Play the Rain (Open)

Oct 07, 2011 15:04

who: Rose Lalonde and you.
what: Rose is skulking about, trying to figure out where exactly she is, how she got here, and most importantly, how to get out.
where: Zone R01, Kurzweil.
when: Now.
warning: Eldritch tongues and the girls who speak them, and storms that resemble tentacle monsters.

It's raining, it's pouring. )

rose lalonde

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Comments 40

puppetfetishist October 7 2011, 19:17:10 UTC
Storms in Kurzwiel weren't common at all, and when they did happen they tended to be mild. Bro had yet to see a real thunderstorm on the station in a residential zone. And this one...

He felt a familiar prickling at the back of his neck. Oh hell no. Not those fuckers.

He'd never bothered to understand them, didn't want to go near them, and honestly felt they could go fuck themselves. He really hoped that one of them wasn't really here, that this was just... something else. Side effect, maybe.

He landed, catchpa'ing his hoverboard, his eyes still on the sky. He was so busy looking up that he failed to notice Rose's presence at all.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 19:31:15 UTC
Strider senses tingling.

That unmistakable combination of shitty eyewear and burrito-breath would've been impossible for Rose to miss. She saw him land, and at first, she had half a mind to ask him when he had gotten so damn tall-

Wait a second.

Rose immediately ducked around a corner, flattening herself against the wall. She'd known what she'd seen, but she also knew it was impossible. She turned, facing the wall. She narrowed her eyes, boring a visible hole through the solid wall with her Sight. From behind it, she was able to both confirm exactly who it was and stare like a slack-jawed moron as the notion that it was still impossible stubbornly refused to exit her mind.


puppetfetishist October 7 2011, 19:45:40 UTC
Lalonde senses tingling.

There was no mistaking the distinct aroma of Flighty Broad. Which one was the question. Probably the short one.

And where the hell had she gone? Bro stood there for a few seconds before identifying the corner of a pink (scarf? sash?) peeking around the corner.

It didn't even take him three steps or half a second to get there. No words, just his presence, right there.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 19:57:39 UTC
Rose's umbrella clattered to the ground as she stumbled backwards. Wow, he was a lot faster than Dave. Unconsciously, she rose her Thorn in his direction.



featheryasshole October 7 2011, 19:27:19 UTC
Since the AM thing, moments of solitude had become extremely rare for Davesprite. Either Vriska or Jade (mostly Vriska) was always watching him, and while he appreciated the concern, sometimes a guy just needed some alone time.

Just this once, he'd managed to sneak away. It was sure to be only a short escape, and probably would result in Vriska keeping an even closer eye on him, but for now he was not worrying about that, just enjoying flying.

Until he saw the storm cloud, at least.

For a moment, he inspected it from a distance. The thing was obviously not natural, and there was something familiar about it that he couldn't place.

Deciding to investigate further, he flew closer.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 19:47:36 UTC
Strider senses tingling.

That unmistakable combination of shitty eyewear and orange feathers would've been impossible for Rose to miss. She briefly tilted her umbrella so she could look upwards. He was pretty high up in the air, it didn't look like he'd noticed her yet. She let out a low sigh as she got a good look at him. She had no illusions that he had died at Jack's hand or anything like that. Crystal ball and everything. He looked significantly worse in person though.

She spared only another second to think about that before she started wondering just what he was doing here. She had been assured that she was not currently residing in a dream bubble, which could only mean he'd fallen victim to the same thing as her.

She briefly considered calling out to him, but that didn't seem appropriate, and her...frustrating pseudo-conversation with John was still quite fresh in her mind. So, she did the next best thing.

Unless Dave had his head up, he'd be beaned in the nose by a ball of yarn a couple seconds later.


featheryasshole October 7 2011, 21:45:18 UTC
Lalonde senses tingling NOPE.

Dave did not, in fact, have his head up, and the ball caught him completely by surprise. He managed to catch it, though, and stared at it dumbly for a moment.

Tentacley cloud of grimdarkness + purple yarn =


Time to flap around wildly in all directions in an attempt to locate ectosibling? Hells yes.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 23:05:40 UTC
She wouldn't be that hard to find, but she didn't make herself anymore obvious than she was at first. Watching him flap around like that was sort of amusing, in its way. The lack of a wing didn't seem to slow him down any, at least. Weird. Maybe it was just a sprite thing.

Either way, when she got tired of it, she raised up one of her Thorns. A loud spark came from it, just enough to get his attention.

That done, she captchalogued the thorn and waved to him.


memorymodus October 7 2011, 21:22:56 UTC
Jade wasn't sure what was causing the rain, but it wasn't particularly welcome.

She pulled the hood of her shirt over her head, though the thin fabric wasn't really helping. Maybe it wasn't worth it to go looking for more metal; she was starting to get cold, and this distinct lack of one warming appendage was kind of getting to her.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 23:26:43 UTC
Strider senses tingling.

That unmistakable combination of necessary eyewear and...wait a second, that wasn't right at all.

Dammit, Sharper Image had screwed her again. Well, now she was glad that they'd gotten blown up by meteors.

She heard footsteps, and ducked around a corner. She focused on the wall in front of her, quickly spying through it. To her surprise, it was Jade. To her absolute shock, she seemed to be missing an arm. She stopped with the Sight and just peeked around the corner to make sure she was seeing what she was actually seeing and... ...yup. Only one arm.

She flattened herself back against the wall. A few thoughts ran through her head - what the hell had caused that, why was Jade here, and no, seriously, why the hell did she only have one arm.

As she debated the merits of just coming out and asking Jade to her face, she was no doubt drawing closer to the corner she was hiding up against at the moment.


memorymodus October 8 2011, 02:02:44 UTC

Jade had definitely heard someone there; she almost thought that she had spied someone looking around the corner, a flash of pale hair...was someone hiding from her? She rounded the corner and--

what the hell had happened to Rose?



roseintheshade October 8 2011, 07:32:36 UTC
Oh, well, hiding had turned out to be an awesome idea, hadn't it. Somewhere way in the back of mind, it dawned on Rose that this was her first time meeting Jade in person. More pressing was that she was definitely missing an arm.

"Jngn'knyrip." She pointed at the arm. Obviously, that was more pressing than anything that had happened to Rose.


redancestor October 7 2011, 23:50:25 UTC
So, apparently the Horrorterrors had a way into this universe. Good to know. Signless hadn't really searched around the station much since his own appearance so upon seeing the black rain he had been more than curious.

Throwing caution to the wind and his hood up Signless walked through the black rain in search of . . . just about anything. "How strange."


roseintheshade October 8 2011, 07:52:17 UTC
Strider senses tingling-okay that's clearly not even a human being. This is getting ridiculous.

She saw the alien before she heard it. It didn't seem to notice her back, so she was able to get a good look at it. Orange horns, red eyes, gray skin. She supposed that this was supposed to be a troll, although unless they were all unusually tall for their age, this was probably one of those adults that she had been led to believe were all dead. Weird.

She watched the troll without saying anything, waiting to see exactly what he was going to do.


redancestor October 8 2011, 17:49:46 UTC
After a moment of staring up into the clouds he shrugs it off and looks around the area. Surely this wasn't normal as he'd heard no mention of the Horrorterrors which meant there had to be a cause near by. Oh look a dark complexioned tro- WHAT HAPPENED TO HER HORNS? Oh wait, it's just a grey human.

After a moment of consideration The Signless approached the obviously influenced girl. Surely the troll equivalent of Jesus interacting with a girl tainted by Lovecraftian monsters wasn't a bad idea. "Greetings wriggler."


roseintheshade October 12 2011, 13:02:21 UTC
A Thorn came into Rose's free hand as the troll approached. She knew little of the trolls as the race (her questions had always been more centered around their game of Sburb than anything), but she was to understand that on the whole, they were a violent race, the adults much moreso than the ones she'd interacted with. She didn't point the Thorn at him, but the black aura coming off of it, and indeed the rest of her body sent a clear enough message.

"Gorthytch yulk," she said warily, eying the troll from top to bottom. He didn't seem put-off much by her appearance. Then again, if what she'd heard was correct, she sort of looked like a troll right now, didn't she? Boy, was that weird to think about.


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