Play the Rain (Open)

Oct 07, 2011 15:04

who: Rose Lalonde and you.
what: Rose is skulking about, trying to figure out where exactly she is, how she got here, and most importantly, how to get out.
where: Zone R01, Kurzweil.
when: Now.
warning: Eldritch tongues and the girls who speak them, and storms that resemble tentacle monsters.

It's raining, it's pouring. )

rose lalonde

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memorymodus October 7 2011, 21:22:56 UTC
Jade wasn't sure what was causing the rain, but it wasn't particularly welcome.

She pulled the hood of her shirt over her head, though the thin fabric wasn't really helping. Maybe it wasn't worth it to go looking for more metal; she was starting to get cold, and this distinct lack of one warming appendage was kind of getting to her.


roseintheshade October 7 2011, 23:26:43 UTC
Strider senses tingling.

That unmistakable combination of necessary eyewear and...wait a second, that wasn't right at all.

Dammit, Sharper Image had screwed her again. Well, now she was glad that they'd gotten blown up by meteors.

She heard footsteps, and ducked around a corner. She focused on the wall in front of her, quickly spying through it. To her surprise, it was Jade. To her absolute shock, she seemed to be missing an arm. She stopped with the Sight and just peeked around the corner to make sure she was seeing what she was actually seeing and... ...yup. Only one arm.

She flattened herself back against the wall. A few thoughts ran through her head - what the hell had caused that, why was Jade here, and no, seriously, why the hell did she only have one arm.

As she debated the merits of just coming out and asking Jade to her face, she was no doubt drawing closer to the corner she was hiding up against at the moment.


memorymodus October 8 2011, 02:02:44 UTC

Jade had definitely heard someone there; she almost thought that she had spied someone looking around the corner, a flash of pale hair...was someone hiding from her? She rounded the corner and--

what the hell had happened to Rose?



roseintheshade October 8 2011, 07:32:36 UTC
Oh, well, hiding had turned out to be an awesome idea, hadn't it. Somewhere way in the back of mind, it dawned on Rose that this was her first time meeting Jade in person. More pressing was that she was definitely missing an arm.

"Jngn'knyrip." She pointed at the arm. Obviously, that was more pressing than anything that had happened to Rose.


memorymodus October 10 2011, 07:54:45 UTC
"I'm not really sure what that means! But since you're pointing at my arm..." She looks down. Dave finally persuaded her to take the bandages off, revealing the amputated limb underneath, but she still wasn't used to it. It just looked...well, weird. And even though this was her second time meeting Rose in person (or well, a Rose, Roheze kind of counted as well), Jade was fairly certain that she didn't want her best friend seeing her like this.

"I had an accident, involving meteors. But it'll be okay! I'm doing better at the one-handed thing. How are you? You're new here, right? I mean, I haven't seen you around, and you kind of look like you're spouting rain!"


roseintheshade October 12 2011, 12:55:37 UTC
An accident. Involving meteors. Rose couldn't stop herself from wondering what exactly in the hell that meant (she suddenly found herself wondering if she'd been like this ever since she'd traveled through one of Skaia's defense portals. Boy, what a mindfuck that would be, huh). It sounded like she was acclimating, or at least...trying to. Either way, she seemed more concerned about Rose than herself. How strange, it was just the opposite for her.

"Shgvb throl." She nodded, presumably in response to the question of her being new. She wasn't sure how to address the concern of her spouting rain. She guessed it was true - she had just sort of stopped noticing the rain by this point.

It seemed to be bugging Jade, though, so she offered her the umbrella.


memorymodus October 13 2011, 03:04:17 UTC
"I have no idea what that means, but I'm gonna take it for yes!" Jade took the umbrella gratefully, shaking her head a bit to get the rain off.

"Do you have a place to stay yet? I'm living with the Daves -- there are three of them -- and also with Bro! And Sollux."


roseintheshade October 15 2011, 03:10:05 UTC
A place to stay? Just how long had she been staying here? And how long did Rose have to expect to stay here? If she looked skeptical before, she looked downright incredulous at the mention of Jade living with "the Daves" - in triplicate, apparently! Why just one more, and they could start a band, surely.

She shook her head, her lips pursed as if every party of what Jade had said had landed like a particularly irritating poke in the eye.


memorymodus October 15 2011, 17:21:41 UTC
"Don't make that face at me! It's not my fault that you're stuck here. And there are really three Daves. You'll have to meet them all!"

Jade still seemed optimistic. It was her natural setting.


roseintheshade October 15 2011, 19:43:33 UTC
Rose continued to make that face and, in fact, only made it harder at Jade. It was a pretty weak gesture of spite, but she was either a little too gassed to come up with anything better, or she just had a hard time believing Jade would engage her in a battle of passive-aggression. Maybe it was both.

"G'hroog mur flnth?" She asked, looking around at the buildings around them.


memorymodus October 16 2011, 04:20:11 UTC
"We're in Zone 01! I don't know the super special name for it, but me and the Striders live in Zone 02. Would you like to come see home?" She held out her hand, a little unsure of what would happen if Rose took it. But there was no point in being scared; at least Rose was here and paying attention, even if she happened to be speaking nonsense.


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