[Open] Settling in...

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Who; Wanda Lehnsherr and you!
What; Running into people while exploring Sacrosanct?
Where; Any residential zone of your choice.
When; Today!
Warning(s); Probably nothing but will be updated if something crops up.

Wanda had been on Sacrosanct as little as two weeks now. After her abrupt and unexpected arrival, she had been reunited with her brother and brought mostly up to speed on the situation. All in all, she thought she'd taken a lot of it in stride. Dealing in reality like she did, it wasn't as much of a stretch to account for alternate realities to explain the wide variety of other residents on board the station, including a version of the Avengers.

What had been a bit harder to come to terms with was the presence of her father, a younger or alternate younger version of him in any case. Tthe frustration of being almost immediately greeted by her universe's version of Loki so soon after his defeat. Worse, another's claim that an alternate version of herself was crazy and had so little control of her power that she completely altered the world's reality with it, multiple times even.

Her brief foray out into the station had resulted in an embarassing loss of control involving mistletoe and Steve Rogers. Come to think of it, she still owed the man an apology of sorts, even if she hadn't been in her right mind...Still, she had taken to staying close to Pietro, not simply for his comfort, but for her own. While getting a handle on things, it helped to have the one constant in her life nearby. Of course, during the times she was left to her own devices, more and more she took herself outside. The combination of winter weather and exploring the station was too appealing to resist for long.

Dressed in a warm second-hand winter coat she'd picked up previously, Wanda was currently wandering through the various residential zones, from 9 and beyond. The newness of the station hadn't worn off yet, so everything and prospect of running into new people was what held her interest.

[OOC: Wanda is wandering all over the station for the sake of exploring and checking things out. Chances are she'll stop by anyone she happens to run across and strike up a conversation if they don't first. Please feel free to pick a location in any of the residential zones and tag in!]

wanda 'scarlet witch' lehnsherr, raimi matthews, cy

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