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  • 4th Short! - THIS ISN'T RIGHT.

    since1928 Sep 07, 2009 15:16

    Oooh. This isn't right at all!!

    [HEY LOOK it's a mouse with CAT EARS AND TAIL. It just looks ridiculous.]

    cat cat cat, event, salkia post

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    since1928 Aug 12, 2009 17:48

    Haha! It still hasn't faded!

    [Let's just say he made too many cookies and was in the process of delivering them all and doing his 'regular routine' when the Mood Ring Event struck.

    SO NOW YOU HAVE A YELLOW AND RED MOUSE TO DEAL WITH because he's a very HAPPY mouse full of DREAMS, LOVE, WISHES, HOPES AND IMAGINATION. Will do logging later on ( Read more... )

    cookies, event, the colors duke the colors, salkia post

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  • 2nd Short!

    since1928 Aug 09, 2009 21:08

    [Video feed comes up randomly, showing the interior of an apartment. A whole bunch of kitchen supplies and ingredients are strewn across the table, the screen of the communicator thing sort of blurry at the edges ( Read more... )

    so iconic, cookies, salkia post

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  • 1st Short!

    since1928 Jul 26, 2009 17:34

    [The image is blurry at first, but the focus soon kicks in, revealing a...four-fingered gloved hand. And a black nose. Wait - is that an eye?]

    Oh, whoops! Haha, let's see here...

    [The image shifts and refocuses, now showing the mouse's face against the tops of some trees and a bright blue sky. Sounds like he's talking to himself.Hrm! What a ( Read more... )

    salkia post

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  • [Critique] Can I Get a What What?

    since1928 Jul 25, 2009 22:17

    Hi-dee ho, neighbor! Just leaving a critique post here for all of you! Now, don't be shy - I can handle it. You can be up front about it, or you can leave an anonymouse note. Doesn't matter how long it is, either!

    Have at it, folks!


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