my gosh the vents are so. so comfortable.

Sep 10, 2010 11:56

Who ; Thane Krios & YOU.
What ; So just where the heck has the drell been for the past several days? Old habits die hard.
Where ; For Thane, the ventilation shafts of the city. You? You pick.
When ; Friday, all day, EVERYDAY.
Warning(s) ; None.

i could make, like, a big nest in here, fo' serious. )

, t-800, , sonny, , , terry mcginnis/batman, thane krios

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Comments 94

terminatenomore September 10 2010, 19:49:25 UTC
Infiltration and stealth were not inclusive terms as far as Terminator of it's model-type was concerned. Sneaking around wasn't it's expertise, and with it's massive frame, it wasn't really even in the realms of physically possible. But when a Terminator's tracking mode was triggered, it at least made an admirable effort.

Something in or around the utilities room of the Garden Zone he was traipsing through set the machine off. It didn't know what exactly pinged it's sensors, only that it was organic and somewhere in the shafts. Curiosity overpowered it, and speaking of old habits, so did the drive to stalk, to find.

Standing perfectly still in the middle of the ventilation chamber save for it's slow turning head, it started it's search.


eighttotwelve September 10 2010, 23:27:13 UTC
Smoothly, Thane moves through the vents, without so much as a noisy clang or shuffle to give way to his presence. Most other organics would likely never notice him. After all, Thane has spent most of his life mastering this.

Killing is something of an art -- and he himself, a master of it.

However, what he does not expect is to be tracked by an A.I.

There's a pause in Thane's movement. Back pressed up against the wall, his dark eyes peer out towards the man whose head turns slowly towards the chamber.

It's so subtle that it could be a mere coincidence. Or it may not be. Thane has no intentions of killing at the moment unless pursued, so he makes no action.

Besides, he's aware of his own instincts; right now, the threat of this unknown is inconclusive.

Slowly, Thane progresses with the utmost patience, but glances occasionally to the man.


terminatenomore September 11 2010, 01:26:57 UTC
Tank that it is, the Terminator knows from broken up, heavily censored schematics it lifted earlier that whatever is in the vents, it can only pursue for about six hundred yards before the corridors would become too narrow. If it was going to chase after the suspicious organic, it would need to act quickly.

Subtly also not a trait commonly possessed by killing machines who's only "subtle" ability was to just look human, the Terminator made use of what little time it had to go into pursuit mode by finding the vent grate...and ripping it off it's bare hands. Tossing it aside, the machine followed what little it could pick up. The organic in the vents knew how to conceal itself, this only made the Terminator progressively more and more curious.


eighttotwelve September 11 2010, 02:04:26 UTC
...Well. No human he knows can perform such a feat. Then again, that leaves open to a lot of possibilities. Cybernetic enhancements? Genetics? Hard to say.

Not important to him. What's important is whether or not this man is going to kill Thane or not.

The drell cannot escape fast enough from what he can tell. He'll either have to distract him, or kill him.

It's a hard, narrow path, but Thane situates himself so that his sniper rifle is aimed as he presses himself against the wall.



VENT PARTY? /inviting Grid and every other lurker out there darkerknight September 11 2010, 03:02:38 UTC
Somebody's had the same basic ideas. With people like that goddamn dinosaur and Flash finding him on the rooftops all the time, Terry's switched to vent-crawling for a while now for exploring the station. And totally stalking the people around but who's asking, right? Besides, that AI and that Lev guy would probably have problems getting clear visuals of him, in here...

Except he drops into the next set of vents and there is someone else there. An alien guy. Or a mutant, or something. Terry freezes and stares for a second before crawling back up the vertical shaft he's just dropped from, just sticking his head around the corner instead. Considering the numbers and types of people here already, he probably should have expected this to happen sooner or later. Hopefully this thing isn't hostile.

"Whoops, sorry. Didn't know this was occupied."


I'LL GETTHE DRINKS. eighttotwelve September 11 2010, 03:19:58 UTC
Unusual company, that's to be sure. It takes him a moment, but he recognizes the fact that this human is in rather unusual wear. Perhaps normal on his homeworld. Difficult to be sure.

A brow is raised slightly, but at the very least, Thane does not appear to be offended.

"Rest assured, this is hardly my permanent address," he muses faintly. "If you require space, by all means. I will not be in your way."


darkerknight September 11 2010, 18:51:40 UTC
...well it sounds human enough, at least, though the clothing and all kind of gave that away. And non-hostile. Still, it isn't a face he's seen on the network before, which kind of makes him wonder. And makes him wonder how many other aliens he's never seen before are also lurking around this station.

Not that he's not lurking too, but still.

"Just doing a little exploring. You know, seeing what there is to see." And seeing as the alien thing hasn't tried to blast a hole in him or eat his face or something (and even if it were going to, it's not like there's much room to move around or run away in here anyway), he figures he can drop down again. Which he does. "Taking it that you're not from here, either?"


eighttotwelve September 11 2010, 20:31:08 UTC
"There is not much to see in here," he comments a bit wryly. However, he does understand the perspective; for Thane, it's easier to learn from a distance and most often, vents obscure detection.

However, it seems that it's not a particularly original idea. Fortunately, it appears this man has no violent methods in mind at the moment.

"No. To be quite honest, I've never heard of this place until I was taken here." It's quite irritating. The crew are probably long gone by now due to the Collectors. Dr. Chakwas and the rest... very unfortunate. They were not unpleasant and they were faithful to Shepard.

"Learned anything new with this perspective?" Socializing is... odd for Thane. But he sees no reason to not converse the man with the bat symbol on his chest.


isonny September 11 2010, 08:30:19 UTC
There are people here, and there are facilities to take care of the people's needs. Like food, water, oxygen, or waste. Sonny understands this in a way, but not completely. For instance, he doesn't know what the vents along the walls are for. What purpose could they serve?

He's been following the tubing for some time now, like a traveler follows a river. He's not sure what he's looking for, but did notice that most of it didn't have any security feeds like he'd expected.

He hears a noise.

Curiously he approaches the vent and knocks on it, unsure of what to expect.


eighttotwelve September 11 2010, 16:48:26 UTC
The abrupt bouts of company in these vents have been very unexpected. Thane cannot determine if he simply has unfortunate luck, or if he's losing his touch.

Clearly, he must work better on his skills. If he has the time.

For now, after hearing the knock, the drell knocks back with a small level of humor.


isonny September 11 2010, 19:00:51 UTC
A response, he hadn't expected that. Sonny puts the palm of a hand against the vent and says softly, "Hello?"

A thought occurs to him.

"Are you stuck?"


eighttotwelve September 11 2010, 20:27:06 UTC

Another A.I., then? How interesting that this place permits so many. Perhaps it is nothing at all like the Citadel. Ever since confronting the geth, the Council and Alliance alike were rather hesitant towards robots in general.

"Not in the least, but thank you for asking. You detected me?"


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