> Vriska and Eridan: Trip shameglo8es.

Oct 28, 2011 00:11

[Hello, Sacrosanct. Have a pair of high-as-balls teenagers. Neither of which is Gamzee Makara, holy shit.

Vriska and Eridan are giggling on the Godhaus couch. Their hands are coasted in gross, translucent green goo - some of which splatters on the feed as Vriska waves to the camera.]

Heyyyyyyyy, everybody! I just. Just wanted you all to know that ( Read more... )

eridan ampora, vriska serket

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Comments 294

MINUTES IN THE PAST (BUT NOT MANY); text, private to Eridan; manipul8trix October 27 2011, 23:15:44 UTC
[Eridan Ampora is a FILTHY HORRIBLE CREEPER LOSER FUCKSTICK. Which is why Vriska is sending him a message. Duh.]

Hey, douche8ag. We need to talk!
A8out dear sweet innocent Gamzee.
You know where my hive is! Get your nook over here.
ALONE! As a sym8ol of trust and. Shit.



text; private RIGHT BACK!! ; ps fuck you god fuckinfeelins October 27 2011, 23:17:34 UTC
yeah i knoww wwhere the fuck your hivve is
but wwhy do i need to talk to you in person
is it that fuckin important that you cant continue it on this


text; private LIKE YOUR FACE wait that doesn't-- manipul8trix October 27 2011, 23:21:20 UTC
Here I thought Gamzee was supposed to 8e important to you. Man! I guess I was tragically mistaken!
8ecause if he 8n't even worth you coming to have a teeny little innocent chat with me, then O8VIOUSLY you 8n't feeling as much for him as you claim to.
Poor guy! He will 8e devast8ted 8y this news! ::::O


text; private LIKE YOUR MOM shut up omg. fuckinfeelins October 27 2011, 23:28:38 UTC
yes he is
an i knoww for a fact youre still paranoid thinkin that im all manipulatin his miiiiind or somethin
but you knoww wwhat

ill just humor you
wwhy the fuck not
besides i wwas goin back to the hivve anywways and i might as wwell stop by or somethin
you knoww
to be nice

be wwatchin for me

[Oh boy it's not like Eridan wasn't trying to make food for his bros or anything or was trying to be nice to his matesprit or anything like that right now!! Ahh... fuck whatever, he totally just zoops the pie he had cooling to his sylladex and skeedaddles to godhaus.



featheryasshole October 27 2011, 23:45:03 UTC
Oh my fucking god, why?



manipul8trix October 27 2011, 23:46:48 UTC



Hi, Dave.

[WAVE, WAVE 8888D]


ageaaquarius October 27 2011, 23:48:39 UTC
[omg its davesprite.....

nope too busy with hand staring.]


featheryasshole October 27 2011, 23:51:29 UTC

Hi, Vriska.

So I know that this might be a difficult question right now, but it's important so think about it hard, okay?

How many pies did you eat.


[video] sopor_pies October 28 2011, 00:07:01 UTC
Awwwwww shiiiiiiiiit, you're all up and getting the pie on and no one all up and with motherfucking called me?


[video] ageaaquarius October 28 2011, 00:08:46 UTC
[OH FUCK GAMZEE.... Instantly hearing his matesprits voice, he conks to attention for just a second.]

A-Argh, nooo, fuck! I was makin' you one an' like.... comin' back to the hive.........

Gam' I'm so sorry....... [W-Wibble wibble.]


Re: [video] sopor_pies October 28 2011, 00:48:11 UTC
Awwww, fishybro, it's all good and shit, I'm all glad you're getting our pie on and all motherfuck! Can I come over and be getting the sweet chill on with you motherfuckers?


Re: [video] ageaaquarius October 28 2011, 18:02:10 UTC

Gam'. Gam'. Come over. right now.

Make my miracles complete...


notsoloyal October 28 2011, 00:15:00 UTC
... Vriska, are you all right?


video; and then I accidentally screened this comment instead of replying to it GJ ME manipul8trix October 28 2011, 00:21:21 UTC
Shockwave! No no no. I'm fine! I have to be. Because sure, Eridan is tripping shameglobes! But I...

[Leaning in closer to the feed conspiratorially.]

Don't have shameglobes to trip over.


video; pfffft ♥ notsoloyal October 28 2011, 00:41:34 UTC
Perhaps you should lie down. Drink some water. Just to be certain.


video; manipul8trix October 28 2011, 12:35:08 UTC
But if I lie down right here, I miiiiiiiight forget that I'm not part of the couch! Duh. And then like. People would sit on me and lose their change in my hair.


Video; originaljoe October 28 2011, 00:23:19 UTC
[Vriska? What are you doing to Joe's space son? He would rather him drunk than drugged.]

How did you too even get like this?


video; manipul8trix October 28 2011, 00:26:14 UTC
Motherfucking miracles.



video; ageaaquarius October 28 2011, 00:28:17 UTC
[Wigging out...]

Miiiirraclessss... Joe.... Miraclesssss.... [Oh fuck he fell backwards.]


video; originaljoe October 28 2011, 00:34:12 UTC
[Eridan. Did your Seahorse dad never teach you about drugs?]

Well, at least ya aren't screamin' about seahorses like when the water got messed up.


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