Who: Jade Harley, Pink Dave, Orange Dave, Jack Noir, Eridan Ampora, John Egbert, Kanaya Maryam, Protoman
What: Second verse, same as the first; SHODAN never learns and will always try to play god.
Where: Gibson, yet another medical facility. SHODAN likes those.
When: TODAYyyyy
Notes: this is the hideousness/hiveminding/robobits reaction thread.
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So she showed up today at SHODAN's request, something about looking over the pieces for a project. She had pulled herself away from Dave, excusing herself for the moment with the convenient lie that she wanted to go play in the snow. Of course, no Dave would dare to follow her, and she entered the medical facility curiously, looking around.
"Hello? Are you here?"
"I'm glad that you. Came by. T-today," she said, as always stuttering just a little. "W-would you like to. Ssseeeee what I've been. Working on. All this time?"
"The most. Simple of what I have. Cre-cre-created are. Nanites that will allow. For a bio-synnnthet-tic neural network, linking h-humans into paral-lllell processing with. Machines."
She showed Jade a long syringe filled with silvery fluid.
It happened so fast. She moved the needle and jammed it into Jade's throat, then withdrew it and backed up a step. Within a few moments, she could feel the connection happening, feel Jade's will blossoming at the corner of her own.
She pushed, hard, weaving her will through the girl's.
It's better this way. You'll be happy this way.
It wasn't nearly the same as what Sollux went through. There was no godlike feeling of power, no drowning in a vast network, but SHODAN'S will was powerful, and her suggestions difficult to ignore - particularly as, once again, Jade's knowledge began to expand to match SHODAN'S own.
And everyone else will be happier too. There will be no war, no strife, no fighting... you simply need to ( ... )
When he got there, Jade was nowhere to be seen.
It was no big deal, of course. She just happened to be in some other snowy location. It was no task at all to track her wearable signal and...
Huh. Residential Zone Five? What was she doing there?
Trying to suppress his worry, he took off, following the signal.
So she waited. Either Jade would call him or he'd come on his own. Either way. In her hands she had a pistol, modified to shoot darts filled with nanites. He'd be hers again. He had to be.
Then again, he was already close. Fuck, what was she doing in a medical facility? Was she hurt?
Now genuinely worried for her, he rushed inside.
She limped out into the hallway, leaning on her cane, and took the shot.
Straight at the back of his neck. If she was lucky, he'd be caught off guard. Unlucky...
Well, she still had a few more shots.
Someone was coming.
With a few quick commands, she launched security drones, commanding them to be quiet and, above all, efficient. They began to hone in on the intruder.
"Whuh?" She took off the goggles and looked around, noticing that all of a sudden, she was very close to being surrounded. "Uh...where did these come from....?" She wondered aloud, her decaptchaloguing finger already twitching as she prepared to either A) Pull out a weapon, or B) Start absconding.
She felt no remorse; she didn't care that she was trying to murder a child. This one was currently useless to her, and she'd be back soon via teleporter. Not her problem.
Besides, it was from Jade. Why the hell would she lie about something like that?
He was practically kicking doors down when he arrived at the medical facility, gripping his gun in one hand with his specialized crossbow slung over his shoulder, and there were enough knives hidden on his body to kill a mammoth.
Fuck yes, he was ready for this. All he needed now was an ice cold one-liner for when he found Dave.
She'd thought about how to approach this. A needle to the neck might work, but also might anger him; sending Jade or Davesprite after him... the latter, likely a poor plan.
But there was a third option she gleaned from Jade and Davesprite's knowledge.
She limped into the hallway.
"I a-apolllogize for the. Deception. Mr. Noiiiir," she said, leaning on her brace and cane. "But Dave is not here."
She held up a hand, bidding him to wait one damn moment.
"But I. Re-re-require your. Assissstance. In capturing him. J-jade is. Safe. She messssaged you so that I might. Gain your. Att-ttention. As you are more likely to. Listen to her than to. Me."
"I n-neeeed you to bring me the Pink Dave. Alive, p-please. But. Incapacitated. Thoroughly. I will. Give you the toooools to do this."
"Are you. Willing?"
This was also suspicious. She wanted Dave? Why the fuck? And where was Jade, and why did she need him to get Dave here? And who the fuck was this lady anyway? This whole deal reeked of ulterior motives, there was no way it could be that simple.
But it was still too sweet to just ignore-- tools to take out Dave, a chance to beat the ever loving shit out of Dave and maybe even stay in Jade's good graces. Everything he ever wanted could be just within his reach.
"And what's in it for you?"
The voice in his head wasn't too optimistic, but when was it ever? Dave ignored the bitter whispers as he cautiously entered a teleporter (those fuckers still couldn't be trusted) and popped out in the designated meeting place. 'Nother huge abandoned city. Kind of a weird choice, but maybe she just wanted total seclusion? Whatever, he wasn't about to nitpick.
Dave stuck his hands in his pockets and shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying and kind of failing to look totally chill. Not so easy when your hopeometer was dialed up to fucking eleven.
Jack didn't waste any time. The moment Dave stepped into his firing range, Jack stepped out from behind the teleporter, crossbow loaded and level with his target. Couldn't give the kid a chance to react, to dodge or try to deflect the hit-- he'd save the puns for later.
With a click and a BANG, the spiked ball slammed into pink Dave's back, shredding his shirt and digging deep into his flesh.
Whatever it was it fucking hurt, each barb sending jolts of agony up his spine. And there was... something else. He'd been injected with a lot of drugs before but this? This felt new. And it freaked him the fuck out.
Once the shock faded substantially Dave shakily propped himself onto his side and shot a glare at his attacker. And once he saw who it actually was his expression twisted into a pained sort of hatred. Not even bothering to conceal it.
"Th-the fuck did you -- hit me with --" he panted, trying to grab at it with an invisible hand. When none came out, his panic level rose a notch or twelve.
"Sorry, kid, but I've gotta take you with me." His voice was disturbingly calm, his usual anger almost completely drained away. There was no need to be angry, because soon they'd all be together and there would be no more fighting. Everything would be better.
Jack pulled out a gun from inside his jacket, firing straight into Dave's arm at point-blank range. He won't need it anyway, we'll make him a better one.
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