrar April 17 2009, 19:50:06 UTC
Should I start calling you Suzy? :P

Seriously, your weekend sounds excellent. Are you in Pittsburgh now? *confused by all your travels* I ask because I will be there next weekend for a spiritual thing with Mia. It would be nice to get together for coffee or something before my train home, if you've got any time.

Otherwise, have a fantastic weekend, both this one and next!


siobhan_says_so April 17 2009, 23:44:38 UTC
alas, i won't be there until August. but i would have loved to hang. rain check!!!


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