Chapter 32

Sep 17, 2010 21:36

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Chapter 32: Familiar Places

Warnings: Just a little bit of violence

She hated the cold. She was too conscious of it penetrating right to her bones, despite the warmth of the oil drum fire some one had left burning. She knew being here shivering in a junk filled alleyway wasn't one of her best decisions, but at the moment, she'd still rather be here than home. She just hadn't anticipated the weather.

She tried to warm her hands with her breath, hardly noticing as someone walked towards her, stopping right in front of her. She wouldn't have heard him anyway. Not many would have.

"Here. Take this." he said, handing her a few folded up simoleons. She stared up at him suspiciously and with contempt.

Quickly, she reached up and snatched the money from his hand, stuffing it into her school bag without looking to see how much he had given her.

"If you think I'm doing any thing for you for this cash, keep walking, you sick pervert." she snapped.

"I don't want anything from you," he answered her gently. He knelt in front of her. "I just want to know if you're alright."
"I'm fine. Now get lost."
He didn't react to her tone of voice.
"Just use the money to find someplace warm. It will be a cold night." he said. His eyes were intense. If she were anyone else, she'd be too intimidated to do anything other than what he asked of her. There was something strange about him. She sensed it immediately.

He rose up again and without another word, he began to walk away. She stared after him in disbelief.

"What do you care?" she called after him. He didn't answer her.

She shuffled to her feet, following him down the alleyway. He moved quickly and quietly, almost like a ghost.

"Mister, wait up..." she called, unable to let him walk away completely. This time, she was going to follow her instincts and they told her that there was something about this man she needed to pay close attention to.

As she rounded the corner, he was nowhere in sight. He couldn't have moved that quickly. Furthermore, there were no footprints in the thin layer of snow. She supressed a gasp.

She didn't know what it was about him that intrigued her. But Clara knew she had to find him again.

Present Day

Wesley was in her thoughts even as she tried to concentrate on the gibberish before her. She finally had the Sorceress' book in her hands; the relic that the Coven protected and would only give to Willow Marlen, the girl they called the "Heir". It was the book that Clara thought nothing to kill for.

And she couldn't read a damned word of it.

She screamed in frustration as she threw the book across the room. She should have known the spellbook would only be tuned to its "rightful" owner.

She sank to the floor, balling her fists in anger. All this effort raising the dead, only to get this useless waste of leather and parchment...

She took a deep breath. She had to think. This couldn't simply end here. It wasn't hopeless. Only the Sorceress' Heir could read the book. Only she'd have access to those ancient spells. And she'd also have by now whatever it was that Malcolm's key opened.

Thankfully, the girl was still alive, despite Clara ordering Wesley to kill her. Maybe the vampire was on to something after all...

She needed Willow. And to find her, she had to find Wesley.

It was always weird to be back at home again. Cecilia thought that spending time away at University would make her feel more like an adult. But everytime she came back here, sleeping in her old bed again, she still felt like a helpless child.

She had picked up the framed old photograph of her family and propped it in front of her, staring at it. She didn't know why she did. Her parents looked happy in that picture. Her family looked complete.

She knew she had to get over this. It's been years since her parents divorced, and it wasn't like she and Jasmine were kids that needed parents to take care of them. Still, she couldn't help missing her mother. She used to be so inspired by her. Denise always seemed so big and bright and nothing could touch her.

Why couldn't Cecilia feel as strong as her mother now?

With everything that happened last night... in the past few weeks actually, Cecilia knew that she came out of it relatively unscathed. Willow told her that she might be a medium... someone who can communicate with the dead. And that there were such things as witches like Samantha Cordial. Willow herself disappeared leaving Gabriel and all her closest friends upset and distraught. And she knew Jasmine had gone through something crazy last night too, but her sister wasn't talking. All that and Cecilia couldn't help but be personally affected.Was she being selfish about it this time?

She tried to ease her own guilt by trying to make Gabriel feel better earlier on that morning. But she wasn't exactly good at being the comforting type. Maybe she should have just left everything alone.

There weren't any ghosts here at home. But she couldn't stay here forever. She had to grow up sometime.

Tucker snorted softly beside her, nudging her to get up.
Cecilia: I guess it wouldn't hurt to take you for a walk now.

The young dog panted in agreement.

Cecilia: Let me put on something warmer and we can go, okay?

Tucker leapt down. As Cecilia pulled a sweater over her shirt, he seemed engrossed in pulling something out from under her bed.

Cecilia: What are you doing...? What do you got there?

Her heart leapt up to her throat as she saw the magazine Tucker pulled out. The reasons why her mother wasn't the woman Cecilia thought she was came back to her too suddenly. Why did she still keep that trash rag?

Annoyed, she kicked the magazine under the bed again and walked out, Tucker following blissfully behind her.

Bark bark! Bark!

The barking was more of a curious, inquisitive noise. Tucker was too eager to meet the newcomer to the house.

Adrian: Hey little guy. Jasmine never told me you guys had a dog.
Cecilia: He's new.

Cecilia: Hi. Adrian, right? I saw you around last night but you guys didn't say much. You're here for Jasmine?

Adrian: Yeah, if she's here. Uh... sorry, I guess, if I didn't say "hi" or anything last night. Kind of a lot going on.

Cecilia: Oh you don't have to worry about it. You're right there was a lot going on. You must have been around for the fire, huh?

Cecilia: Is that how this happened? It looks pretty bad... does it still hurt?

Adrian flinched away, not knowing how else to keep Cecilia from poking at the bandage on his forehead.

Cecilia: You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to bite.
Adrian: Sorry... I guess it does still hurt a bit.
Cecilia: Yeah it looks like it does. Are you and Jasmine...?

Adrian coughed awkwardly at the suggestion.

Jasmine: No, we're not Cecilia. And leave him alone, he's gone through a lot last night.

Cecilia: I was curious. But whatever.
Adrian: Hey Jasmine.

Jasmine: Hello. I guess you thought you'd come by to see if "I was okay"?

Adrian: You read my mind.
Jasmine: No, that's just typical of you.

Jasmine: At least I'm not the one sporting battle wounds today.
Adrian: Not any we can see.
Jasmine: You can be assured that I'm not damaged. And I was about to go for a walk.
Adrian: Good. I'll join you.

Jasmine: You hate the cold.
Adrian: It isn't as bad as it was yesterday.
Jasmine: Well come inside for a bit. I have to get changed.

Cecilia watched as Adrian followed Jasmine inside. She didn't know how her sister did it. She could be so abrasive sometimes and yet guys still always seemed to fall in line for her. Tucker barked excitedly behind her. Cecilia smiled and walked him out.

Adrian: So after everything that happened last night, you were still going to do this on your own?
Jasmine: Do what?

Adrian: Take long walks. By yourself.
Jasmine: I'm a little optimistic that there won't be a third time dealing with zombies.

Jasmine: In any case, I know this place. The only thing close to death around here is the retirement community down the street.
Adrian: And why are we here?
Jasmine: I don't know. Me and Willow used to hang out here a lot when we were kids. Her grandmother used to own a flower shop down this way.
Adrian: You think she'd be here?
Jasmine: I doubt it. I just sort of got nostalgiac.

Adrian: You know I've lived here all my life and I don't think I've ever come down here a lot. It became too much of a tourist trap.
Jasmine: I know. I like it when no one's around. Some people think it's creepy how it just shuts down and goes dead in the winter.
Adrian: I think it gives it character. The silence that is.

Jasmine: But there aren't many places like this in Simtopi. You get the old town or you get the downtown malls that everyone loves. Everyone hates being outside.
Adrian: Only when it's cold. Or raining. I guess we should thank your family for these old tourist district revivals.
Jasmine: If you want to. Gentrification didn't happen just because of my Dad. Though money and political connections has it's advantages. I was never one for any of those.

Adrian: So you say.
Jasmine: And what's that supposed to mean?
Adrian: I just saw your place... well, okay your dad's place. That's like ten times bigger than my parents house. I don't know, if I had all that, I wouldn't complain.
Jasmine: I'm not complaining. I hate doing the poor little rich girl routine.

Adrian: You don't like doing anything that makes anyone see exactly how vulnerable you are.
Jasmine: Seriously knock it off with the wise-man act. I don't need lessons from on high today.
Adrian: I didn't mean to...
Jasmine: Maybe you'd rather deal with how other people feel so you don't have to think about what's going on in your head? Ever think about that?

To that, Adrian couldn't reply. They sat on the bench in silence taking in the lakeside scenery and the crisp winter air. It seemed like a long time before Jasmine spoke again.

Jasmine: She's alright you know.
Adrian: Willow?
Jasmine: Yeah. I don't know why I know that.
Adrian: I think I know that too. It still doesn't make me feel comfortable.

Jasmine: I know Gabriel went out to look for her a bit ago. Either someone finds her or she'll just show up.
Adrian: I hope so.

His eyes lowered slightly when she mentioned Gabriel, and somehow it seemed to get colder. Jasmine tried to keep herself from shivering visibly but she couldn't help it.
Adrian: Hey you look cold.

Jasmine: I'm okay. It was just a chill.
Adrian: Here, huddle up, we'll warm one another.
Jasmine: Are you kidding me?

Adrian: I've had my arm around your shoulder before.
Jasmine: Things are a little different now don't you think? For one thing I'm sober.
Adrian: Come on, I'm not going to let you freeze.

She protested a bit, but she couldn't help but settle into his arm as he pulled her close to him.

It wasn't about the warmth of being close to another body right now. It was more than just feeling comfortable in his arms. It was definitely more than just needing intimacy. She smiled and sighed as he pulled her even closer to him. She began to lean her head against his shoulder.

But she stopped herself. No, this false sense of security wasn't what she needed. He made it perfectly clear that he didn't feel the same way about her.

Jasmine: Let's go.

Clara had seldom given herself a reason to come to these old tenements in the last few years.

In fact, she wasn't quite sure when the last time was that she visited in earnest. She knew it was along these alleyways that she had first met Wesley many years before.

Her memories of this place were never fond.

The basement corridor was dark and dingy. The lone lightbulb at the end never functioned. There was only one apartment next to the boiler room that Clara doubted was hardly legal to rent out.

Wesley didn't have charms or any other kind of magical protection to keep witches at bay. His door lock was a simple mechanism and easy enough for Clara to get through. She walked right into the vampire's lair confidently.

He had far too many books, and his furniture were cast off pieces of junk. But there was still a sense of order to the place and oddly enough Clara could see Wesley finding this dive comfortable.

Behind another locked door was where he rested during the day. There was no way any kind of sunlight could penetrate this little cave of his anyway, yet she supposed vampires still felt comfortable in their caskets.

Clara: Rise and shine, Wesley. I'm summoning you to task.

She pushed the casket open. He wasn't inside, though this didn't surprise her. She had been unable to find him for the past few days, even with her scrying crystal.

Oh where oh where can you be? She thought.

Wesley: I'm right here, Clara.

She didn't actually expect him to be behind her.

Before she could turn to face him, he grabbed her swiftly by the throat, his nails digging into her flesh. She'd always known of Wesley's dangerous side. She had always feared it on some level. Neither he nor Sibyll were the first vampires she's dealt with.

Clara: Haven't we been through this, honey? Go ahead try to kill me. You'll kill yourself too.

He tightened his grip and even as he did he could feel the pain in his own throat. She was right... he couldn't kill her.
Clara: Good. I'm glad you're not going to make this any more difficult. I didn't want to be late for my dinner date tonight.

Clara: You always forget our Oath so easily. Don't tell me your memory's that bad?
Wesley: There is no more oath. I'm not doing your work anymore, Clara.

Clara: Oh you think it's that easy? Say the deal is done and be on your happy little way? Not quite. There has to be a mutual release of our contract in order for it to be declared null and void. It's all this legal magic mumbo jumbo that I don't really expect the likes of you to understand.

Clara: And if you haven't guessed, I have not agreed to your dismissal. So yes Wesley we still have a deal.

Wesley: I'm done with it Clara. Do what you have to to break the pact and you'll be done with me too.
Clara: But I'm not done, Wesley.

His head began to swim. He could feel that familiar emptiness welling up inside him. It was that same emotional void he had when he had killed Kimberly Cordial, enveloping his senses like a dark cloud. But that was before he was reunited with Willow. For her sake he had to resist the hold this oath had over him. He knew what Clara was capable of.

Clara: You are compelled to obey me as per the terms of our oath, honey. And when I am satisfied, I will in return give you the potion that will give you back your mortality. And I don't kill you outright. Am I making myself clear this time? Do I need to staple that to your skull?

Her words filled his head. He never thought that the pact could be this powerful. He tried to concentrate on Willow and his promise to her. He swore he'd keep her safe.

Clara: Find your little girlfriend and bring her to me, Wesley. Just be a dear and do that for me, okay?

The walk didn't do much to clear her head. She didn't go too far, but she found herself caught up again in all of her thoughts. After Tucker thoroughly romped his way through every snow pile he found, they headed back home.

She liked Tucker. It was nice having someone around that seemed more oblivious than she used to be.

Tucker paused at the door and began to sniff at something in the air.

Before Cecilia realized, he had turned around and started growling fiercely. She couldn't even imagine why he'd react so suddenly like that.

Clara: Oh. A new dog. How... nice.

Cecilia: Clara? I mean... hi. I wasn't expecting you.
Clara: You don't live here anymore, sweetie, why would you be expecting me? Your father invited me over for dinner.
Cecilia: I didn't mean anything by it... sorry. If Dad invited you, then sure, come on in.
Clara: Why thanks.

Her voice was full of that same fake sweetness Cecilia heard too often at the sorority house. But there was something more sinister in Clara. If Cecilia did indeed have a sixth sense, it was going off like a klaxon right now.

As Clara walked by, she cast an icy glance down at Tucker.

Tucker also sensing something dangerous cowered back behind Cecilia, whimpering mildly. Cecilia didn't miss Clara's stare, and right now she had to resist the urge to slap her.

But she was her Dad's girlfriend she had to be polite. Maybe this was how anyone would feel after their parent starts to date again after a break up. At least Cecilia hoped that's all it was. Maybe somewhere in there, Clara wasn't as bad as she and Jasmine made her out to be.

Jasmine: Hey... thanks for walking with me today.
Adrian: It's a nice change from being chased around campus by zombies.

Jasmine: It hasn't really hit you yet, has it?
Adrian: It has. I guess I need to find out how I'm going to deal with it. But listen... I'm not going to run away and leave you or Willow on your own.
Jasmine: Yeah. Sure.

She walked towards the mansion gate staring down into emptiness as Adrian began to walk away. This didn't feel right.

Jasmine: Adrian?

Jasmine: You mean what you say, right? I can count on you?

Adrian: You know me, Jasmine. You can.

She closed her eyes, her heart beating faster.

She ran back towards him, pulling him close. Without a thought, her lips met his.

With no hesitation, he kissed her back. She didn't want to think about it. He was gentle, strong and warm. She wanted his arms around her completely and for him to never stop kissing her.

And though it felt like forever, he was the first to pull away.

She stared at him as he stepped away wordlessly. She wanted him to reach back towards her and kiss her again. She at least wanted him to say something to her. Anything to acknowledge what had just happened.

Instead he looked back at her, confused. For once, he had no words or explanations. She couldn't tell from the look on his face whether this was right, or if it was a mistake.

After too long of a silence, she shook her head and ran into the house.

Adrian: Jasmine!

It was too late. She had heard him, but she wasn't turning back this time.

next » [ Chapter 33: Lullaby ]

* Well okay, I had a Dreamwidth for my site forever with full intentions on crossposting over there. Most of my chapters are fully mirrored there now (except the earlier ones, which are linked back to LJ. I'll get to those eventually). So if you have a DW go ahead and add to your circle.
* I really loved this chapter. Hard to write, and it's one of those slow inbetween chapters, but I'm pretty happy with the results. Please be honest though.
* And believe me, we're not done with Adrian and Jasmine here. :p
* Willow will be back in the next chapter, promise! Thank you for reading!

* and thank you to CrabofDoom for creating the coffin I used in this chapter for Wesley! I was going nuts trying to figure out how to show Wesley's home and how he slept because though the ornate coffin would work for Sibyll, he's just not that type of vampire. You have no idea how happy this find made me. :)

simtopi_chapters, simtopi stories

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