[Open] Settling in...

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Who; Wanda Lehnsherr and you!
What; Running into people while exploring Sacrosanct?
Where; Any residential zone of your choice.
When; Today!
Warning(s); Probably nothing but will be updated if something crops up ( Read more... )

wanda 'scarlet witch' lehnsherr, raimi matthews, cy

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Random Zone y/y? whatvr_it_takes January 3 2012, 04:31:20 UTC
Okay, so ... stealth is going to be a liiiittle more difficult like this, but Carolina's damned if she's going to sit about and mope. Lack of armor, enhancements, and the addition of these silly hooves be damned; she was going to get some recon done one way or another.

So she's attempting to stalk Wanda. As a pony. At this point, it's more practice then any perceived threat from this mystery woman. She's keeping to the shadows, trying to walk lightly but that clip clop was insane trying to muffle.


whatvr_it_takes January 5 2012, 06:25:49 UTC
"Human." She nodded. At the question about armor, she narrows her eyes critically. She had been wearing it, but she hadn't found it since the transformation. She could only hope it would show up when she went back to normal. She wasn't entirely sure what she wanted this stranger to know.

"No." She lied, shaking her head. "I was on my way to the gym, and when I go out without it, I always leave it in a secure location."


doesthemath January 5 2012, 17:47:09 UTC
So many humans on board.

"That's lucky then," she said, completely sincere. "In your shoes I would have been concerned about losing something so important with an unexpected transformation."

Wanda paused a beat.

"Did it take you long to adjust to that form?" Wanda asked, unable to rein in her curiosity just yet, especially since Carolina was answering her questions thus far.


whatvr_it_takes January 5 2012, 20:25:28 UTC
She'll hold onto the information about her armor herself. There wasn't any reason she shouldn't trust this woman, but then again, there wasn't any reason she should.

"I'm a quick learner. Balance was the biggest thing, but once I got the hang of it it hasn't been too hard." She's not even discovered all that she can do with the magic inherent in her horn, however.


doesthemath January 6 2012, 04:26:31 UTC
"I suppose I know who I can go to if the transporters do something similar to me," she said. "I hope this sort of thing doesn't happen often..."

Wanda trailed off, and then shook the thought away.

"Well since you're here, did you want to walk with me a bit while I explored or will you be off to find someone else to practice on?"


whatvr_it_takes January 6 2012, 04:45:08 UTC
"I 'll help where I can."

She nods and tilts her head slightly. "I don't think it happens all too often, but it's something everyone should be aware of." She's sure glad she knew about it ahead of time.

"I can accompany you for a bit." She stands, instinct making her give her rump a shake and flick her tail, grimacing a moment later. "You won't ... tell anyone about that."


doesthemath January 6 2012, 06:11:19 UTC
"I certainly appreciate knowing, rather than not," she agreed. Unexpectedly turning into a unicorn certainly would have been more alarming if she didn't know the cause. With Loki running around, free as you please, he would have been her prime suspect.

It would have been humiliating to discover otherwise and that she had revealed a change and--no. She wasn't going to linger on the thought.

"And no, I won't," she added with an amused smile. "I'd hardly want similar treatment if I were to take on more equine proportions."


whatvr_it_takes January 6 2012, 06:18:48 UTC
"It doesn't help instil a sense of awe and respect, I'll tell you that much." Being laughed at and called 'pretty' weren't really the sort of reactions she liked to drum up from people.

"So how much of the station have you explored so far?"


doesthemath January 8 2012, 08:31:49 UTC
"Not very many. Six, twelve, ten," she said lightly, regarding Carolina with some curiosity. Getting past the fact that she was a pony, the way she spoke certainly revealed some interesting things. Or potentially.

Was she normally in a position requiring instilling a sense of awe and respect in others. High ranking perhaps? A leader of a team of sorts?

Wanda couldn't recall if Carolina had ever mentioned anything of that sort...

"Nothing too terribly exciting. Not many people around either. It's a wonder I ran into anyone at all, really."


whatvr_it_takes January 9 2012, 02:47:17 UTC
Just because she looked cute and cuddly certainly didn't mean she was, and she wasn't about to give anyone that impression.

"It is disconcertingly empty, isn't it?"


doesthemath January 9 2012, 04:06:40 UTC
It is. If it wasn't so uniform all over the station it might put me on edge. It's...natural for here, and I can't say I mind it being so quiet that I have a better chance of hearing what there is around me," she replied. Things like ponies sneaking up on her for practice.

"Have you noticed anything unusual on the station? Anything concerning besides the obvious?"


whatvr_it_takes January 9 2012, 04:28:50 UTC
Damn those hooves. Also, no chameleon armor effects.

"I've been making it a priority to study the inhabitants, including those outside my own world and timeline." She gives Wanda a considering look.


doesthemath January 9 2012, 19:23:14 UTC
Wanda catches that look, and she can't help but smile ever so slightly in response.

"I see," she replied. "And have you discovered anything interesting or are you still left with more questions?"


whatvr_it_takes January 9 2012, 20:25:36 UTC
"I'm caught in the loop of the more I find out, the more questions I have." she gives her mane a shake. "Like S.H.I.E.L.D., for example." She keeps an eye on Wanda to gauge her reaction.


doesthemath January 9 2012, 20:54:18 UTC
"I thought that might be something," she said, pausing as she formulated more of a response. "I'm sure you understand that there is a certain level of security we must maintain, and not everyone here who is associated with S.H.I.E.L.D. is from the same reality so...it's possible that the goals of the other organizations are different."

So far, she could count three different versions of S.H.I.E.L.D. that people on board may talk about. The one she and Pietro and Loki knew, the one of Agent Carter in the past, and that of the Avengers in a time period closer to hers.


whatvr_it_takes January 10 2012, 01:27:30 UTC
She nods. "Same could be said with Project Freeprancer. I mean, Freelancer." She shook her head, that was an odd mistake.

Being the youngest of the timelines from the people she knew meant that she could belong to any of them. She was fairly certain she didn't belong to Iowa's, although he treated her with enough respect compared to the others that she wished she did.


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