Pinkington Palace, 1.04

Jun 08, 2009 10:16

Oh I love how they help with the homework. That is so cute.

Such pinkie cuteness!! I love their little socks.

Aww Kate Roberts next door got old. DP isn't, though.

Bitsy's garden is growing wonderfully! I've learnt that you can move the plants around AFTER they've been planted, too.

Paying the bills has never been prettier. Though why she's writing on the envelopes, and not sending them money or a cheque, I don't know.

Bitsy: Come here, Mr Duck Duck. Let me show you what it means to be a man.

Bitsy: What's that? You're not a man? And you don't vibrate? What sort of bath toy are you? BAH!

Marmaduke: Your sister is so pretty! Is she seeing anyone? Does she like younger guys? I bet she doesn't even know I exist. *wibble* Will you say nice things about me to her?
Micah: Why am I friends with this guy again?

Haha, oops. I made him a vegetarian and forgot about it. I figure he won't eat meat because he knows what they put in it, but I forgot and made him eat a hot dog.

Then, because I could, I had Bitsy visit the cemetery at night.

It has stinky ghosts! She, and everyone around her, kept bitching at how much she stank!

When in tab mode, Bitsy would stand in the bush to converse with the ghost.

But in regular mode, she wouldn't. Interesting! Also, ghosts don't have jobs.

She must have died by electrocution, because she was zip zapping all the time.


It was so freaking pretty. So she explored the catacombs.

Meet Gaylord Koffi. I had to have him. I couldn't let that name go by. And I laughed. I admit it. I'm immature. Gaylord the cowboy??

Hah! Damn those zombie bears. And no, Gaylord isn't one of them.

Bitsy: How could you die before I had the chance to know you??

Teehee, ghost chasies.

This a Death Plant, which we harvested. I haven't done anything with it yet, because I keep forgetting. But we will!

Bitsy: So, would you like to go get something to eat? I'm starving.
48: What? Darlin', I'm dead. We dun eat no more.

He wasn't easy, either. Just because you're dead, doesn't mean you're ready for action!

And that ghost up the back there? She was sitting on a bench, reading the paper, while another ghost possessed the bench. It was bucking and jumping all over the place, but she didn't mind.

Maybe she enjoyed it.

Alas, morning came, so no ghost nookie here. But I do love how they go back into their grave!

Note: It's an awesome place to find expensive rocks.

Esmerelda: Monsters! Monsters! From the Other Side Of The Window!!! ARGHHHH!!

She too, is neurotic.

We mailed off our rocks to get them cut, and they got posted back, through the mailbox. Nice work, Mr Mailman. The hole is UP.

Let me guess, you're a dud in bed, too?


Our garden doth grow! And move!

And finally, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! Bitsy is off for her FIRST day at work. Yes, she has not gone to work as yet. She got a job in the first few days, but then wasn't scheduled to work for four days, and in that time she got pregnant. Then pregnant again. Then pregnant again. It was awfully nice of them to pay her maternity leave even before she started, too.

Her crotch is so happy to be free of sproglings, that it's singing with joy.

Marmaduke: If I shut my eyes they'll go away, right? I don't want them to get me!! They're going to eat me!

Marmaduke: Oh, it's not so bad. ARGH IT POOPED ON ME!!! *DIES*

Bitsy: That's it! Bathing is good! Stinky babies get thrown out!
Cylc0n3: WTF?

Bartlby: *runs away*

The next night, she convinces Cycl0n3 to visit the mausoleum with her. He rolled the want to hire a babysitter and have a night out, so it worked out well.

They got to make out inside, which must have been creepily exciting for them.

Zelda Mae and this old guy were getting up to interesting things in the dark.

And because she could, Bitsy pocketed Gaylord's gravestone.

Zelda and Cycl0n3 no longer get along.

And then he kicked her ass. Because he could.

Damn, anger sure isn't attractive on you.

Cycl0n3: No! I will not listen to you any more. You had your chance, you lost. *flounce*

Bitsy: Uh...what am I doing again? Oh, right, getting older.

She had to go to work, so she squeezed in before she started. I love how you can choose WHEN they grow up.

Annnnnnnnnnnd she doesn't look much different at all. But she feels so much more mature.

Marmaduke: He's playing with my xylophone!!!!!! THIS IS AN APOSTROPHE!!!!!

Esmerelda, Queen of the Stinky Shit. Look at that stink cloud, wafting up!!

Nicely done!

And because she's all mature 'n shit, she gets a new hair style.

Marmaduke started spending a lot of time next door, including sleeping over.

Marmaduke: What's in this soup? Is that a carrot? carrots make you turn orange. I don't want to be orange. My mother is pink. I think she ate too many strawberries. I'm allergic to strawberries.

Kate: Ah, sweet vodka, you have served me well.

Also, she's reaaaaaaaaaaallly old.

Bitsy spends the night tending to her overgrown bush. Just in case she has visitors.

Gaylord: Ima so hungry. I could eat me some of that thar birthday cake. Shit...I can't eat me some of that. Dang forgot I'm dead.

Gaylord: Mmm. Bitsy, you sweet thang. I sure wanna be licking you clean. NOMNOMNOMSLURP.

Dirty old ghost!

Cycl0ne3 just can't compete with a dead cowboy.

Cycl0n3: I suppose...I could always write a country song about it...

Okay, I liked this. A lot. And made Cycl0n3 sleep on the couch. I'M MEAN. No, wait. Bitsy is evil. She enjoyed hurting Cycl0n3's feelings.

Bitsy: C'mon, lover boy. I want me some ghostly lovin'.

They did this ALL NIGHT. Like, eight times. Dead man stay hard, I tell ya.

But, alas, dawn came, and he had to stop.

Bisty: Mwahahahaha!

Bisty: So, I, uh, slept with a ghost last night. While you were on the couch. I don't know if you noticed.

Cycl0n3: Whoa whoa whoa - that guy was dead?? Now I really should write a country song.
Bitsy: What?
Cycl0n3: Nothing. You cheated on me??

There's a "confess to cheating" interaction!!

Bitsy: I'm so sorry! I just had to see what it was like!! I'm an evil whore at heart!

HAH!!! I love this.

Cycl0n3: Damn you, you're an evil whore at heart!
Bitsy: Dude, I just totally said that. EVIL. It was in the vows!

The war of the eyebrows has begun. They fly EVERYWHERE.

Man, the fighting interactions are great. "Petty jab", "criticise family", hah.

She tries to make up for it, but he's not interested.

Bitsy: But you have this great brain! This huge, huuuuge brain. Can't you possibly forgive me? Forgive my basic nature?
Cycl0n3: Uh buh whu?

They still don't like each other much :/


Bartlby's birthday!

Bartlby: Now I can play with my balls!!

Base-and-football!! Dirty pervs. He's athletic!

Hah, oops. So he's athletic, clumsy and mean spirited.

And WHAT the fuck happened to your nose??

And then because the cake said I could age them up, I aged the girls up too.

Esmerelda is insane, friendly and neurotic.

With the same weird nose.

Marmaduke: But why do I have to be older? I might not be so pretty when I'm older! What if you don't like me so much? Marry me now? No, wait, that means I'll get girl germs.

He still hadn't come home!

Esmerelda: What's that, Hubert? The cheese is talking to the chair? Why would the cheese talk to the chair? Cheese knows that the stove hates it when cheese talks to anyone else.

Insane sims love to talk to themselves :)

And finally it's Gertie's turn. She's a grumpy virtuoso party animal. HAH. I like that mix.

And she has a normal nose!

And I confess, I keep getting the girls mixed up. But it helps if you remember that Gertie is green with the good nose.

Bartlby: She can't dance! She's crazy! I'm going to beat her with the dishwasher, just because I CAN.

Esmerelda feels that her swimsuit is appropriate dancing clothes.

Okay, so this was flatout cheating. Before, the CAKE said I could age the others up, so I did. But since Marmaduke is older, and since Fezzik might be too old soon, he gets a private party with his One True Love.

So now he's a neurotic vegetarian artistic genius. That works!

Fezzik: Happy birthday! You're finally my age! You're so...uh, there!

Fezzik: WTF happened to his face???

I, too, ask that question.

Ahh, flirting by talking about food. Fezzik's mother was the same way.

LOLOL. I had no idea what her traits were. They're a great match.

There are so many cool interactions. Esmerelda consoled her father for Bitsy's betrayal (which got him worked up), and then she could calm him down. LOVE.

Cycl0n3: It was like she stabbed me through my heart, you know?
Bitsy: More like your "pocket rocket". Ghosts can go allll night.

FINALLY. I got NO JINGLES when she was seducing Gaylord. None at all. So that's why they did it all night, and only stopped when the sun came up. I had to wait and wait and WAIT for her to show some sign of pregnancy. She got nauseous at work, but didn't puke. BUT YAY! GHOST IMPREGNATION.

This probably doesn't bode well for her marriage. But, that's okay. EVIL.

Cycl0n3 was still really pissed off at her, so he went to visit Blair Wainwright, who he'd been seeing while he was dating Zelda. The things these guys get up to on their own!

Blair really isn't that interested in hearing about what a hobag Bitsy is. Possibly because she herself was The Other Woman.

Blair: No no no. I'm not doing that again. Take your frustration out elsewhere!

So he interviewed her instead!

Bartlby somehow manages to scare Gertie while she is behind him.

Bartlby: Mother, this place is a mess. I demand you clean it at once!
Bitsy: Do I have "sucker" written on my forehead? We have a maid for a reason!

Meanwhile, Cycl0n3 managed to convince Blair to jump into bed with him. I guess interviewing a girl is the way to her heart. Or into her pants,as the case may be.

And then he ups and goes.

He's all class.



After work, Cycl0n3 spent the night in the park. Things at home were a wee bit tense.

Marmaduke didn't notice, because he was taking Fezzik on a ~*date*~

But she left once dinner was over, and STILL won't let him kiss her. Dammit girl, put out already!!

Cycl0n3's been using his computer so much, that it plum wore out.

He hates her, but they still snuggle?

FIRE. AGAIN. Just the event you want in a house full of neurotic people, amiright?


Oh wait, time for school.

Marmaduke: Oh. My. God. How long has that plate been there for? The crumbs...THE CRUMBS!!

Bartlby stayed after school to clean out the bug tank (though Esmerelda had only cleaned it the day before - just how dirty do bugs get?), and he came home on a bike. A BIKE. You guys have no money. Where did you steal a bike from, punk??

Unable to think at home, Marmaduke heads to the art gallery to do his homework in peace. That's because no one is ever there. Only ~*true artists*~ like himself can appreciate it.

Marmaduke: I think something just kicked me in the head. Please tell me you're pregnant, and not just gassy. ARGH! I'm too close to my mother's hootenanny.

Esmerelda: Must. Wash. Hands. Three. Times. Ahhh. *plusplus*

Bartlby: Marmaduke sure turned out funny looking. You look just like him, you know.

Baby times!! What better place to give birth, than over the ghostly father's grave?

Did you realise that the stars move across the sky?? While I was waiting for her to finish, I had it on high speed, and the stars kept moving! Very trippy.

Anyway, you're not interested in that right now.

It's another girl! Tabitha! Who is Absent minded and artistic.

But wait - there's more!

Bitsy: A day at the spaaaaaaaaaaaa??


Meet Frida, who is excitable and friendly. And dead! She has a gravestone in her inventory!!

Hours later.


And I also realised this - the game recognises step relationships. how awesome.

ALSO! I have sims for upload. Yay! See here for my TS3 sims. here are instructions on how to use them.

ALSO ALSO! Why yes, I am still pimping this out. I wanna win! Please hit the "become a supporter" button, and fill it out. Fake names are okay, but you need a real email address. Don't forget to rate me all five plumbbobs!

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