Dec 28, 2010 06:48
[For a voice that's never been heard on the network, this guy sounds awfully casual. There's no trace of confusion, irritation, fear, excitement, urgency.... Either he shows up in strange places every day, or he's just not phased.]
So. Who's in a place they're not supposed to be? Let's get a show of hands.
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Comments 74
Every8ody here is exactly where they are supposed to 8e. This is our home!
No interdimensional shenanigans 8ullshit involved.
In fact, we were all hatched and raised here 8y our various lusus or adult guardians or whatever.
All of us!
8ut not you, apparently. Which means you're an intruder.
8etter a8scond, mystery douche8ag! Or the culling squad will 8e right there to end your shit! ::::O
No interdimensional shenanigans, huh? Boy, is my face red.
[What is 'sincerity', really?]
Imagine, stomping into someone's hatching-ground without even realizing it.
8lushing red? Then you're a human!
Or a vile hideous mut8ted freak of nature.
May8e 8oth! :::;D
8ut man, you're soooooooo not helping your case here.
Any humans unfortun8 enough to stum8le upon the sacred hatching grounds get eaten!!!!!!!!
Run, strange human 8oy! May8e you will reach the 8rooding caverns with your fragile 8ody still intact!
The brooding caverns, huh? Sounds like a very serious place.
You think I can make it there in time?
As far as I understand it, everyone here's from somewhere else. Iiit's kind of a mess.
Y'know, for as much as she talked, she didn't give a whole lotta info.
Unless this is the most elaborate setup, and you're part of the camera crew, I have yet to meet more than three people who are actually from this ghost-station.
But hey, three's better than none, right?
A million missing? Man oh man.... When'd that happen?
you just gotta chillax
go with the flow
know what im sayin bro
maybe were all meant to be here
its part of the fucking circle of life
got monkeys with shiny red asses lifting lions to the sky
tribal chants in the background
before you know it youre lookin in the sky and seeing ghost poppa
thats some goddamn zen shit right there
... You had me up 'til the monkey. Unless that's a common thing around here.
cant even take two steps without some asante sana shoosh banana bullshit
fuck man by this point we need legislation to cut back on the monkey harassment of humans and aliens
so where you supposed to be then
Short answer: not here.
I believe we all are.
Well, good to know I've got plenty of company.
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